Final ReportDue date for ReviewArchived


EPDP Phase 2 - Final Report - 10 June 2020 (redline version)

Friday 10 July 2020

EPDP Phase 2 Final Report - clean with line numbers - 5 July 2020.pdf

EPDP Phase 2 Final Report - clean - 5 July 2020.docx

EPDP Phase 2 Final Report - redline - 5 July 2020.docx

Category 1 - proposed approach / agreements

Input form reorganized (Category 1, 2 and 3)

EPDP Phase 2 Final Report - redline with line numbers - 24 July 2020.pdf

EPDP Phase 2 Final Report - redline with line numbers - 24 July 2020.docx

Cat 2 resolution of items

Cannot live with items reviewDue date for inputArchived
Yellow items list (version 30 June 2020)Friday 3 July (items #63, 64, 67, 70, 72 and 73)Yellow items list (version 19 June 2020):

Recommendation Input ReviewDue date for ReviewArchived

Input review template Recommendation 1 (Accreditation)

CompletedRecommendation 1 (Accreditation)

Input review template Recommendation 2 (Accreditation of Governmental Entities)


Recommendation 2 (Accreditation of Governmental Entities)

Input review template Recommendation 3 - 5 - 8

(Criteria and Content of Requests / Acknowledgement of Receipt / Response Requirements)


Recommendation 3 (Criteria and Content of Requests)

Recommendation 5  (Acknowledgement of Receipt)

Recommendation 8 (Response Requirements)

Input review template Recommendation 4 (Requestor Purposes)CompletedRecommendation 4 (Third Party Justification)

Updated recommendation #6 (Contracted Party Authorization):


Input review template Recommendation 6 (Contracted Party Authorization)

Recommendation 6 (Contracted Party Authorization)

Updated recommendation #16/7 (Automation) 


Input review template Recommendation 7 - 16 (Automation)

Recommendation 7 (Authorization Automated)

Recommendation 16 (Automation)

Input review template Recommendation 9 (SLAs)CompletedRecommendation 9 (Variable SLAs)
Input review template Recommendation 10 - 13 - 14 (Terms and Conditions)Completed

Recommendation 10 (Acceptable Use)

Recommendation 13 (Terms of Use)

Recommendation 14 (Retention)

Input review template Recommendation 11 (Disclosure Requirements)CompletedRecommendation 11 (Disclosure Requirement)
Input review template Recommendation 12 (Query Policy)CompletedRecommendation 12 (Query Policy)
Input review template Recommendation 15 (Financial Sustainability)CompletedRecommendation 15 (Financial Sustainability)
Input review template Recommendation 17 (Logging)CompletedRecommendation 17 (Logging)
Input review template Recommendation 18 (Audits)CompletedRecommendation 18 (Audits)
Input review template reporting reqCompletedRecommendation NEW (Reporting Requirements)
Alternative 2 proposal - Recommendation #19CompletedRecommendation 19 (Mechanism)
Priority 2 Items analysis & proposed next steps