
19 January 2017

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") is seeking a provider to conduct an independent assessment of its Nominating Committee (NomCom[]).

The Nominating Committee (NomCom) is an independent committee tasked with selecting members of the Board of Directors as well as other key positions within ICANN's structure.

It is designed to function independently from the ICANN Board, Supporting Organizations, and Advisory Committees. NomCom members act only on behalf of the interests of the global Internet community and within the scope of the ICANN mission and responsibilities assigned to it by the ICANN Bylaws.

NomCom members contribute understanding of the broad interests of the Internet community as a whole, and knowledge and experience of specific Internet constituencies who have appointed them.

The objective of this RFP is to identify an independent assessor to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the NomCom including (but not limited to) the continued purpose of the NomCom within the ICANN structure; how effectively the NomCom fulfills its purpose and whether any change in structure or operations is needed; and the extent to which the NomCom as a whole is accountable to the wider ICANN community.

The Review is scheduled to take place from 17 April 2017 through 31 May 2018.

For a complete overview of the RFP including the timeline, please see here[] [PDF, 548 KB].

Indications of interest are to be received by emailing Proposals should be electronically submitted by 23:59 PST on 17 February 2017 using ICANN's sourcing tool, access to which may be requested via the same email address above.

ICANN Weekly Newsletter

News from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers[]

Week ending 20 January 2017




Announcements This Week

GNSO Initial Report on the IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Policy Development Process[]

20 January 2017

Request for Proposal: NomCom Review[]

19 January 2017

NextGen@ICANN Program Opens Application Round for ICANN59[]

16 January 2017


 Upcoming Events


11-16 March 2017: 58th International Public ICANN Meeting – Copenhagen


ICANN Bylaws[]

Our bylaws are very important to us. They capture our mission of security, stability and accessibility, and compel the organization to be open and transparent. Learn more at[].

Strategic Plan, 2016 - 2020[]

ICANN FY17 Operating Plan and Budget[]

Hello All,

Please find below the list of At-Large and GNSO WG meetings in which At-Large members are participants for the weeks of 23 January – 27 January 2017.


Update 2:

Thursday added: 13:00 UTC: At-Large ICANN Evolution


Updates will follow as Doodles close.


Monday 23 January 2017    

19:00 UTC: WS2 Ombudsman


Tuesday 24 January 2017

04:00 UTC: ALAC Monthly Teleconference

13:00 UTC: WS2 Jurisdiction Sub Team

15:00 UTC: ALAC Finance and Budget Subcommittee Working Group

17:00 UTC: (GNSO) Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group

19:00 UTC: WS2 Human Rights Sub team[]


Wednesday 25 January 2017

04:00 UTC: (GNSO) Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all gTLDs PDP Working Group

05:00 UTC: CCWG ACCT Plenary Meeting

13:00 UTC: WS2 Diversity Sub group

19:00 UTC: WS2 Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct


Thursday 26 January 2017

13:00 UTC: WS2 SO/AC Accountability Subgroup

13:00 UTC: At-Large ICANN Evolution

15:00 UTC: (GNSO) Cross-Community Working Group on new gTLD Auction Proceeds

19:00 UTC: WS2 Reviewing the CEP


Friday 27 January 2017


Please confirm your dial-out requests or apology notice to:

For GNSO calls: GNSO Secretariats:

For At-Large calls or ALAC:

For CWG IANA Stewardship:  

For CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability:


For WS2 Subgroup Topics or IOT calls :

Thank you.  

Kind regards, 

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine, Terri Agnew, Yeşim Nazlar and Evin Erdoğdu

ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community




Twitter: @[]ICANNAtLarge[]





Hello All, 

Please find below the list of At-Large and GNSO WG meetings in which At-Large members are participants for the weeks of 23 January – 27 January 2017.


Update 1:

Tuesday added: 15:00 UTC: ALAC Finance and Budget Subcommittee Working Group


Updates will follow as Doodles close.


