Item remains on the Council agenda Item is to be completed but off the Council agendaItem completed


Entry Date (E)


Target Date (T)

Action Item

Responsible Council Member


Responsible Staff member

Additional Notes

Active Project List


  • GNSO Council Leadership to review draft February GNSO Council agenda and assess if there is sufficient time to comprehensively review the project list. If the February agenda does not have sufficient time for this item, GNSO Support Staff to identify a separate meeting time for comprehensive project list review.

Approval & adoption of DT's New Templates and Guidelines for the GNSO as a DP in the EC.


  • Council leadership to consider and decide whether to schedule a meeting for ICANN67 to go over some of the new processes and templates in detail with the GNSO community. To discuss during SPS January 2020.
  • ICANN staff to post the guidelines and motion templates on the GNSO’s website effective immediately upon adoption, after the technical update has been completed.

Evolution of the Multi stakeholder Model of Governance



  • Staff to investigate the anticipated timing, funding and expected deliverables for the Evolution of the Multi stakeholder Model of Governance project. 
  • ICANN staff to invite Brian Cute to a future Council meeting
  • Rafik Dammak to invite Brian Cute to future PDP 3.0 meeting to make sure to not create overlapping work on the Evolution of the MSM
  • PDP3.0 small team to draft response to Public Comment and submit to Council for review.  Consider inviting Brian once the Public Comment closes.
  • If applicable, ccNSO and GNSO to form joint team to identify any commonalities or differences. Also look at budget and 5 year strategic plan.

Managing IDN Variants TLDs


  • Staff to develop options paper to support small group efforts
  • GNSO Chair to send message to Council list to expand volunteer pool expertise beyond Council. Small team to consider and propose scope of holistic IDN review, prior to outreach with ccNSO. (Volunteers: Rubens Kuhl, Maxim Alzoba, Philippe Fouquart, Edmon Chung, Michele Neylon) (Small team believes it has requisite expertise and adequate volunteers)
  • GNSO Chair to email Katrina Sataki to inform her of immediate next steps and willingness determine the best coordination method between the GNSO and ccNSO.
  • Once GNSO small team is able to gain an understanding of the scope of effort and potential vehicle for resolution, ICANN staff to schedule call to identify structure for coordination between the GNSO and ccNSO. GNSO and ccNSO to identify where coordination is and is NOT needed. 
  • ICANN staff to reach out to Maarten Simon and Philippe Fouquart to determine if they are willing to lead action items above. (Both Maarten and Philippe are members of the scoping team)
  • ICANN staff to investigate format for JIG and see if it may be fit for purpose. (Upon review, this letter concerning the closure of the JIG was found. It will be discussed by the Council small team.)
  • ICANN Staff to ensure that GNSO liaison(s) are assigned to the IDN ccPDP, when the ccNSO initiates that effort
  • ICANN Staff to investigate who (e.g., Council liaison, other)
  • Council leadership to support coordination between SubPro leadership and ccNSO to discuss string similarity.

Steve Chan Ariel Liang

Regarding the JIG format, the small team is not ready to look at that yet. but it's on their radar.

EPDP phase 1 recommendations


  • Council to, in consultation with the EPDP team, write communication to ICANN Board and seek to secure board support for Rec #12.
  • Councilors to reach out to their respective SG/Cs to help inform the drafting of the letter to the Board; seek to finalize by 29 July 2019. If the need arises, Council leadership to convene small team to help further develop the letter.
  • Councilors to work to complete the letter, which may include integrating elements such as: When the letter references that some Councilors having dissenting views, that the group holding those dissenting views are identified. Add clarity about the ask of the ICANN Board (e.g., confirm that the Board and Council have a common understanding).
  • Rafik Dammak to confirm when recommendation one, purpose 2 will be expected to be discussed by the EPDP phase 2
  • Council (via its Liaison to the EPDP Team) to draft note in order to consult with the EPDP Team to determine how best to address Board concerns, which the Council has suggested could affirm the recommendation by providing new, or highlighting existing rationale, and providing implementation guidance that may mitigate concerns expressed by the ICANN Board. This consultation may serve as a consideration for Council’s engagement with the ICANN Board at ICANN66, if available.
  • Council leadership to draft proposed implementation guidance, which can follow the guidance related to the administrative contact.
  • GNSO Chair to communicate the Supplemental Recommendation to the ICANN Board, including the vote result of the GNSO Council Supermajority supporting the Supplemental Recommendation
  • ICANN org letter - EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 28GNSO Council leadership, in coordination with ICANN staff, to draft a response to the ICANN Org letter and share the draft with the Council by January 2020 Council meeting.

Marika Konings Nathalie Peregrine

NomCom RIWG recommendations


  • GNSO Councilors to encourage their SGs and Cs to review the NomCom RIWG recommendations and provide input by 31 January 2020

GNSO Council leads & RPM co-chairs call


  • Interested GNSO Council Members to send questions for RPM Co-Chairs to Council Leadership. Questions due by Wednesday 29 January. 
  • RPM Support staff to check with co-chairs  if Flip Petillion can observe the call.

