Draft: Revision 3





A draft version of the first motion was submitted by Evan Leibovitch to the ALAC and NARALO email lists December 18.
In response to early comments, a slightly modified version of the motion was posted to this Wiki 

A second revision was created Dec 20 in reaction to community members who, while disagreeing strongly with elements of the gTLD program, believed that an actual halt or suspension of the program was ill-advised and that At-Large's main concerns about the scalability and possible end-user harms could be addressed by a combination of a staggered gTLD rollout combined with active community monitoring and ongoing program refinement.

A third revision was created Dec 21 in response to further comments, and the awareness that the ALAC had endorsed its gTLD working group's statement on ICANN's preliminary Support Implementation Program. This statement includes, among others, a recommendation to reconsider rejection of the fund-independent fee reduction proposed by the JAS.