
1)    Efficient, Effective, and Timely Process:

  • A streamlined process and template for completing Trip Proposals via ICANN Community Wiki (see Forms), including documented workflow (see Outreach Pilot Processing Flow Diagram), timelines and deadlines, to ensure timely trip planning and approvals1
  • A template for completing a Trip Assessment via ICANN Wiki at the conclusion of the event (Note: Assessments should focus on the benefits to the Community, the Region, and ICANN through participation including specific follow-up actions). 
  • Assistance provided by ICANN Program Administrators (procedural, technical, et al.).
  • Flexibility with potential program process adjustments identified throughout the fiscal year.
  • Coordination of each Trip Request through:
    • Participant's organization/structure
    • Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President strategies and/or ICANN mission

2)    Trip Proposal Evaluation Criteria: For each proposed trip:

  • It must be pre-approved within the participant's organization/structure, including coordination within the applicable region (where applicable), before an online Trip Proposal is filed with ICANN.
  • Its purpose/goal is consistent with any established regional engagement strategy, where applicable, and/or ICANN's overall mission.
  • It is not duplicative of any other scheduled ICANN event with a similar purpose/outcome.
  • The proposed program participant(s) has(have) agreed to the terms and conditions of the pilot program, including:
    • Travel arrangements are made only by ICANN Staff consistent with the published ICANN Travel Guidelines, that is, self-booking is not permitted for this pilot program.
    • Agreement to provide an accurate and complete post-event Trip Assessment within three weeks of the return date.

3)    Transparency:

Information concerning the management and administration of this program will be made publicly available including:

  • Applications:
    • Accessible via ICANN Community Wiki
    • Includes program participants, events, dates, purposes, proposed outcomes, et al.
  • Approval Process:
    • Occurs internally within each organization or structure
    • Coordinated with the Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President for strategy congruence with regional engagement strategies (where applicable) or overall ICANN Mission
  • Trip Assessments:
    • Accessible via Community Wiki
    • Includes actual travel dates, accomplished goals/objectives, achieved outcomes (both strategic and tactical), et al.


1 Due to the coordination, planning, and approvals required, last minute trips cannot be honored. Proper processing will require a minimum of six (6) weeks notice before the event or activity that is the objective of the trip proposal.