Per the GNSO Council's motion: "The WG, when convened, is instructed to reach out to all SG/Cs for additional feedback on any items that they believe should be considered that may not have been specifically called out in the charter. The WG is also expected to consider input already provided by SG/C during the public comment period on the Preliminary Issue Report."

To facilitate consideration by the WG, all feedback received through the Public Comment Forum on the Preliminary Issue Report is listed below, along with hyperlinks to attached documents.

Organizations and Groups:


Submitted by

Message Subject and Attachments

Coalition for Online Accountability

S. Metalitz

Comments of Coalition for Online Accountability + COA Attachment

Google, Inc.

S. Duchensneau

Google Comments on Next Generation Registration Directory Services + Google Attachment

Electronic Frontier Foundation

M. Stoltz

EFF Comments on the Next-Generation gTLD Registration Directory Services Preliminary Report + EFF Attachment

At-Large Advisory Committee

At-Large Staff

ALAC Statement on the Next-Generation gTLD RDS to Replace WHOIS Preliminary Issue Report + ALAC Attachment

Registrar Stakeholder Group

M. Neylon

RrSG Comments + RrSG Attachment

Business Constituency

S. DelBianco

Business Constituency (BC) comment on Next-Generation gTLD RDS -- Prelim Issue Report + BC Attachment

Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group

R. Dammak

NCSG comment + NCSG Attachment

Intellectual Property Constituency

G. Shatan

IPC Comment on Next Generation Registry Data Services Preliminary Issue Report + IPC Attachment

Registries Stakeholder Group

P. Diaz

RySG comments on Next-Gen WHOIS + RySG Attachment

International Trademark Association

L. Schulman

INTA Comment on Next Generation RDS + INTA Attachment

Governmental Advisory Committee

T. Dale

GAC Comments on NGRDS Preliminary Issue Report + GAC Attachment




Affiliation (if provided)

Message Subject and Attachments

Garth Bruen


New proposals ignoring real origins and purpose of WHOIS

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