Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the LACRALO Monthly conference call on Monday, 25 May 2015 at 23:00 UTC
  Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
  Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela:good day
  Gisella Gruber:Wecome Ricardo!
  Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela:buenas tardes, yo le escucho
  Silvia Vivanco:Hola a  todos
  Silvia Vivanco:Bienvenidos
  Vanda:hi everyone, hola a todos, como vão?
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
  Alberto Soto:Hola a todos!! Hello everyone!!
  Alyne Andrade:Buenas noches
  Carlton Samuels:Howdy all
  Alyne Andrade:Yo gustaría de interpretación en portugués
  Gisella Gruber:@ Alyne - do you need a dial-out?
  Humberto Carrasco:Hello
  SYLVIA Herlein Leite:hola a todos -  estaré en el canal de portugues
  cristian casas:buenas noches a todos
  Peter Knight (Pedro Cavalheiro):Saludos, queria conocer como anda LACRALO. Vivo en el Brasil, pero no siendo cidudano brasileño, tengo que participar normalmente via NARALO.
  SYLVIA Herlein Leite:canal 5393 Alyne
  Peter Knight (Pedro Cavalheiro):Espero poder conocerlos mehor en BA
  Alberto Soto:Seguro Pedro, nos conoceremos muy bien!
  Vanda 2:@Peter. for sure...
  PT interpreter 2:Alyne, você precisa de dial-out?
  Peter Knight (Pedro Cavalheiro):@Vanda, boa noite! Espero conhecer mais sobre a saida de Fadi!
  Silvia Vivanco:Por favor si no estan hablando a cerrar sus microfonos por favor
  Silvia Vivanco:por favor poner  telefonos en mudo si no estan hablando
  Alyne Andrade:Mi telefono es +55 81 9925 4797
  Fatima Cambronero:hola a todos/ hello everyone
  Vanda 2:hola Fatima
  Fatima Cambronero:hola Vanda, cómo estás?
  Silvia Vivanco:Gisella could you confirm we are being recorded?
  Gisella Gruber:@ Silvia - we are recorded via ADIGO - we dont usually record the Adobe COnnect room
  Silvia Vivanco:echo  en la linea de Humberto
  Silvia Vivanco:okay recording esta  confirmado
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Alberto : I can talk about some recent activities from the TTF that might be on interest to LACRALO members
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:at the end of the agenda
  Humberto Carrasco:thanks DEv
  Humberto Carrasco:Of course
  Silvia Vivanco:@ Alberto, when will the  official  result be released on the LACRALO list.  
  Gisella Gruber:Bartlett Morgan and Aida Noblia have joined the AC room
  Aida Noblia:Hola a todos
  Silvia Vivanco:ok gracias Alberto
  Bartlett Morgan:Hola a todos
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Humberto  for consolidating the  comments re METRICs and we stand ready to send documents for translation
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:can any drafts be posted to the wiki so we can see whether the comments were taken into account?
  Carlton Samuels:@Dev: +1
  Humberto Carrasco:DEv
  Humberto Carrasco:That is the idea
  Carlton Samuels:Put the consolidated comments on the wiki PLUS circulate it via the list
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Very well, look forward to seeing the updated documents on the wiki
  Gisella Gruber:Gilberto Lara has joined the call
  Gisella Gruber:Philippe Boland has joined the call
  Philippe Boland:Perdon por el retraso
  Silvia Vivanco:Hola Phillipe bienvenido
  Philippe Boland:Buenas tardes a todos
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:hmm..when you say dance lessons, would it be a large enough space to do this ? Also, if the dancer is narrating, then there may be need for wireless microphones so that the dancers could be heard and interpreted
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for your comments Dev
  Silvia Vivanco:the room is the Golden Horn, same as the 2013 Showcase
  Silvia Vivanco:and we will investigate re interpreters during Showcase
  Silvia Vivanco:We are hearing ENGLISH in Spanish channel
  Carlton Samuels:Sound
  Carlton Samuels:I vote for the folk music!
  Vanda 2:@ correcto Humberto, fue lo que acordamos en el ultimo call
  Vanda 2:si  recuerdate
  Gisella Gruber:Lance Hinds has joined the call
  SYLVIA Herlein Leite:siiiiiiiiiiiii
  SYLVIA Herlein Leite:todossssssssssss
  SYLVIA Herlein Leite:yo ya tengo el mio , jajaj
  Vanda 2: YO y SYlvia ya lo temos hecho!!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:well, re: the showcase agenda - perhaps some words from the secretariat could be added
  Carlton Samuels:All those costumes need a horse!
  Carlton Samuels:They will be unfinished without that horse
  Vanda 2:video o musica de cada pais.
  Silvia Vivanco:@ Alberto please let us know if there will be MOU, if not we  will delete it from Agenda
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:What are the issues related to the possible MOU with LACNIC ? Has there been any communication/feedback  with LACNIC?
  Carlton Samuels:@Alberto: I am puzzled why an MOU with LACNIC is controversial. Please look at the ones executed with other RIRS/RALOs.  If we can at least affirm the ideas are useful in those shamelessly copy and be done!
  Carlton Samuels:For the record I support an MOU with LACNIC
  SYLVIA Herlein Leite:agree with Carlton
  Humberto Carrasco:I agree as well
  Lance Hinds:Makes sense
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:there's a typo in the showcase agenda - it shows 18:60 when it should be 19:00
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for pointing out Dev
  Silvia Vivanco:we will correct
  Silvia Vivanco:as MOU is TBC all timings may need to be adjusted
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:One comment re: showcase agenda - I understand that we don't want too many long speakers, but at the same time, there perhaps should be a space for a speaker - I would suggest Fatima Cambronero as an ALAC member who will be ending her term at the Dublin meeting
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:also to bring more diversity (I see no female speakers)
  Silvia Vivanco:Alberto do we have a headcount?