Monday 23 January 2017    

19:00 UTC: WS2 Ombudsman


Tuesday 24 January 2017

04:00 UTC: ALAC Monthly Teleconference

13:00 UTC: WS2 Jurisdiction Sub Team

15:00 UTC: ALAC Finance and Budget Subcommittee Working Group

17:00 UTC: (GNSO) Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group

19:00 UTC: WS2 Human Rights Sub team[]


Wednesday 25 January 2017

04:00 UTC: (GNSO) Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all gTLDs PDP Working Group

05:00 UTC: CCWG ACCT Plenary Meeting

13:00 UTC: WS2 Diversity Sub group

19:00 UTC: WS2 Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct


Thursday 26 January 2017

13:00 UTC: WS2 SO/AC Accountability Subgroup

15:00 UTC: (GNSO) Cross-Community Working Group on new gTLD Auction Proceeds

19:00 UTC: WS2 Reviewing the CEP


Friday 27 January 2017


Please confirm your dial-out requests or apology notice to:

For GNSO calls: GNSO Secretariats:

For At-Large calls or ALAC:

For CWG IANA Stewardship:  

For CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability:


For WS2 Subgroup Topics or IOT calls :

Thank you.  

Kind regards,

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine, Terri Agnew, Yeşim Nazlar and Evin Erdoğdu

ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community




Twitter: @[]ICANNAtLarge[]

Hello All, 

Please find below the list of At-Large and GNSO WG meetings in which At-Large members are participants for the weeks of 23 January – 27 January 2017.


Updates will follow as Doodles close.


Monday 23 January 2017    

19:00 UTC: WS2 Ombudsman


Tuesday 24 January 2017

04:00 UTC: ALAC Monthly Teleconference

13:00 UTC: WS2 Jurisdiction Sub Team

17:00 UTC: (GNSO) Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group

19:00 UTC: WS2 Human Rights Sub team[]


Wednesday 25 January 2017

04:00 UTC: (GNSO) Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all gTLDs PDP Working Group

05:00 UTC: CCWG ACCT Plenary Meeting

13:00 UTC: WS2 Diversity Sub group

19:00 UTC: WS2 Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct


Thursday 26 January 2017

13:00 UTC: WS2 SO/AC Accountability Subgroup

15:00 UTC: (GNSO) Cross-Community Working Group on new gTLD Auction Proceeds

19:00 UTC: WS2 Reviewing the CEP


Friday 27 January 2017


Please confirm your dial-out requests or apology notice to:

For GNSO calls: GNSO Secretariats:

For At-Large calls or ALAC:

For CWG IANA Stewardship:  

For CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability:


For WS2 Subgroup Topics or IOT calls :

Thank you.  

Kind regards, 

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine, Terri Agnew, Yeşim Nazlar and Evin Erdoğdu

ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community




Twitter: @[]ICANNAtLarge[]

23 January 2017

The PTI Board has adopted its FY18 Operating Plan and Budget[], following a seven-week Public Comment period on a draft published in October 2016. The ICANN Board will consider PTI's Budget at its March meeting, to be held during the ICANN58 meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark.

ICANN and PTI have also published the Report of Public Comments[] on PTI's draft FY18 plans. This detailed report responds to each of the 21 individual comments submitted. The report has been structured thematically and is accompanied by a sortable spreadsheet, to help readers find the comments and responses they are most interested in.

The FY18 PTI Operating Plan and Budget is the result of months of collaborative work by the community and staff. It includes:

  • Highlights of all PTI operations
  • Overview of the PTI Implementation Costs
  • Overview of PTI's FY18 budget
  • Detailed FY18 operating plan

PTI's fiscal year runs from 1 July through 30 June and the adopted Operating Plan and Budget will run from 1 July 2017.

Budget documents are published here[].

16 January 2017

ICANN is looking for the next generation of individuals who are interested in becoming more engaged in their regional communities and in shaping the future of global Internet policy. Important work is happening every day at ICANN. If you're ready to start your journey, ICANN59 could be the place to start!

The ICANN59 Public Meeting will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 26–29 June 2017. To be eligible for the NextGen@ICANN Program, you must live in Africa, be between the ages of 18 and 30, and be interested in Internet governance. If selected, you will receive a grant that includes airfare, hotel and a stipend.

The application round for ICANN59 opens on 16 January 2017. The deadline to apply is 24 February 2017.

  • If you're new to NextGen@ICANN, apply here[].
  • If you've participated previously in NextGen@ICANN and would like to mentor new participants, consider becoming an Ambassador. Apply here[].

