
The At-Large Curation Working Group aims to raise awareness of the ICANN At-Large community and enhance end-users’ engagement with the community by developing a strong and sustainable presence on social media. The At-Large Curation WG, in close coordination with At-Large Staff, is mainly tasked with implementing the Overall Social Media Strategy for At-Large (

Since the WG won’t be officially established until the ALAC addresses the issue during its Monthly call at the end of May, an interim At-Large Curation WG will be formed and functioning during the month of May, implementing the Overall Social Media Strategy.

Some of the tasks for the At-Large Curation WG include:

At-Large Curation WG members should have some knowledge and experience in social media communications. At-Large Curation WG Members should be from all regions with at least one member from each following group: 

Members will work collaboratively and handle a variety of tasks in a rotational basis. However, only the At-Large Staff can directly publish content through the At-Large accounts on social media channels, as the those accounts are official representations of the organization and the At-Large staff are accountable for quality control, consistency of messaging, and reputation management.



Mail list: 


To Subscribe to the mail list for this WG (or read the archives / manage your subscription) please visit 



The members of At-Large Curation WG, organized by regional affiliation, are:




The next call is scheduled on: 

Previous call: 


Monthly Reports



Draft At-Large Social Media Strategy 24-April-2014 With Notes