Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Time:  13:00 UTC | See here for your local date and time

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Interpretation Available: No

Participants: Farzaneh Badii, Abdeldjali Bachar Bong, Marilyn Cade, Jennifer Chung, Berry Cobb, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Rafik Dammak, Hector Ariel Manoff, Jim Prendergast, Mubashir Sargana, Tatiana Tropina, Mary Uduma, Angela Wibawa, 

Staff: Nigel Hickson, Veni Markovski

Apologies: David Fares, Andrea Glorioso, Ryan Johnson, David Maher, Lori Schulman, 

Call management: Desiree Cabrera

Action Items: EN

Recording: Track1-ID284717819.mp3


Transcript: TAF_CCWG-IG 20 June 2017.pdf

Adobe Chat: EN


  1. Roll Call
  2. Reviewing questions from GNSO and CCNSO about the amended charter 
    From CCNSO:
    "The CCWG IG does satisfy the need to discuss Internet Governance issues among SO/AC and ICANN relevant staff and provide a platform to share information and for discussion at the ICANN level as a whole.

    Is this properly reflected in the proposed charter?  A related question is whether this provide enough basis to stay involved as a chartering organization?

    Assuming the ccNSO adopts the updated charter, will the CCWG be able to initiate a statement that would imply a position on ccNSO or ccTLD related matters without properly consulting the ccNSO? What mechanisms are involved to ensure proper consultation, if any?

    Does the new charter provide a mechanism to ensure that the CCWG update the chartering organizations adequately and regularly? This was foreseen in original charter, but never been effective. How will such a situation be avoided in future?

    Assuming the charter is adopted by the ccNSO, does the ccNSO need to invite more ccTLDs to participate (as members, observers, or otherwise)?"

    From Donna Austin
    "I understand that post-transition ICANN needs to be cognizant, and responsive, to any potential threats to its mandate and well-being from external entities. This is not a new situation, but certainly the new environment may see a new wave of threats emerge. I certainly appreciate the benefits of having a community that is conversant of these threats and are actively engaged with ICANN the organisation and the Board with a view to mitigating against any emerging threats. 

    I do have concerns about the authority of the CCWG IG to develop position papers and present these as ICANN community contributions, but perhaps this concern would be allayed if I had a better understanding of the subject matter of these position papers. I would also hope that any position papers would be supported by ICANN’s GE team and the Board IG WG. I think the Charter would benefit from more specificity in this regard, along with concrete examples of the IG fora the CCWG would attend or be involved in in some way.

    I still struggle with the CCWG as the most appropriate vehicle for this effort and it would be helpful to understand if other possibilities were discussed, or conversely why the CCWG believes this is the most appropriate vehicle. My struggle relates to the fact that the Charter speaks to a number of different products, but no timeline or specificity. While the charter proposes co-ordination with the ICANN’s GE team and the Board IG WG, to me it would seem a much better option to have the members of the current CCWG IG, ICANN’s GE team and the Board IG WG, develop an overarching strategy on IG, which clearly sets out roles and responsibilities and project plans could be developed as a result. Perhaps this has already been done and I am just not familiar with it."

  3. AOB
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