Terri Agnew:Terri Agnew: Welcome to the APRALO-APAC Hub Webinar with topic: Getting ready for the “New” Internet Name Space - Universal acceptance and its challenges Webinar held on Tuesday, 22 March 2016 at 05:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:Meeting page: meeting page: https://community.icann.org/x/1x2AAw
Sonam Keba:hi terri
Sonam Keba:i cannot hear
Terri Agnew:@Sonam, if you would like to join via telephone, please private chat me your telephone number
Don Hollander:Punycode is an ASCII representation of Unicode characters in the domain name
Asha Hemrajani:Thanks Don for the definition of Punycode
Maureen Hilyard:Sorry I'm late - got caught up at another meeting :(
Don Hollander:It would be useful in the transcript to have a paragraph break whena new slide comes on
Siranush Vardanyan:hi all, sorry for joining late, had a meeting before this
Satish Babu2:What's happened to the captions?
Silvia Vivanco:Satish can you see the pod next to this one?
Satish Babu2:Thanks @Silvia. Didn't anything in the pod until just now...wanted to check if captioning started just now...
Silvia Vivanco:Sure Satish, the call is captioned entirely and transcript will be posted
Silvia Vivanco:on the wiki
Satish Babu2:Great, thanks @Silvia!
Bikram Shrestha:thanks
Holly Raiche:Will these presentations be available on the APRALO site
Silvia Vivanco:Hi Holly yes the PPTs, recordings and transcripts will be posted
Holly Raiche:Thanks Silvia
Bikram Shrestha:please upload presentation in we its
Bikram Shrestha:website
Satish Babu2:Can we post questions in the Q & A pod?
Terri Agnew:both presentations are available on the wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/1x2AAw
Edmon Chung:UA is being discussed in the PDP for next round
Edmon Chung:under IDN currently
Michael Flemming:QUESTION/ I just want to clarify whether or not Universal Acceptance pertains to ccTLDs or not as well? /QUESTION
Edmon Chung:yes it does pertain to ccTLD
Edmon Chung:both new ccTLDs that are created and especially IDN ccTLDs
Michael Flemming:Thank you!
Satish Babu2:I've posted a question in the QA pod...
Satish Babu2:Thanks for great presentations, Don & Marvin. For many of us in ALAC, particularly APRALO, UA is an issue that's close to our heart.I have a question: While the UA Initiative is largely developer-focussed, UA also has policy, community and advocacy components, esp. with national governments. Who, inside ICANN or outside, will be handling these tasks?
Silvia Vivanco:will read it
Edmon Chung:Dont treat UASG as a "central authority" UASG is a central platform, these issues need people like you to participate and pull the governments in. in terms of proactive work, we have been reaching out to GAC and GAC representatives particularly
Don Hollander:Can you hear me now?
Edmon Chung:nope we cant hear you don
Edmon Chung:we can hear you now, saying sorry
Satish Babu2:Thanks Don!
Satish Babu2:Thanks @Edmon...
Kelvin Wong:Thanks Edmon, important indeed
Michael Flemming:I wanted to ask about the slides
Michael Flemming:Oh
Michael Flemming:and I got my answer
Michael Flemming:Never mind
Michael Flemming:thank you!
Edmon Chung:actually on top of that, ICANN (the corporation) has also developed some standard clauses in new tenders for software services that require suppliers to stsate their UA readiness. that would be useful for govenrment consideration too i think
Don Hollander:Edmon, that's an issue that I'm keen to work with ISOC on too.
Satish Babu2:Good to know, Edmon/Don.
Don Hollander:(That is a UASG 009 document underway)
Asha Hemrajani:good point Edmon on the tender requirements
Don Hollander:Thanks Kelvin. I hope that the other RALO's will do something similar
Kelvin Wong:Thanks Don, I particularly like the discussions and how everyone contributed to it!
Siranush Vardanyan:Thank you all for great presentations and congratulations to APRALO members with the first captioning webinar
Edmon Chung:caption/live scribe is super useful "very" is not enough. speaker can even know if their audio is still coming through
Siranush Vardanyan:+1 Edmon
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for that comment Edmon
Silvia Vivanco:and all your comments
Silvia Vivanco:this is very useful
Siranush Vardanyan:thank you, staff, Silvia and Kelvin in particular for making this happen
Sonam Keba:thank you all for the useful prsentation
Siranush Vardanyan:I just can not speak, that's why typing here
Holly Raiche:Thank you all
Satish Babu2:Thanks Kelvin, Silvia, Terri, Tina as well as Don & Marvin ! Thanks also to the Captioning Project.
Sonam Keba:the webinar was usefula nd helpful
Satish Babu2:Bye
Edmon Chung:bye
Siranush Vardanyan:bye all and thanks again to all
Kelvin Wong:bye!
Rui ZHONG:bye
Sonam Keba:looking forward for future webinar session as well
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!
Sonam Keba:byeeee
Philadel Yeo:thanks everyone!
Silvia Vivanco:and thanks for your feedback
Marvin Woo:thank you ! bye
Tina-captioner:Thank you!