The ALAC appreciates the opportunity to comment on the ICANN Fellowship Program Application Process Review. The ALAC believes that the Fellowship Program is one of the best methods for attracting and integrating dedicated younger generation participants into the ICANN Community. The At-Large Community, in particular, has greatly benefited from the contributions of Fellowship alumni. For example, several current and past leaders of AFRALO, APRALO and LACRALO, as well as ALAC Members from those regions (including the ALAC Co-Chair of CCWG-Accountability) were ICANN Fellows. They play an impactful role both within ICANN and in their respective countries to advocate for the interests of end users and help in the development of the Internet for the future.
The ALAC strongly supports the projected FY17 improvements to the ICANN Fellowship Program. These changes promise to make the program even better by:
- Not arbitrarily restricting countries and territories from which applicants are submitted;
- Helping address ICANN's diversity requirements; and
- Placing a focus on applicants that have greater potential for becoming ongoing committed volunteers.
The ALAC appreciates that these changes may make the process of selecting candidates more difficult, but believes ICANN is making a wise choice in doing this, ensuring that under-served communities everywhere can begin to be involved in the ICANN community.
In light of the proposed changes to the ICANN Fellowship Program, the ALAC is confident that this successful initiative will continue fulfilling the capacity building needs of an evolving ICANN Community, bringing in new blood, and strengthening the multistakeholder organization.
The ALAC appreciates the opportunity to comment on the ICANN Fellowship Program Application Process Review. The ALAC believes that the Fellowship Program is one of the best methods for attracting and integrating dedicated younger generation participants into the ICANN Community. The At-Large Community, in particular, has greatly benefited from the contributions of Fellowship alumni. For example, the Chair and Vice Chair of APRALO, former Chair of AFRALO and LACRALO, current LACRALO Secretariat, current ALAC member selected by AFRALO, and current ALAC member selected by LACRALO/CCWG-Accountability Co-Chair were ICANN Fellows. They play an impactful role in their respective countries to advocate for the interests of end users and help in the development of the Internet for the future.
The ALAC strongly supports the projected FY17 improvements to the ICANN Fellowship Program. These changes promise to make the program even better by:
- Not arbitrarily restricting countries and territories from which applicants are submitted;
- Helping address ICANN's diversity requirements; and
- Placing a focus on applicants that have greater potential for becoming ongoing committed volunteers.
The ALAC appreciates that these changes may make the process of selecting candidates more difficult, but believes ICANN is making a wise choice in doing this.
In light of the proposed changes to the ICANN Fellowship Program, the ALAC is confident that this successful initiative will continue fulfilling the capacity building needs of an evolving ICANN Community, bringing in new blood, and strengthening the Multistakeholder Model.
Carlton Samuels
I agree. The ICANN Fellowship programme is one lever by which end user participants may become engaged and, in time, integrated into the community. So purely on this premise, it is important that we add our voices to the recommendations.
Quite apart from the substantive, I fully endorse and applaud the process by which this advisory was developed. I have long held that At-Large staff can be much more useful in the advice development process than they are typically engaged and this demonstrably supports my contention. Finally, congratulations to Ariel, who has shown keen interest in moving the work along in this fashion.
Alan Greenberg
Sent by Seun Ojideji via e-mail to the ALAC list
Alan Greenberg
I will adjust statement accordingly.
Alan Greenberg
Wording change to reflect the wide range of AT-Large leaders who started with the Fellowship program.
Maureen Hilyard
Great summary statement. Many thanks Alan and Ariel.
Glenn McKnight
The current fellowship program suffered from inherent bias to countries that were deemed economically challenged to the determent to North America and Europe which has lacked the 'new blood' to help their RALO's. The work by Garth, Darlene, Judith, Loris and myself has repeatedly stressed that US and Canadian Tribal Governments under treaty with US and Canada have per capita incomes similar to those countries deemed worthy. We have submitted our comments already on this issue for consideration