
Review Team Members:   Dmitry Belyavsky, Alan Greenberg, Stephanie Perrin, Susan Kawaguchi, Chris Disspain, Volker Greimann, Lili Sun, Erika Mann, Carlton Samuels, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst

ICANN Organization:  Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Brenda Brewer, Steve Conte, Alice Jansen, Lisa Phifer

Observers:  /

Apologies:  /

Audio recording:  EN

AC recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript: EN

Observer Chat Transcript:  N/A


Plenary Call Report: PDF


Status of report: ADOPTED.

On Executive Summary

Status: Adopted with one edit:

    • Replace "privacy mechanisms" by "informal privacy/proxy mechanisms"

On WHOIS1 Rec #1 - Strategic Priority

Status: Adopted with following edits and recommendation priority

    • Replace "significant concern" with "significant importance"
    • Add footnote on policy
    • Add "ICANN did not take any action to address".to address SP10 and tie to relevant section
    • Agreement for R1.1 - 1.2 to be high priority
    • Agreement for R1.3 to be medium priority

On WHOIS1 Rec #2 - Single WHOIS Policy

Status: Adopted with following edits:

    • Improve readability (SP13)
    • Lisa/Alan to draft paragraph to address Stephanie's comment SP14
    • Sentence "We would expect the affirmed Temporary Specification will exist as a digital artefact and will be the new base for a single documented source of all things pertaining gTLD Registration Data (WHOIS)." will be removed, to address comment SP16.
    • To address SP17: add footnote noting that there was one objection the Board did not notice in its acceptance. Use Accept instead of adopt.
    • To address SP18: hopefully instead of likely

On WHOIS Rec #3 – Outreach

Status: Adopted with following edits:

    • To address SP19, ICANN org to strike all from introductory sentence in all subgroups' sections
    • To address SP20, strike phrase pertaining to educate them
    • The first sentence should end "gTLD domains. The content should be revised..."
    • Agreement for R3.1 (including two suggested edits) with medium priority
    • Include after first sentence of the rationale for 3.2: this need was further supported by parts of the ICANN community
    • Agreement for R3.2 to be high priority

On WHOIS1 Rec #4 – Compliance

Status: Adopted with following edits:

    • Insert "contract negotiation or" after "in which case" in Feasibility
    • Agreement for R4.1 and R4.2 to be high priority

On WHOIS Recs# 5-9 - Data Accuracy

Status: Adopted with following edit:

    • Agreement to leave Priority as "To be determined"
    • Agreement on rec.5.1

On WHOIS 1 Rec#10 - Privacy/Proxy Services

Status: Adopted with following edits:

    • Adjust text to use 31 December 2019 and remove "implementation timeframes notwithstanding"
    • Agreement for 10.1 and 10.2 to be low priority

On WHOIS1 Rec#11 - Common Interface

Status: Adopted with following edits:

    • Agreement for 11.1 to be low priority
    • Agreement for R11.2 to be high priority

On WHOIS1 Recs#12-14 – IDNs

Status: Adopted

    • Agreement for R12.1 to be low priority

On WHOIS Recs #15-16

Status: Adopted

    • Agreement for R15.1 to be medium priority

On Subgroup 2 Anything New

Status: Adopted

On Subgroup 3 Law Enforcement Needs

Status: Adopted

    • Agreement on Rec.LE.1 & LE.2 with high priority
    • leave recommendation LE.2 as is, adding "on a regular basis" at the end
    • No objections

On Subgroup 4 Consumer Trust

Status: Adopted as is with no recommendations

On Subgroup 5: Safeguarding Registrant Data

Status: Adopted

    • Agreement on SG.1 with Medium Priority

On Subgroup 6: ICANN Contractual Compliance

Status: Adopted

    • CM.1 is accepted as is with priority "High"
    • CM.2: delete comment and accept as written, with Medium Priority
    • CM.3: agreed with priority set as "Low"
    • CM.4: Agreement for recommendation with "Low" priority. Add a footnote
    • CM5: Accepted. Low priority

On ICANN Bylaws:

Status: Adopted

    • Rec.BY.1: Adopted with Medium priority.

Next steps

    • Action Item: ICANN org to complete all of the edits listed above.
    • For any items the review team needs to discuss, review team members to send email with label REPORT URGENT.
    • If further discussion is needed on an unforeseen item, meeting will be held on Tuesday.


1. Welcome, roll-call, SoI
2.Review of Draft Report Sections (1,25 hrs)
       – Resolve substantive comments raised
       – Finalize consensus/objections to recommendations in each section
3.Recommendations prioritization (15 min)
4.Adoption of the draft report (10 min)
5.Roadmap reminder (1 min)
6.A.O.B. (2 min)
7.Confirm action items and decisions reached (2 min)

Call Details

15:00-17:00 UTC (timezone converter here)

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Learn more about how you can observe RDS-WHOIS2-RT meetings - see here.

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