Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the LACRALO ccTLD Working Group call on Friday 14 March 2014 at 2300 UTC
  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
  jacqueline:hi. saw only 4 dial outs...
  Gisella Gruber-White:Hi Jacqueline - Sergio, Aislan, Aida and yourself as dial-outs
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
  Silvia Vivanco:We are wating for people to join the call
  sergio salinas porto:hi all
  Gisella Gruber-White:Jacqueline has joined on the English channel
  Gisella Gruber-White:Aislan has joined Spanish channel
  sergio salinas porto:ok @Gisella! Hi Jacqueline!
  Silvia Vivanco:Hola Aislan
  jacqueline:hi everyone
  Aída Noblia:Hi all
  sergio salinas porto:
  Silvia Vivanco:LACRALO debe de tender a tener una visión colectiva sobre el tema ccTLD (quizás como bien apunta Aida a: "Una Visión Estratégica Regional sobre los ccTLD desde LACRALO"), eso no solo fortalecerá a la región sino también fortalecerá la posición de los usuarios de cara a las otras partes interesadas.    Hacer un seguimiento del trabajo de ccNSO y comentar o dar nuestra opinión sobre lo vertido ahí.    Confeccionar un mapa de situación de cada país con relación a su ccTLD.    Debatir y documentar nuestra visión latinoamericana/caribeña sobre políticas aplicadas en nuestros respectivos países con respecto a los ccTLD y que tengan relación directa con cuestiones que se pueden o deben discutir o comentar en ICANN.    Estar atentos a comentarios que tengan como epicentro los ccTLD de la región dentro de ICANN.    Revisar cualquier otro documento o comentario dentro de ICANN que tengan como centro los ccTLD en general.    Generar espacio de educación y debate sobre ccTLD en LACRALO.    Generar es
  Silvia Vivanco:Which Sergio just read out
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:esa és lá idea. Perfecto Aida
  Jacqueline:Thanks - I'm back.
  sergio salinas porto:welcome jacqueline ;-)
  Jacqueline:the interpreter is having difficulty hearing Aislan - missing quite a bit there
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:perdon jaqueline.  i'm in the stress
  Silvia Vivanco:Interpreter cannot hear Jacqueline
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:alguien escucho algo? Sergio, Aida?
  Silvia Vivanco:very well
  sergio salinas porto:si pero muy mal...
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Estoy yendo a la oficina
  Jacqueline:issues like?
  sergio salinas porto:jacqueline your audio is poor
  Silvia Vivanco:Jacqueline would you like to write down the main issues
  Jacqueline:Seems as if there are 2 differeing directions - from hat I gathered. One is to liaise with the ICANN ccTLD  wrk and give our input as LAC at learge, or to look at ccTLD items that are purely of interest to us.
  Jacqueline:If so, I'd prefer to focus on the ICANN ccTLD work, documents etc, as it will be more useful to At arge and easier to manage and have vaaaluable input
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:yes jaqueline! There are 2 ways
  Jacqueline:I think it's better to focus on one
  Jacqueline:No - thatis not what I said
  Jacqueline:I think it's better to focuson ONE main objective
  Jacqueline:rather than spread ourselves too thinly
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:in the first moment i agree this focos
  Jacqueline:Isn't that to put the LAC  At LArge perspective into the ICANN ccTLD process?
  Gisella Gruber-White:We are calling Aislan back
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Thanks a lot Gisella
  Jacqueline:If we are going to an action plan, which is drilling down from the main objective, that's a different thing
  Silvia Vivanco:@ Sergio, maybe the WG could approach the issues in 2 stages
  Jacqueline:Can we have a single sentence which is the focus stateement?
  Silvia Vivanco:beginning with Jacquelines suggestions
  Silvia Vivanco:with a long term goal: the LACRALO vision
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:can be @sylvia
  Silvia Vivanco:Entonces la primera etapa es de conocimiento de capacity building?
  Jacqueline:THe mission of the LACRALO WG on ccTLDs is to define and promote the LAC  At LArge perspective at the ICANN ccTLD processes.
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:si Sérgio.  quedo claro
  Jacqueline:And in order to do that, we need documentation, capacity building,
  Silvia Vivanco:what do you think about Jacqueline's statement?
  Silvia Vivanco:We can bring speakers
  Silvia Vivanco:to this conference call
  Jacqueline:analysis of documents and creation of statements
  Jacqueline:yes, I did
  Silvia Vivanco:if you would like
  Jacqueline:The document seemss to be action poiints nad not an overarching mission or focus statemnet.
  Jacqueline:So I suggeested a single mission statement
  Jacqueline:from which the eaction points can flow
  Silvia Vivanco:Jacqueline: THe mission of the LACRALO WG on ccTLDs is to define and promote the LAC  At LArge perspective at the ICANN ccTLD processes.
  Jacqueline:THe mission of the LACRALO WG on ccTLDs is to define and promote the LAC  At LArge perspective at the ICANN ccTLD processes.
  Silvia Vivanco:exacto eso es lo que ella propone como "Mission statement"
  Jacqueline:THe objective of the LACRALO WG on ccTLDs is to define and promote the LAC  At LArge perspective at the ICANN ccTLD processes.
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:si Sérgio.  me parece bien
  sergio salinas porto:@jacqueline perfect! congratulations!
  Silvia Vivanco:Si se ve como un camino : primero un conocimiento
  Silvia Vivanco:y despues una meta mas general
  Aída Noblia:De acuerdo
  Silvia Vivanco:he tomado nota de esta definicion de Jacqueline que sera el Mission Statement
  Silvia Vivanco:de este WG
  Silvia Vivanco:thank you for this contribution Jacqueline!