Successful candidates will be announced on the ICANN website[] on 27 March 2017.

Learn more about NextGen@ICANN![]

Hello All,

Please find below the list of At-Large and GNSO WG meetings in which At-Large members are participants for the weeks of 16 January – 20 January 2017.


Update 1: 

Tuesday added:

20:30 UTC: At-Large Capacity Building Working Group Call


Updates will follow as Doodles close.


Monday 16 January 2017    

20:00 UTC: (At-Large) NARALO Rules of Procedures Working Committee Call

23:00 UTC: (At-Large)  LACRALO Monthly Teleconference


Tuesday 17 January 2017

03:00 UTC: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 3 – String Contention, Objections & Disputes

14:00 UTC: ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement

15:00 UTC:  (At-Large) EURALO Task Force on ALS Engagement

19:00 UTC: (At-Large) EURALO Monthly Teleconference

19:00 UTC: WS2 Human Rights Sub team


Wednesday 18 January 2017

06:00 UTC: (GNSO) Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group

14:00 UTC: Hold for At-Large Technology Taskforce call

17:00 UTC: (At-Large)EURALO Copenhagen Meeting Activities

17:00 UTC:(GNSO) Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all gTLDs PDP Working Group

19:00 UTC: WS2 Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct


Thursday 19 January 2017

05:00 UTC: WS2 SO/AC Accountability Subgroup

06:00 UTC: (At-Large) APRALO Monthly call

15:00 UTC: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 4 – IDNs/Technical & Operations

19:00 UTC: WS2 Staff Accountability Subgroup

20:00 UTC: (At-Large) NARALO General Assembly Agenda Call

20:00 UTC: (GNSO) New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 2 – Legal/Regulatory Issues


Friday 20 January 2017

05:00 UTC: (At-Large) APRALO-APAC Hub Webinar on the topic: (Intermediate) Updates and takeaway from IGF 2016 and what it means for you in APAC

13:00 UTC: WS2 Jurisdiction Sub Team


Please confirm your dial-out requests or apology notice to:

For GNSO calls: GNSO Secretariats:

For At-Large calls or ALAC:

For CWG IANA Stewardship:  

For CCWG on Enhancing ICANN


For WS2 Subgroup Topics or IOT calls :

Thank you.  

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine, Terri Agnew, Yeşim Nazlar and Evin Erdoğdu

ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community




Twitter: @[]ICANNAtLarge[]

13 January 2017

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN[]) and the Communication Authority of Kenya (CA[]) are pleased to announce their collaboration on a law enforcement agencies capacity building workshop this month from 25th-26th January, 2017. The workshop is hosted by the Communication Authority of Kenya, the GAC Public Safety Working Group (PSWG), with support from ICANN’s Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) , Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR) and Compliance teams.

The workshop aims to raise awareness and build capacity in the African law enforcement community on how to participate in ICANN and engage effectively in the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC[]) and ICANN policy making. It will also focus on capacity building within the Law Enforcement Agencies and review the Domain Name System (DNS) and its impact on public safety.

A range of topics will be covered:

  • Introduction to ICANN’s mission and multistakeholder bottom-up policy development model
  • Introduction to the GAC: role, organisation and membership
  • Introduction to the Public Safety Working Group (PSWG): mandate and work plan
  • Definition of Abuse of the DNS that can be addressed through ICANN’s processes and contracts
  • Mitigation of DNS Abuse: the role and obligations of contracted parties
  • Mitigation of DNS Abuse: the role and tools of ICANN’s Security Stability and Resiliency Team
  • How Law Enforcement agencies should engage with ICANN

The African Law Enforcement Capacity Building Workshop will provide an opportunity to share experiences with around 15 African Heads of Cybercrime units, members of the Public Safety working group as well as other representatives from governments and industry.

The full agenda can be found here[] [PDF, 330 KB].

-------The End----

About ICANN:

ICANN’s mission is to help ensure a stable, secure and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an address into your computer or other device – a name or a number. That address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation and a community with participants from all over the world.