GNSO Mentor ICANN Fellowship Program


  • GNSO Secretariat to communicate resolved #1 to staff supporting the ICANN Fellowship Program. 
  • GNSO Secretariat to inform the nominated candidate that he or she has been selected. 
  • GNSO Secretariat to send a response to those applicants who were not nominated, thanking them for their interest and encouraging them to apply for future opportunities as they arise. 
  • GNSO Secretariat to inform SSC of confirmation of Chair and Vice-Chair 
Nathalie Peregrine

2020 Strategic Planning Session (SPS) Action Items

SPS SegmentEntry DateAction ItemResponsible PartyAdditional Notes

The role and responsibilities of the GNSO Council as a member of the Empowered Community


  • Staff to circulate to the GNSO Council the guidelines and templates that have been recently developed and adopted and which be found on the GNSO web-site (see under the heading Guidelines and Templates that Help the GNSO Fulfill Its Role & Obligation as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community).
  • Form a small group of Council members to draft a letter to ICANN Legal to raise questions relating to potential liability of individual Council members and existing protections.

PDP3.0 Improvements


  • Schedule a special Council meeting to carry out a detailed run through of the full project list. Following that, Council meeting would consider during its regular meeting any changes to the project and condition would be reviewed.
  • Council to further consider the process and timing of the review of PDP 3.0 Improvements
  • Council to agree on mechanism to start review of GNSO Operating Procedures to consider which updates may need to be made as a result of the PDP 3.0 Improvements.

  • Council to consider commencing chartering for one of the new efforts (e.g. IDNs or transfers) to make sure the new charter template is fit for purpose.
  • Council to confirm which additional items to move forward with and consider using agile teams to do so.
  • Council members to consult with their respective groups to discuss whether there are other items that should be addressed going forward.

Berry Cobb

Ariel Liang Julie Hedlund  

SPS Survey


  • Council members to take the order ranking survey back to their respective SG/Cs to discuss and request input. This input will be further considered during an upcoming Council meeting to help inform the Council’s prioritization and decision-making going forward.

Marika Konings Steve Chan

2019 Strategic Planning Session (SPS) Action Items

SPS SegmentEntry DateAction ItemResponsible PartyAdditional Notes

Role and responsibilities of GNSO more broadly

  • For the section 3.6 Speaking at Meetings of the GNSO Operating Procedures, Council to consider revising this section since it is not strictly enforced.
  • Council leadership and staff to consider documenting the internal operating procedures of the leadership team. Create a Chair/Vice-chair handbook, to help understand role and responsibilities.
  • Council leadership to make the Council meeting planning document public, to both help Councilors stay informed about upcoming topics, but to seek their input for meeting preparation.
  • Staff to investigate if the GNSO can serve as a Slack guinea pig in the already existing pilot effort within ICANN org. The use of Slack would be incumbent on a review of this platform first to understand how its threads would be archived and what level of access ICANN org would have to privileged or private communications between members. The GNSO Council will discuss whether document drafting can take place in Slack, but because the Council highly values transparency and accountability, the Council agreed that documents would need to be circulated on the archived email list to ensure that they are properly incorporated into the public record.
  • Council leadership to liaise with the Nominating Committee to understand from Appointees and Panelists, what works, what does not within the process, and better understand how the selection process takes place. Councilors to investigate how NCAs can be better informed; identify what communications they might not be receiving.

How to manage Council’s 2019 workload: strategies to increase effectiveness
  • Erika Mann to send note to Council upon the adoption of the new copyright law and the potential impact on GNSO policy work / DNS.
  • Council to form a small team to work on the definitions in the Project Timing Document in relation to definitions of priority and level of effort.
  • Staff to update Project Timing Document to try and incorporate suggestions from Councilors.

Wrap up and close of session
  • Staff to identify what are low-hanging fruit in the PDP 3.0 implementation plan. Prioritize/color-code. Identify dependencies (e.g., reporting is needed prior to evaluation).
  • Recurring: Small team of Councilors / Council leadership to report progress of PDP 3.0 at each Council meeting. Establish project plan for implementation for PDP 3.0. (Action Item taken on board by the PDP 3.0 small team)
  • In order to better prioritize work, need to know capacity of Council, community, staff, Staff to get existing information from Berry Cobb about average commitment and Council to see if that can be utilized, leveraged, and/or updated.
    • Reviewed prior version from 2017 and must be refreshed to be useful  
  • Staff to check if ICANN legal has looked into the insurance for WG members question.

2018 Strategic Planning Session (SPS) Action Items

SPS SegmentEntry DateAction ItemResponsible PartyAdditional Notes
Role and responsibilities of Council leadership
  • Council to consider whether existing mechanisms provide for sufficient opportunity to conduct “emergency” consultations to allow for GNSO Chair to gather input on certain topics and/or decisions that need to be taken. 
  • Council members to provide leadership team with feedback on leadership team’s performance & actions on a regular basis. 
  • Current Council Chair (Heather Forrest) to provide report at the end of her term outlining main challenges / concerns / recommendations in fulfilling the role. 
  • Council to consider whether Council leadership should have a contract / letter of appointment that would outline role, responsibilities and expectations. 

Other Council Related Action Items

TopicEntry DateAction ItemResponsible PartyAdditional Notes

Nominating Committee (NomCom) Review Implementation Planning Team (IPT).


  • Staff to advise how to provide input to the NomCom about GNSO NomCom appointees, also what the GNSO Operating Procedures say with respect to the NomCom appointee.
Steve Chan