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Perfecto jaqueline.  Gracias por el aporte
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Me parece que podriamos subir a la wiki esta mision se los parece
  Silvia Vivanco:Si yo subo el statament a la WIKI
  Aída Noblia:De acuerdo con Aislan de subir a la wiki
  Jacqueline:First question I have - how many persons will count as a quorum for a meeting.
  Jacqueline:We have 4 here now, out of 7.
  Silvia Vivanco:Miembros Sergio Salinas PortoDiego Acosta BastidasJacqueline MorrisAida NobliaAislan BasilloDev Anand Teelucksingh
  Jacqueline:I'd like to suggest 4  out of 6 with at least 1 from LA and one from C. for decisions
  Jacqueline:as a quorum rule
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Me parece bien Aida.
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Por mi todo bien
  Jacqueline:OK - sounds good to me.
  Aída Noblia:De acuerdo con Dev y Sergio
  Jacqueline:Dev and Sergio
  Aída Noblia:Sí
  sergio salinas porto:
  Jacqueline:I think we can divide the work into 2 main things
  Jacqueline:Documentation/Capacity building•    Making a map of each country's situation regarding their ccTLD.•    document our Latin American / Caribbean vision of policies in our respective countries regarding ccTLDs•    Create opportunities for education in each ccTLD countries in the region.•    Interact with each and every one of the ccTLDs in the region.Putting our perspective•    Track the ccNSO work and comment or give our opinion on what occurred there.•    Discuss and that are directly related to issues that can or should discuss or comment on ICANN.•    Be aware of comments that have the epicenter of the region ccTLDs in ICANN.•    Review any other document or comment within ICANN having as center the ccTLD in general.
  Jacqueline:Documentation/Capacity building and 2. Putting our perspective
  Jacqueline:And we divide the action points into these 2 areas
  Jacqueline:So that the documentatiion & capacity building will be...
  Jacqueline:•    Making a map of each country's situation regarding their ccTLD.•    document our Latin American / Caribbean vision of policies in our respective countries regarding ccTLDs•    Create opportunities for education in each ccTLD countries in the region.•    Interact with each and every one of the ccTLDs in the region.
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Esta barbaro. si. Estoy leyendo.  
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:si estoy
  Jacqueline:and then to put our pespective - we need to
  Jacqueline:•    Track the ccNSO work and comment or give our opinion on what occurred there.•    Discuss and that are directly related to issues that can or should discuss or comment on ICANN.•    Be aware of comments that have the epicenter of the region ccTLDs in ICANN.•    Review any other document or comment within ICANN having as center the ccTLD in general.
  Silvia Vivanco:si es asi
  Silvia Vivanco:lo anoto en la WIKI
  Jacqueline:And then we can do both at the same time
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Ok
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:cual serian ellos Sergio? podria repetir?
  Jacqueline:I can work on documentation and capacity building
  Jacqueline:as I will not be in Singapore
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:No podriamos trabajar en conjuntos en los dos? un a cada etapa?
  Jacqueline:Yes, we can do that
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:me sumo con usted respecto de la parte regional
  Jacqueline:yes, so we don't lose time for inputting our perspective while we do capacity building
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Ok
  Aislan Vargas Basilio::)
  Aída Noblia:ok
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:hasta tanto me parece muy subjectivo Sérgio
  Jacqueline:1st for D&CB  - database of ccTLDs, contacts, and their governance structures?
  Aída Noblia:De acuerdo
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:si
  Jacqueline:1st for perspectives - how about a listing of each of the major issues in ccNSO and a briefing on each before June ICANN?
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:si
  Jacqueline:I got dropped on the call
  Jacqueline:I'm coming back in now
  Silvia Vivanco:pueden llamar a Jacqueline
  Silvia Vivanco:ok
  Gisella Gruber-White:calling jacqueline again
  Jacqueline:I'm back
  Jacqueline:not really
  Jacqueline:within LACRALO
  Jacqueline:the second
  Jacqueline:enumeratee the issues to start debating in June meeting
  Jacqueline:OK - I think it can be divided
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:De acuerdo Sérgio!
  Jacqueline:I thnk that should be for Aida and myself, and Sergio and Aislan look at the ccNSO issues
  Jacqueline:I think it's about getting information together and informing people about the ccTLDs, what they are about etc
  Silvia Vivanco:I will post the main Action Items in the WIKI page in both languages
  Silvia Vivanco:and will send it to the WG
  Silvia Vivanco:members
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Me parece que no podemos olvidar eso Sérgio porque tendremos una funcion muy importante de inreach para nuestra region. Ojala pueda servir de modelo para que otros WG tengan en consideração
  Silvia Vivanco:Pondre todos los acuerdos de hoy en la WIKI
  Silvia Vivanco:muy bueno su trabajo
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:perfecto
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:felicitaciones a todos los miembros por el avanze.  una lástima que Dev no estudo
  Aída Noblia:Jacqueline :
  Jacqueline:Just emailed you, aida
  Jacqueline:Thanks interpreters!
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Thanks Gisella and Saberia
  Gisella Gruber-White:Pleasure! Thank you
  Aída Noblia 2:Gracias a todos y nos vemos en la próxima. hasta la próxima. sergio brindamos en la llamada jaja
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:Feliz dia de la mujer atrasado a todas tambien
  sergio salinas porto:tHANKS ALL!
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all for your participation!
  sergio salinas porto:KISS AND HUG
  Aislan Vargas Basilio:buenas noches. bye bye
  Jacqueline:Thanks - bye