For more information, please visit:[]

13 January 2017

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN[]) in cooperation with the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) Under-served Regions Working Group is pleased to announce the first capacity building workshop for the Africa Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC[]) members in Nairobi, Kenya. The workshop, themed “Harnessing the Potential of the Africa GAC Members for better Participation in ICANN” will be held from 23-24 January 2017 with the support of the Communication Authority and the Government of Kenya[].

This is the first regional workshop organized by ICANN’s recently established Nairobi Engagement Office. From ICANN, Göran Marby[], ICANN President & CEO, Thomas Schneider[], GAC Chair will both be present with executives, the regional ICANN team and community members. The keynote address and Official Opening will be done by Joseph Mucheru, Cabinet Secretary Ministry of ICT – Republic of Kenya.

The workshop will focus on raising awareness and assist in building capacity of the African GAC representatives and governments on how best to effectively participate and contribute to policy making at ICANN. It will also introduce critical active relevant policy topics, working groups including relevant GAC and cross-community working groups that require the immediate attention and participation of GAC members. The workshop will seek feedback from the African GAC representatives on how to better help them improve their regional footprint as well as at ICANN.

The workshop will cover a range of topics that will include:

  • Understanding the ICANN Ecosystem
  • Policy development process at ICANN
  • ICANN Africa Strategy - an Overview
  • New gTLDs and the Role of GAC:
  • Understanding ccTLD Re-delegation

ICANN looks towards creating a stronger association with the community in Africa, including governments in the region, to help increase awareness and participation in ICANN’s work and the Internet policy processes under ICANN’s remit.

The full agenda can be found here[] [PDF, 440 KB].

The event will be livestreamed. The link will be uploaded soon.

-------The End----

About ICANN:

ICANN’s mission is to help ensure a stable, secure and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an address into your computer or other device – a name or a number. That address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation and a community with participants from all over the world.

For more information, please visit:[]

Hello All, 

Please find below the list of At-Large and GNSO WG meetings in which At-Large members are participants for the weeks of 16 January – 20 January 2017.


Updates will follow as Doodles close.


Monday 16 January 2017    

20:00 UTC: (At-Large) NARALO Rules of Procedures Working Committee Call

23:00 UTC: (At-Large)  LACRALO Monthly Teleconference


Tuesday 17 January 2017

03:00 UTC: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 3 – String Contention, Objections & Disputes

14:00 UTC: ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement

15:00 UTC:  (At-Large) EURALO Task Force on ALS Engagement

19:00 UTC: (At-Large) EURALO Monthly Teleconference

19:00 UTC: WS2 Human Rights Sub team


Wednesday 18 January 2017

06:00 UTC: (GNSO) Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group

14:00 UTC: Hold for At-Large Technology Taskforce call –

17:00 UTC: (At-Large)EURALO Copenhagen Meeting Activities

17:00 UTC: (GNSO) Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all gTLDs PDP Working Group

19:00 UTC: WS2 Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct


Thursday 19 January 2017

05:00 UTC: WS2 SO/AC Accountability Subgroup

06:00 UTC: (At-Large) APRALO Monthly call

15:00 UTC: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 4 – IDNs/Technical & Operations

19:00 UTC: WS2 Staff Accountability Subgroup

20:00 UTC: (At-Large) NARALO General Assembly Agenda Call

20:00 UTC: (GNSO) New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 2 – Legal/Regulatory Issues


Friday 20 January 2017

05:00 UTC: (At-Large) APRALO-APAC Hub Webinar on the topic: (Intermediate) Updates and takeaway from IGF 2016 and what it means for you in APAC

13:00 UTC: WS2 Jurisdiction Sub Team


Please confirm your dial-out requests or apology notice to:

For GNSO calls: GNSO Secretariats:

For At-Large calls or ALAC:

For CWG IANA Stewardship:  

For CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability:


For WS2 Subgroup Topics or IOT calls :

Thank you.  

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine, Terri Agnew, Yeşim Nazlar and Evin Erdoğdu

ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community




Twitter: @[]ICANNAtLarge[]

12 January 2017

ICANN has announced its FY17 Q2 Stakeholder Call, which will take place on 15 February 2017 at 15:00 UTC. The call will focus on how ICANN has implemented community policy for the quarter ending 31 December 2016. The call will also provide an Africa and Middle East update, as part of a new format aimed at spotlighting regional activities.

