Action Items/Notes

Hot topics definition: It was agreed that the topics should be related to ICANN's core function

1. Internet Shutdown and impact on DNS
2. Cyber security and Online safety in one topic
3. Suggestion: How ICANN can contrubute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda? I know this is not a hot topic but it is of great importance to our region.
4. Remote Region Support
5. Public and private IP addresses- to be removed
6. Raising Awareness of the Internet policy issues - with focus on DNSSEC promotion in Africa's registries
7. Cybersecurity, Online Safety, Privacy and WHOIS
8. New gTLD and Geographic names
9. ICANN's accountability and Jurisdiction

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  1. I wrote the first draft on the AFRALO Hot Topics page, waiting for feedback and suggestions 

  2. Thanks Daneil, i have updated your created page with the agreed list of action items