  Fatima Cambronero:thanks @Dev, I would like to participate if all of you think it could be a good idea
  Silvia Vivanco:si Humberto es importante para ver los tiempos de los speeches
  Silvia Vivanco:si tenemos MOU necesitamos 10 minutos para el signing ceremony
  Vanda 2:@ dev, looks a good name to talk as ending term member - fatima
  Silvia Vivanco:+ fotografo oficial
  Fatima Cambronero:si, Alberto, de acuerdo
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:for that matter, perhaps also include from words from the secretariat - which will be Jason Hynds carrying out secretariat duties while in BA - again with the goal of being inclusive
  Fatima Cambronero:me gustaría participar
  Silvia Vivanco:Gracias Fatima!
  Silvia Vivanco:Te incluire con 3 minutos en la Agenda
  Fatima Cambronero:gracias a Dev
  Vanda 2:Jorge, mi marido siempre saca fotos proque es profisional del tema. ya saca las fotos de DNS women pro ejemplo
  Fatima Cambronero:y a ustedes
  cristian casas:me parece muy bien
  Vanda 2:como es sin costo, mejor
  Silvia Vivanco:casi todos tienen 3 minutos
  Silvia Vivanco:muy bien!
  Silvia Vivanco:asi lo haremos y adaptaremos los tiempos
  Gisella Gruber:Johnny Laureano as joined the AC room
  Carlton Samuels:Do remeber its a 'showcase'. So go light on the speeches please!
  Johnny Laureano:Buenos noches a todos.
  Johnny Laureano:Disculpen la tardanza.
  Carlton Samuels:I'd rather hear folk songs and see costumes. Even if we don't have a horse!
  Vanda 2:@ Carlton I am with you!!!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:is there an At-Large wiki page on this issue? I also recall there was a cross community WG to discuss this
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I'm talking about the proceeds from new gTLD auctions
  Carlton Samuels:@Dev:  Don't think there was a WG of any kind. It did come up for discussion but at the time the politics was just not right
  Silvia Vivanco:@ Dev I am looking for such wiki
  Carlton Samuels:I mean at an ALAC meeting. So no further work was done.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I see this page : which is blank  
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Perhaps it can be mentioned on the ALAC call tommorow to find out more information about proceeds from new gTLD auctions
  cristian casas:entonces te enviamos un mail ati Alberto con nuestro comentario, mejor asì filltramos el trabajo final?
  Philippe Boland:Motivar la participacion
  Carlton Samuels:@Alberto: At the time we suggested that the Capacity-building initiatives of the RIRs provide some useful examples.  I also pointed out what ISOC was doing.  
  Vanda 2:discutimso en el borad con los alumni pero sin sacar una respuesta
  Carlton Samuels:At the time the unspoken response was 'we're not going to use these for underserving poor'!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for sharing Dev! I am downloading  the  translator
  cristian casas:me parece interesante que se coloque como punto de acciòn
  Philippe Boland:Ademas seria bueno si esta lista esta actualisada Hace meses que pido cambiar  nuestra persona contacto
  Silvia Vivanco:Phillipe, por favor enviar un email al personal de At Large, a Ariel liang ella actualiza las listas de correo
  Bartlett Morgan:the feedback has a trini accent
  Philippe Boland:Ya mande creo que 4
  Silvia Vivanco:Carlton your audio has lots of noise
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Not me ;-) - there is some noise on the line
  Philippe Boland:A Ariel ok
  Silvia Vivanco:interpreters apologize that they cannot interpret you
  Silvia Vivanco:could you write down your comments please
  Peter Knight (Pedro Cavalheiro):Sobre lo que esta hablando, estoy seguiendo en bastante detalle lo que está siendo hecho en el Brasiil.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I'm muted
  Peter Knight (Pedro Cavalheiro):Quiero decir, inclusión digital, desarollo de redes científicas y estaduales con múltiplos parceros institucionales, públicos y privados.
  Carlton Samuels:@Alberto: Thanks
  cristian casas:me interesa trabajar en esas dos lineas, como debo hacer?
  Peter Knight (Pedro Cavalheiro):Buenos noches a todos!
  cristian casas:gracias Alberto
  Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela:buenas noches, saludos
  Aída Noblia:Saludos a todos
  Johnny Laureano:Buenas noches a todos.
  cristian casas:Buenas noches a todos, desde Argentina
  Silvia Vivanco:Gracias a todos!  Thank you all!
  SYLVIA Herlein Leite:Exelente trabalho Bettina- Canal de Portugues/
  Philippe Boland:Merci Bye
  Silvia Vivanco:Good evening !
  Lance Hinds:good night all
  Vanda 2:buenas noches a todos.. good night to everyone. boa noite a todos  obrgida Alberto, thank you to staff
  Gisella Gruber:Muchas gracias a todos
  SYLVIA Herlein Leite:bye
  Gilberto Lara 2:Gracias a todos
  Bartlett Morgan:Good night all
  Alyne Andrade:Muchas Gracias
  Gisella Gruber:Thank you all for your participation
  Carlton Samuels:Thank you interpreters. Thanks all
  Fatima Cambronero:gracias a todos/thanks all- Bye
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks and take care all
  SYLVIA Herlein Leite:take care

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