Please click here[] to register for the call and to receive joining instructions. If you are unable to access the form, please email us to register with your full name and an email address.

The call is open for all to attend and live interpretation is offered in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. There will be a Questions & Answers (Q&A) session and all materials (recordings, transcripts and presentations) will be archived and made available on the ICANN website[].

These calls were set up to enhance ICANN's accountability and transparency efforts, and are a great way for you to stay informed on what the organization has done in line with ICANN's mission of keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable.

More information

Please visit the Reporting page[] on the ICANN website for more information, including recordings of previous calls. The presentation will be posted 24-48 hours in advance.

11 January 2017

DEADLINE EXTENSION – Applications to be appointed to the Registration Directory Service (RDS) Review Team are due on 20 January 2017, 23:59 UTC.

ICANN is seeking volunteers to serve on the second review of Registration Directory Service (formerly known as the WHOIS Review). Interested individuals are invited to provide the following information, in the template[] [PDF, 2.66 MB] provided:

  • A biography, detailing relevant work and/or academic experience, as well as subject matter knowledge;
  • Your motivation for detailing your interest in serving on the Review Team and what you will bring to the team;
  • Specify the Supporting Organization (SO) or Advisory Committee (AC) that you would like to have consider you for nomination.

Candidates are asked to submit their application materials to by 20 January 2017, 23:59 UTC.

Note that all applications and supporting materials will be published as they are received on the RDS wiki page[].

Limited Scope Proposal

Recent discussions among the leadership of the ICANN Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/AC) and the Board Working Group on Registration Directory Service have highlighted concerns with the expected workload and community bandwidth in light of all the WHOIS related activities currently underway. To address these concerns, and to ensure that the RDS Review is conducted efficiently and effectively, the SO/AC leaders are considering a proposal to limit the scope and timeline for this review. The current proposal would ask that the RDS Review Team limit its review to conducting an investigation of the implementation results from the last WHOIS Review Team.

Selection of the Review Team

Under the new Bylaws[], each SO/AC will have an opportunity to nominate up to seven applicants to serve on the Review Team. An applicant's name will only be presented to the SO/AC identified by the applicant for consideration. After SO/AC nomination process concludes, all nominations will be provided to the SO/AC Leaders to conduct the selection process for the Review Team according to the specified expertise and diversity (gender and geographic) requirements from the nominations received, the Review Team may contain up to 21 members, plus an ICANN Board member (designated by the ICANN Board).


Call for volunteers published

28 October 2016

Deadline to apply for Review Team

20 January 2017

Time Commitment

Applicants should be prepared to devote their time to the review process. Review Team work is expected to include regular conference calls (some of which may not be held during business hours in all time zones), and possibly up to three face-to-face meetings, each lasting two to three days.

Under the Limited Scope Proposal, the RDS Review Team may be asked to complete its work within six months of its first meeting.


RDS Review Team members will not receive compensation from ICANN for their service on the team. However, travel, meal and lodging costs for Review Team members who participate in Review Team meetings will be reimbursed upon request in accordance with ICANN's community travel support guidelines[].


  • Participate in creation of charter documents for the Review Team;
  • Select appropriate performance indicators and benchmarks;
  • Consider public, community and Board input and incorporate it as appropriate in Review Team recommendations;
  • Determine whether additional data or analysis is needed and participate in an ensuing provider selection, if necessary;
  • Provide timely updates to the community on the status of the Review Team's work;
  • Analyze findings;
  • Draw conclusions based on findings, develop useful and feasible recommendations;
  • Provide guidance on prioritization of recommendations and definition of desired outcomes;
  • Post the draft report of the Review Team for public review and comment;
  • Deliver a final Review Team report; and
  • Designate Review Team members to participate in the implementation planning work that follows the delivery of the final Review Team report.

