
Members:  Jordan Carter, Giovanni Seppia
Staff: Joke Braeken, Kim Carlson
Apologies:  Alejandra Reynoso



  1. Welcome
  2. Discussion on the feedback from San Juan + survey results
  3. Next steps: final paper
  4. AOB
  5. Closure, and next meeting





Thank you to the group members for this interactive session in San Juan: this session received positive feedback from those that answered the San Juan satisfaction survey.


2. Discussion on the feedback from San Juan + survey results


There seems to be general consensus on the recommendations, even though some comments were raised in San Juan, for instance on recommendation 1 (Organise a ccNSO Members Meeting at every ICANN meeting) by Annebeth’s group.  Jordan was in this group as well and mentioned that there was no strong overall disagreement among this group.

Slight rephrasing of recommendation number 5: “The Meeting Programme Working Group should attempt avoiding unnecessary overlap or duplications with regional organisations’ meetings.” Add the word “unnecessary”.


Giovanni mentioned that largely the input provided relates to the content of the ccNSO Members Meeting, and the way sessions should be structured. The content is not for this review group to deal with, but rather for the programme committee to look into. However, latest in Barcelona there should be a follow-up session, on the ccNSO meeting strategy review.


Question: 1 day ccNSO Members Meeting: is it 1 day, or 2 half days?

Regardless of the interpretation, the Policy Forum should be structured in a way to get more engaged.  Engage people from a policy perspective, rather than providing standard updates. Discussions with a moderator or facilitator are the preferred way forward.


Suggestion by Giovanni:

The meeting programme WG could decide to consult the community upfront, with a number of proposals for topics to be covered in Panama City. Those topics should increase or at least contribute to the level of engagement.  Send the proposals to the ccTLD community mailing lists asking for feedback.


3. Next steps: final paper


The secretariat will circulate early next week a draft final paper to the group for their approval.  The idea is to finalise the paper well ahead of the next ccNSO Council meeting, scheduled for 26 April. To be adopted by the ccNSO Council on that day.

Circulate the draft paper as well to the meeting programme WG, for their consideration and action for the upcoming Policy Forum.


Jordan recommended to thank people for their input provided in the San Juan meeting. This is a very clear example of why a face-to-face meeting is useful: we received a lot more input in San Juan, than via any of the remote participation options.


4. AOB




5. Closure, and next meeting


The secretariat will send out a doodle poll, with some possible slots for a final meeting by this group on 23 April.   If there is agreement on the mailing list on the final paper, we might cancel the call on the 23rd.


Thank you!

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