judith hellerstein:Hi Olivier.  Wow first in the room today

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Today's Agenda is on: https://community.icann.org/x/ZY9CAw

  judith hellerstein:Glad to get more people from ALAC on this call now that I have gotten it added to the At Large call lists

  Young-rum:Sorry for joining a bit late. I don't have access to audio yet.

  judith hellerstein:HI Young Rum

  Farzaneh Badii:Hi all

  Farzaneh Badii:oh it's working

  Lynn St.Amour:we have just begun discussing the "table options"

  judith hellerstein:It is the second table on the agenda

  Farzaneh Badii:yes

  Lynn St.Amour:yes

  judith hellerstein:sory about the typo. no way to correct the chats here

  Young-eum:I am in transit, so I may not be able to respond in time. Will try to input my comments.

  judith hellerstein:Will Staff be filling this out?

  judith hellerstein:Looks good

  Cheryl LangdonOrr:format OK

  Young-eum:Basically looks okay

  Lynn St.Amour:I think this works fine.  Maybe add one Misc. or catch-all column in case anything else is worthu of a call-out.

  Young-eum:Looks basically okay.

  Pranesh:I'll type instead?

  Renate De Wulf:Pranesh, yes please type in chat room

  Young-eum:I will try to park.

  Farzaneh Badii:where did you get the list of the countries from ? WSIS ?

  Renate De Wulf:Pranesh, or owuld you rather I have Adigo dial you into teh call?

  Young-eum:I will try to park.

  Cheryl LangdonOrr:good idea Lynn

  Pranesh:The one suggestion, perhaps, is to add a column on funding (impacting Icann, IGF, or developing countries). The Digital Solidarity Fund has been a topic of discussion too.

  Cheryl LangdonOrr:other

  Young-eum:Agree with Lynn.

  Cheryl LangdonOrr:funding.  yup

  judith hellerstein:NO we can not edit. we only have view capabilities

  Pranesh:I currently only have view access.

  Cheryl LangdonOrr:yes view only for me as we'll

  judith hellerstein:The owners need to change the settings to allow us to edit

  Pranesh:Perhaps add it to "how issues"?

  Farzaneh Badii:can anyone edit this Olivier? and when are you gonna finalize it ?

  judith hellerstein:Right now the settings do not allow it but the owner can change the settings

  Cheryl LangdonOrr:just check with Nigel OCL

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/123i-g_sjVt1YgvchJ11RA1QzWncjgZXVPyTkvKFTzuY/edit?usp=sharing

  Cheryl LangdonOrr:thx

  judith hellerstein:Thanks

  Farzaneh Badii:thanks

  Farzaneh Badii:we?

  Young-eum:I am willing to work on this. I think we need at least two per response.

  Farzaneh Badii:ok !

  judith hellerstein:yes all members of the committee

  Lynn St.Amour:could we set up a Doodle poll and ask people to sign up?

  Lynn St.Amour:that should help ensure full coverage and minimize duplication of efforts



  Lynn St.Amour:on the google doc, correct? that should work

  judith hellerstein:Yes

  Cheryl LangdonOrr:timing was the issue in BA

  judith hellerstein:I think it was a timing issue

  judith hellerstein:I think the F2F should be first

  judith hellerstein:it worked well in singapore

  Pranesh:I think having face to face first works better, if it is possible.

  judith hellerstein:I agree

  judith hellerstein:We need to wait for the non paper to come out

  judith hellerstein:It is supposed to come out in the end of August

  judith hellerstein:but then there is only 2 weeks when it comes out to when we can submit written submissions on the non-paper


  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:WSIS Review Page: https://community.icann.org/display/CPMMB/WSIS+review

  Renate De Wulf:Link to Events Calendar: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-o-ba2z2WOG33-v5ZSZJgziB6PTxihMsPsqNQ994tyw/edit?usp=sharing

  Farzaneh Badii:sorry I have to leave now, but I suggest that we have less usual suspects on the panel . Some new blood perhaps! thank you.

  Young-eum:but the meeting on October 19-20 was announced relatively


  Klaus Stoll:Rudi Vansnick will be at the AFICTA SUMMIT

  Klaus Stoll:I personaly will be at the NY events if I can.

  Mary Uduma:Join us at AFIGF 6-8 Sept, 2015

  judith hellerstein:Will it be livestreamed?


  Pranesh:Given nothing pressing, I'd suggest 2 weeks.

  Mary Uduma:Ther will be remote participation. www.afigf.org

  Cheryl LangdonOrr:thanks OCL... Thanks everyone... bye for now then...

  Young-eum:Thanks, everyone!

  Lynn St.Amour:Thank you Olivier

  judith hellerstein:thanks all

  Mary Uduma:Thanks everyone.

  Pranesh:Thanks all

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:OK for Doodle in 2 weeks.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:bye a

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