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    TIME &






    09:00 - 10:15

    Hall 4

    ALAC & Board Meeting

    Adobe Connect:


    Questions from the ALAC to the Board:

    1. Geographic Regions and Names:

      1. ICANN’s Geographic Regions were created in 2000 with a Bylaw requirement to review them no less than every three years. In November 2007 (ten years ago), at the request of the ccNSO, the Board initiated a community discussion on the definition and use of regions. A WG was commissioned a year later and in the ensuing seven years, a succession of initial, interim and draft reports were issued culminating in the Final Report issue in October 2015. After a 2 month delay, a Public Comment was initiated which was open for four months and attracted a total of six comments with the report on comments being issued in May 2016. It is now October 2017 and the NEXT Geographic Region Review is scheduled to kick-off a year from now. Can the Board please help us understand the delay and when we will see the report acted on?

      2. The GNSO PDP on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures is in the process of initiating a Work Track on the use of Geographic Named at the top level. We are expecting widely divergent views to be expressed and even within the ALAC and At-Large we are expecting significant diversity. Although it is conceivable that this process will result in a solution pleasing everyone, it is somewhat unlikely. The fallback of using the last round’s rules is also known to be problematic. How does the Board envisage reconciling the varying views of its SOs and ACs.

       2. Post-Transition ICANN

    It is a year since the new Bylaws were put in place, and we are starting to see the CCWG-Accountability WorkStream 2 discussions drawing to an end.

    Can the Board and/or its members provide feedback on how it sees the new ICANN unfolding, and what are both the high-points of this process and its results, and the low-points and concerns?

      3. Topic in Reserve: At-Large Review

    Based on the status of the Review and its progress through the Organizational Effectiveness Committee and the Board, the ALAC reserves the right to raise the issue during our meeting with the Board.

    Questions from the Board to the ALAC:

    1. What are the key issues/topics you are currently working on?

    2. What are the concerns of your Group re. GDPR and how best to mitigate?

    Moderator(s): Steve Crocker, Board Chairman and Alan Greenberg, ALAC Chair

    Lead: HU

    Notes: SV

    RP: YN

    10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break

    10:45 - 11:45

    Capital Suite, 06

    Cross Community Committee on Accessibility WG

    Adobe Connect:


    1. Welcome and Introduction (round robin of all attendees with brief self-introduction and review of why 'Accessibility Matters') -  Cheryl Langdon-Orr[] and All (10:30-10:40)
    2. Updates and review on previously reported activity (10:40-11:25)
      1. ICANN Communications and Publications -  Presenters - TBI
      2. CANN Web Accessibility -  Presenters - TBC
        2. and other AC/SO websites
        3. ALAC  Site  Update from our last meeting (refer to Issues raised by Rinalia Abdul Rahim

    3. Other ICANN activities affecting Accessibility (11:25 - 11:30)

    WS2 Accountability - Diversity Sub Group Report - Presenters - TBC

    4. Technical Issues -  Presenters - TBC   (11:30 - 11:40)

    Update from TTF

    • F2F: Remote Participation etc.
    • Online: Adobe Connect etc.

    5. Next Steps (11:40-11:43)

       a. Staff Survey on Accessibility - Follow up on initial survey

    6. AOB and next meeting, any Action Items and Close of Meeting  (11:43-11:45)

    Moderator(s): Cheryl Langdon-Orr

    Lead: HU

    Logistics: GG

    Notes: EE

    RP: YN


    Hall B, Section A

    At-Large Capacity Building Working Group

    Adobe Connect:


    1. Welcome - Tijani Ben Jemaa (10:30-10:32)
    2. Update on Capacity Building Activities - Tijani Ben Jemaa (10:32-10:42)
    3. ICANN Learn Update - Besty Andrews,    (10:42-11:30)

    Moderator: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Chair of the At-Large Capacity Building WG

    Lead: HU



    12:00 - 13:30 Lunch Break

    12:15 - 13:15

    Hall B, Section A

    At-Large APRALO Capacity Building Part 4

    Adobe Connect:


    1. Welcome and Development of Hot Topics  - Holly Raiche (12:00-12:10)
    2. Rotating Break Out Sessions (12:10-12:50)
      1. Introduction - Cheryl Langdon-Orr
      2. Break Out Session 1 (New gTLDs and Contracted Party Issues) - Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Lead; Rapporteur (TBD)
      3. Break Out Session 2 - (ALS Relations) Maureen Hilyard, Lead; Rapporteur (TBD)
      4. Break Out Session 3 (IDNs)- Kaili Kan, Lead; Rapporteur (TBD)
      5. Break Out Session 4  - (RDS/WHOIS) Holly Raiche, Lead; Rapporteur (TBD)
    3. Feedback on Break Out Sessions and Identification Of APRALO Hot Topics - Holly Raiche and Rapporteurs (12:50-13:20)
    4. Next Steps - Holly Raiche (13:20-13:30)
    Moderator(s): Holly Raiche, ALAC Member

    Lead: SV

    Logistics: GG

    Notes: AL

    RP: EE

    14:15 - 15:00

    Hall 3

    ALAC & GAC Meeting

    Adobe Connect:

    Agenda:(tentative - Thomas Schneider to confirm)

    1. New gTLD Subsequent Procedures
      1. Country and Territory Names
      2. Community Based Applications (Mark Carwell's paper to be    discussed at the ALAC meeting 17 Oct)
    2. Lowering Barriers to Participation (by improving ICANN's information flow to the community) and plans for joint GAC-ALAC demarche  (Yrjö is preparing a draft)
    3. GDPR
    4. Cooperation in Capacity Building in Underserved Regions
    5. AOB


    Lead: HU/RH

    Notes: GG

    RP: GAC RP (YN back up)

    15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break

    15:15 - 16:45

    Hall B, Section A

    At-Large Regional Leaders Meeting

    Adobe Connect:


    1. Welcome to Current and Incoming Regional Leaders - Satish (15:15-15:20)
    2. Introduction of Incoming Leaders (15:20-15:30)
    3. Updates and Next Steps on RALO Hot topics - RALO Chairs (15:30-15:50)

     4. CROP Updates (15:50-16:05)

    5. RALO Discretionary Funds (16:05-16:20)

    • Update on Fund Levels - Staff
    • Review and approval of the RALO discretionary funds criteria

    6. Planning for FY19 Additional Budget Requests - Heidi (16:20-16:25)

    7. ALS Relations - Capturing, Tracking and Promoting ALS Activities - Heidi and Mario (16:25-16:40)

    8. Chair's Announcement (16:40-16:45)

    • Moderator(s): Satish Babu

      Lead: SV

      Notes: HU

      RP: MA

    16:45 - 17:00

    Transfer Break

    17:00 - 18:00

    Hall B, Section A

    At-Large Technology Taskforce Working Group Meeting

    Adobe Connect:


    1. Introduction to Technology Taskforce
    2. Update of selected projects
      1. Policy Tracking
      2. TTF recommendation to ALAC re: group chat
      3. TTF wiki layout
      4. Review/Report of Conferencing Solutions
    3. Selected Technology Issues Updates
      1. upgrading the LACRALO mailing list translation tool
      2. making At-Large conference calls playable on mobile devices
      3. ICANN's Adobe Connect issues
    4. What are your Technology Issues in ICANN?
    5. AoB

    Moderator(s): Dev Anand-Teelucksingh

    Lead: Mario Aleman

    Notes: AL

    RP: YN

    18:30 - 20:30

    Hall 4

    Steve Crocker Farewell & Toast









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