What is At-Large?

"At-Large" is the name for the community of individual Internet users who participate in the policy development work of ICANN. Currently, more than 100 groups representing the views of individual Internet users are active throughout the world. You can learn more about the community and its activities on this website, as well as how to join and participate in building the future of the worldwide Domain Name System (DNS) and other unique identifiers that every single user of the Internet relies on every time they go online.


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At-Large Director Call for Statements of Interest Results in Globally Diverse Applicant Pool

The At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) recently announced the initial results of the call for Statements of Interest for the position of the ICANN Board Director, which closed on 6 September 2010, who will be selected by the At-Large Advisory Committee and Regional At-Large Organizations.

A total of 43 Statements of Interest were received by the BCEC . Out of these 43 applications, 21 were deemed to be too incomplete to proceed further. The remaining 22 Statements of Interest will be considered based on the established criteria. The names of the 22 applicants and the BCEC selected slate of 3-7 candidates will be released in October 2010.

Statistics of the 22 completed Statements of Interest show a globally diverse pool with applicants hailing from each of the five regions (Africa, 14%; Asia-Pacific, 18%; Europe, 32%; Latin America and the Caribbean, 4%; and North America, 32%). Applicants also are from a wide array of professional backgrounds (For Profit, 23%; Non-Profit, 9%; Consultancy, 32%; Academia, 14%, Government Agency, 4%; and Other, 18%). From the 22 completed Statements of Interest, 16 (73%) applicants are not currently active in the At-Large community while 6 (27%) are currently active. Male applicants make up 18 (82%) applicants with only 4 (18%) female applicants.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr, the Chair of the At-Large BCEC, said "This is one more illustration of the world-wide interest in At-Large. We're gratified to see the high level of interest and the wide diversity of candidates."

At-Large Worldwide Calendar

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Current ALS Applications

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