Introductory Text

By the Staff of ICANN

The following text was drafted by the At-Large staff with contents as requested by the At-Large Executive Committee, as a reply to the public consultation on the same subject to be found at:

Due to the imminent closure of the public comment window, Alan Greenberg sent the text on to the ALAC on 12th July, noting that if he received no objections in short order he would transmit it to the public comment period noting that it was still pending a vote of the ALAC (this communication may be viewed at

Statement of the ALAC to the Public Consultation on Expense Analysis

The ALAC wishes to commend the ICANN Board and financial management team on the greater transparency in its financial operations visible in the current FY budget. We look forward to further efforts of this
kind to make ICANN's financial operations more transparent.

In that vein, we wish to suggest more direct links in reporting between budget allocations and actual expenditure, and the link between financing for initiatives and their outcomes. For example, reporting on how effective recruitment and outreach efforts to grow the active ICANN community are when contrasted with the varying amounts budgeted and spent for these activities from year to year would be widely useful in our view.