Key Resources in Brief

GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Final Report

IDN Variant TLD Implementation Staff Paper

Recommendations for the Technical Utilization of the RZ-LGR

Final Proposed Draft v. 4.0 of IDN Implementation Guidelines

Mapping Document - Charter Questions, SubPro Recommendations, and Prior IDN Efforts

GNSO Council IDN Scoping Team Final Report

List of Background Documents Prepared by The IDN Program (see Annex B of the DNSO Council IDN Scoping Team Final Report)

The IDN Program has prepared a set of documents below to support IDN variant related work. This list of documents is intended to be exhaustive, though not in the sense that it should limit a future EPDP from seeking additional documentation for review.

1. ICANN organization has developed a set of recommendations and supporting documentation on a mechanism for implementing IDN variant TLDs. These documents were released forpublic commentand have been finalized based on the feedback received from the community. 

2. Relevant Board Resolutions

3. Applicant Guidebook’s relevant sections on variant TLDs and its policy:

4. Reports from Variant Issue Project

5. Documents from RZ-LGR Project

6. Relevant standards

7. Reports from other bodies, organizations

8. Relevant Process Documents: To implement variant TLDs, some operations might need to be adjusted. The following documents are references to design the process adjustment.