NCUC Constituency Day @ ICANN 50, London

Tuesday 24 June 2014, 09:00-12:30pm BST   

Cadogan Room, Hilton London Metropole Hotel 

Remote participation information forthcoming at

Draft Agenda as of 04.06.2014

I. Overview, 9:00 – 9:10

1. Participant introductions
2. Adoption of agenda

II. Organizational Matters, 9:10 – 9:30

1. Outreach: Friday meeting with non-ICANN civil society & future efforts
2. Budgetary: allocations, IGF, future policy conferences, CROPP, etc.
3. Non-contracted House: Board election, intersessional meeting
4. Staff: administrative support initiative

III. Reflections on the High Level Meeting and the Evolving Views/Roles of Governments, 9:30 - 10:00

Discussion leads: Robin Gross, Maria Farrell

IV. Accountability, IANA, and the Four Tracks of Transition, 10:00-10:45

Discussion leads: Avri Doria, Milton Mueller, Niels ten Oever and/or Gabrielle Guillemin

Coffee Break, 10:45-11:00

V. Privacy (including Working Group engagement), 11:00-11:40

Discussion leads: Kathy Kleiman, Stephanie Perrin, David Cake

VI. ICANN in the Larger Internet Governance Ecosystem, 11:40-12:20

Discussion leads: Anriette Esterhuysen, Marília Maciel, Adam Peake

VII. AOB and Closing, 12:20-12:30