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PDF File Initial Report on the Protections for Certain Red Cross Names in all gTLDs – Policy Amendment Process - NCSG comment.pdf 91 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File Draft ICANN Africa Strategic Plan 2016-2020 Version 3.0 - NCSG Comment.pdf 91 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File NomCom Review draft comments.pdf 90 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File Draft Final Report of the RSSAC2 Review - NCSG Comment.pdf 89 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs (SADAG) Report NCSG Comment.pdf 87 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Policy Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration - NCSG Comment.pdf 86 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File Draft PTI and IANA FY20 Operating Plan and Budgets - NCSG Comment.pdf 84 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File NCSG Comment on GNSO Council and ICANN bylaw changes.pdf 82 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File NCSGComment-ICANNMeetingDates2021-2023-0001.pdf 82 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File Draft Final Report of The Second Security and Stability Advisory Committee Review (SSAC2) - NCSG Comment.pdf 77 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File Draft Framework for the Registry Operator to Respond to Security Threats - NCSG comment.pdf 72 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File ccNSO.pdf 64 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File GNSO Operating Procedures and ICANN Bylaws - NCSG Comment.pdf 64 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File NCSG Response to the Proposed Bylaws Changes Regarding Consideration of GAC Advice.pdf 60 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File NCSG comments.pdf 57 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File Next Steps On Reviews - NCSG Comment.pdf 56 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File NCSG comment on the Study on Technical Use of Root Zone Label Generation Rules.pdf 56 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File Draft Project Plan for the Proposed Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) - NCSG Comment version 2.pdf 55 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File NCSG Comment on the Initial Report of the GNSO Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP WG.pdf 55 kB Rafik Dammak Jan 03, 2020 01:41
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PDF File Proposed Final Report of the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group - NCSG Comment.pdf 54 kB Maryam Bakoshi Mar 05, 2020 13:26
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