Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the ALAC Leadership Team Meeting on Tuesday 15 December 2015 at 22:00 UTC
  Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
  Holly Raiche:Morning all
  Gisella Gruber:Welcome to all those who have joined
  Ron Sherwood:Hello everyone!
  sandra hoferichter:Hi all!
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:jump across
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:awaiting a dial out
  Gisella Gruber:Happy Birthday to you!
  Heidi Ullrich:@G, in the key of C? ;)
  Heidi Ullrich:Whohoo!!!!!
  sandra hoferichter:Applause!
  Maureen Hilyard:YAY!!!
  Ariel Liang:yayy!!
  Holly Raiche:Alan - could I put approval of At-Large Review charteron the agenda under Other Business - with the charter on the screen (Ariel?)  Thanks
  Ariel Liang:@Holly - sure, we will get it ready
  Gisella Gruber:Leon has joined the call
  Heidi Ullrich:Wouldn't the webinar be that venue for the ALSes?
  Maureen Hilyard:@Cheryl I agree tht we have really tried through out RALOs to get ALSes engaged in these discussions
  sandra hoferichter:Agree, it makes no sense to go beyond this efforts.
  Heidi Ullrich:The ALAC has also held webinars on previous versions
  Maureen Hilyard:@Heidi.. agree... webinars since the outset of this whole process
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:disagree totally with the say everything and BS ech other way fwd
  Julie Hammer:I'm afraid I won't be able to attend either of the webinars, but suspect that's not an issue.
  Holly Raiche:@ Jule - I'm sure CLO and I will be happy to reflect any questions/comments during the call to you - and if you have any questions/comments, we can discuss
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:N P  Julie
  Julie Hammer:Thanks, Holly and Cheryl :-)
  Gisella Gruber:At-Large FY17 Budget Development Workspace :
  sandra hoferichter:Academy?
  sandra hoferichter:go ahead please
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:i do hope you will feel free to make use of me as a resouce for the new Hairing course Sandra...
  Maureen Hilyard:what course cheryl?
  Heidi Ullrich:@Maureen, a potential Academy course for WG Chair Facilitation
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:busy??? surely not OCL !!! :-)
  Heidi Ullrich:I can prepare a draft if needed
  Heidi Ullrich:Two transitions...
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:besides doing constant continent hopping.....
  Ariel Liang:
  Gisella Gruber:León had to leave the call
  Holly Raiche:I thought at least the letters we send are logged
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Will the real Alan Greenberg please stand up?
  Heidi Ullrich:The travel database has been submitted to Constituency Travel
  Gisella Gruber:Webinar invitations in both Spanish (LAC) and French (AF) have been sent to respective lists.
  Ariel Liang:You may read the draft charter here:
  Maureen Hilyard:@Heidi.. does that mean we will be able to organise travel to Marrakesh soon?
  Heidi Ullrich:@Maureen, yes
  Heidi Ullrich:Holly, will you send the messages?
  Heidi Ullrich:Also, have the time commitments been included?
  Holly Raiche:@Heidi - I'll send a drafte to yu and, if okay, will send it out
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks
  Heidi Ullrich:The transition item will be on the agenda as well.
  sandra hoferichter:good night! for me:)
  Heidi Ullrich:Have a fabulous birthday, Cheryl!
  Ron Sherwood:THank you all, bye for now
  Maureen Hilyard:Thanks Alan..Bye all.. Cheryl.. yes have a great birthday
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye for now then...  I will do my best Heidi...I will Maureen...
  Ariel Liang:it's called an 'after party' :)
  sandra hoferichter:I will leave bye bye!
  Gisella Gruber:Thank you all!
  Gisella Gruber:Speak soon again

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