
Board approves posting of the Technical Relations Working Group Final Report for public comment.


Whereas, on 18 March 2011, the Board received a final report from the independent reviewer for the TLG Review and resolved to establish a Board Technical Relations Working Group, BTRWG, to address the recommendations of the TLG Review final report. (Resolutions 2011.03.18.28-31)

Whereas, on 21 April 2011, the Board resolved to adopt the membership of the BTRWG and the Charter for the BTRWG. (Resolutions 2011.04.21.05 and 2011.04.21.12.)

Whereas, the BTRWG submitted its final report, "Final Report from the Board Technical Relations Working Group ", dated 22 August 2011, to the ICANN Board for consideration.

Whereas, on 25 August 2011, the Board acknowledged receipt of the Final Report and directed the SIC to analyze the report and propose a course of action. (Resolution 2011.08.25.06.)

Whereas, the Structural Improvements Committee at its meeting 23 October 2011 found it advisable to have the Final Report posted for public comments to provide further basis for actions and recommended that the Board request such posting.

Resolved (2011.10.28.10), the Board directs that the "Final Report from the Board Technical Relations Working Group", dated 22 August 2011, be posted for public comments and a summary of comments received be provided to the SIC.

Implementation Actions


The proposed actions are intended to fulfill transparency requirements and to inform further work. The actions to be taken do not entail any budgetary consequences in and of themselves, nor any potential negative effects. It is important to take these actions now to timely prepare for future restructuring actions to be proposed for the Board's consideration and decision. The decision to post the Final Report from the Board Technical Relations Working Group will have no impact on the security, stability and resiliency of the domain names system.

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