Skills and Experience

To compose a well-balanced Review Team, ICANN seeks members who, in the aggregate, possess the following skills and experience:

  • Prior member of the 1st WHOIS Review Team or was an active contributor to its work
  • Prior member of the Expert Working Group on Registration Directory Service
  • Familiarity with operation of the Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Familiarity with WHOIS registrant data collection, compliance, directory service (RDDS) management
  • Familiarity with Translation and Transliteration of WHOIS Contact Information
  • Familiarity with ICANN Procedure for Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law
  • Familiarity with malware and abuse vectors and mitigations, including cybercrime
  • Familiarity with WHOIS Data Retention Waiver Process

Composition of the Review Team, depending on expertise and skills required, will aim to achieve:

  • Diversity in general, with particular attention on:
    • Geographic diversity; and
    • Gender diversity.

Desired Attributes

Applicants should possess the following professional and personal attributes:

  • Multistakeholder community understanding
  • Team spirit, adaptability, consensus-seeking attitude
  • Willingness to learn
  • Readiness to contribute
  • Capacity to reason objectively, putting aside personal opinions or preconceptions
  • Analytical skills

Methodology, Budget & Support

ICANN will provide the Review Team with a clearly articulated review budget at the start. Throughout the review, there will be periodic reporting by the Review Team on its progress relative to planned schedule and budget. A clear and focused review scope is expected to assist the Review Team with prioritizing recommendations in order to optimize finite ICANN resources (time and budget).

ICANN organizational support will be made available to the Review Team. Support could include assistance with project management; organization of work, documents and activities; as well as sharing of tools and best practices for conducting an effective review.

English is the working language of the Review Team. Key communications and documents will be translated in accordance with the ICANN Language Services policies.


Community-led reviews are an important mechanism for furthering ICANN's obligations outlined in the new Bylaws[] that went into force on 1 October 2016.

  • Ensuring accountability, transparency and the interests of global Internet users;
  • Preserving security, stability and resiliency of the DNS;
  • Promoting competition, consumer trust and consumer choice;
  • Registration Directory Service (WHOIS) policy.

These Specific Reviews replace the reviews that were formerly mandated under the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC). The specific objectives for the Registration Directory Service (RDS) Review are to review the effectiveness of WHOIS, and whether its implementation meets the legitimate needs of law enforcement, promoting consumer trust and safeguarding registrant data.

The first WHOIS review concluded in 2012 and was conducted under the AOC. The Final Report[] [PDF, 1.44 MB] from the First Review Team was submitted to the ICANN Board on 11 May 2012, with Board action to approve the report and recommendations, including the implementation plan[] [PDF, 119 KB] occurred on 8 November 2012. For more information on the status of the implementation activities arising out of the 1st WHOIS Review team, please visit the WHOIS Implementation Wiki[].

Additional Materials

RDS Call for Volunteers presentation[]


If you have any questions, please contact Margie Milam or Karen Mulberry at

11 January 2017 – Los Angeles – Today, ICANN published the results of an annual survey that measures the perception of satisfaction among IANA functions customers regarding the services they receive. In the 2016 survey, which accounts for transactions completed between September 2015 and August 2016, 94 percent of respondents reported being "satisfied" or "very satisfied."

View Customer Survey Findings[] [PDF, 2.15 MB].

The IANA Functions Customer Survey measures satisfaction in relation to documentation quality, process quality, transparency, timeliness, accuracy, reporting and courtesy. In the 2016 survey, 99 percent of respondents reported being satisfied with the accuracy of their transactions. Customers also identified accuracy as the most important measure of performance for the fourth consecutive year. Notably, 94 percent of customers reported satisfaction in regard to transparency this year, an increase from 89 percent in the 2015 survey.

While the results of the survey are generally positive, ICANN continues to explore opportunities for improvement. This year, there was a drop in satisfaction regarding process quality, from 95 percent to 89 percent. there are projects underway to enhance the IANA processes and systems that were mentioned in the survey.

ICANN commissioned Ebiquity, a global reputation consultancy, to administer the survey. Those who make IANA functions transactions – top-level domain operators, protocol parameter and regional Internet registry managers, RFC authors, Internet Engineering Steering Group members, DNSSEC KSK ceremony participants and .INT domain registrants – were invited to take the survey. This year, ICANN issued 4,286 invitations and 10 percent of customers responded.


ICANN's mission is to help ensure a stable, secure and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation and a community with participants from all over the world. ICANN and its community help keep the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It also promotes competition and develops policy for the top-level of the Internet's naming system and facilitates the use of other unique Internet identifiers. For more information please visit:[].