December 2015

As indicated in our previous reports, EURALO concentrated its activities during December on the election of the next EURALO Board. The voting was conducted Online via a tool and out of the nine candidates the following members were elected by following the criteria set before (regional balance etc.):

-       Jordi Iparraguirre (Spain)

-       Yrjö Länsipuro (Finland)

-       Mikhail Medrish (Russia)

-       Annette Mühlberg (Germany)

-       Matthieu Camus (France)

Other activities focused on round-ups from 2015 and the Dublin General Assembly and planning for the upcoming year 2016.

November 2015

EURALO’s November call concentrated basically on a wrap-up from the recent Dublin GA and related action items like:

The selection of the new EURALO Board was postponed in Dublin due to time constraints. Meanwhile, a list of candidates, submitted to the GA already, was amended by countries and forwarded again together with the performance criteria for new Board members. Prior to and during the November call suggestions were made to reduce the next Board to 5 members only (according to the minimum size prescribed by the Bylaws) plus the EURALO leadership as “Ex-officio” or non-voting members. As there are several candidates from the same countries on the list (total 9 candidates), it was decided to choose one candidate by country only while reflecting gender and regional balance criteria. The BP voting tool prepared by Staff was configured accordingly to allow up to 5 candidates max. and one per country only for each voter (electorate currently 34 voters). To achieve a representative / sufficient quorum for this Board voting, it was decided that a minimum of 18 voters during the one-week-period is needed. The voting will start on 30 November until 7 December and all ALS representatives will get the infos summarized above together with their voting credentials. Further details see:

October 2015

As indicated in our reports from previous months, EURALO concentrated its activities during October on its 8th General Assembly (GA) which was conducted F2F inline with ICANN’s 54 meeting in Dublin. EURALO organized its GA in two parts: a content-based session on the Public Interest and a regular part according to usual business and Bylaw prescriptions. The GA agenda you can find here:

For the content session EURALO presented a Thesis paper on the Public Interest which was discussed and approved by attending members. It was agreed to submit this input paper to other RALOs asking for further inputs from other regions and to prepare a more comprehensive document for consideration by ALAC. For this purpose it was suggested to create a ALAC-wide working group on the topic.

In the following regular GA part EURALO members discussed and approved the Annual Report 2014-15, reflected on improved In- and Outreach and elected a new leadership team. Olivier Crepin-Leblond (former ALAC member) was confirmed by acclamation as the next EURALO Chair, Wolf Ludwig (outgoing Chair) was elected by a large majority (with one dissenting vote and three abstentions) for the next Secretariat – both functions for a two-years term. Due to time constraints, it was decided to select the new EURALO Board via a subsequent Online voting. The assembly thanked the outgoing Secretariat Yuliya Morenets for her work and term.

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  1. September 2015

    The preparation for the GA in Dublin remained the main issue for the EURALO ALSes in September, during which the composition of the welcome package for the attendees in Dublin was agreed and finalized. The registration period has ended and the results are encouraging; the majority of the ALSes are registered and will attend the GA in Dublin in person.

    The drafting team presented the draft agenda proposal and it was approved by the ALSes, namely with the proposed format of the GA to be divided into two parts, the content part and the procedural part.

    The EURALO Outreach strategy was drafted and approved by the ICANN VP for Europe and will be discussed and presented under the agenda point 11 during the GA in Dublin.


    August 2015

    In August, RALOs activities were slowed down due to the holiday period in Europe. 

    The main focus was on the preparation of the GA to be held in October in Dublin. 

    EURALO members are mostly agreed on the format of the GA, which will be composed of two main parts: the content/policy part, followed by the stakeholders’ lunch and the procedural part. The first part will be a discussion on public interest, based on the previously prepared two-page draft to discuss in Dublin. The second part will comprise the election procedure of the new leadership team.

    It was also agreed to raise during the GA the question of the role and the performance of the EURALO Board and how best to revitalize it.

    The nomination period for the EURALO leadership positions was opened in August, and the drafting team for the Agenda outline for the GA in Dublin was also created during the month. 

    July 2015

    In July EURALO activities were mainly focused on ICANN 53 outcomes and the preparation for the GA in Dublin during the ICANN 54.

    Public comment on IANA Stewardship Transition is opened and EURALO ALSes are invited to participate.

    In July EURALO made progress with the preparation of the General Assembly in October. It was agreed to send the invitations to the RALOs representatives and to finalize registrations in August. A number of discussions concerned the format of the GA and finally it was agreed to have a morning session focused on the content part, then a networking lunch followed by the procedural part of the GA, which will include the election of EURALO officers.

    It was also proposed to proceed in an inclusive way and to invite other civil society constituencies at ICANN to the GA, as well as European ISOC chapter representatives. 

    An important discussion concentrated on the re-election of the EURALO board, its role and the development of performance criteria. It was decided to include this issue on the agenda for discussion at the GA in Dublin.

    June 2015

    Monthly activities in June focused on two important events: the EuroDIG in Sofia and the ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires.

    A number of ALSes actively participated in the EuroDIG in Sofia. The four of them were supported by the ICANN CROPP program and participated in outreach activities at EuroDIG. The follow-up reports are about to be prepared by CROPP program participants.

    The ICANN 53 was another important event in June, with the central issue focused on IANA transition and accountability.

    The EURALO monthly call took place during the ICANN 53 meeting and concentrated on a number of issues, among them the preparation for the EURALO General Assembly in Dublin. An Organizing Committee was established, with one of its tasks to effectively organize the event in Ireland.

    Another discussed issue in June was to identify EURALO members who will be interested in taking part in 2015 Leadership Training Program. 


    May 2015

    In May EURALO activities were focused on a number of issues.  First of all the RALOs continued to be concerned by the IANA transition & accountability processes. It was agreed that a common vision at the EURALO level needs to be developed.

    Another important point was the nomination of candidates as ALAC and NomCom representatives from EURALO. The candidates were proposed, voted and accepted their nominations. Congratulations to the new representatives: Sébastien Bachollet and Yrjö Länsipuro.

    The EURALO candidates for the CROPP program were approved by ICANN and five people will participate at the EuroDIG as part of the CROPP program of ICANN.

    The last preparations for the EuroDIG in Sofia and the Southeastern European event were on the verge of being finalized in May and this remained another concern of RALOs.

    In May, it was confirmed by ICANN that the EURALO General Assembly will take place in Dublin during ICANN 54 and will be financially supported by the ICANN budget. The first preparations for the event started this month and focused on the development of the agenda.


    April 2015

    Monthly activities in April concerned a number of important issues, including the ICANN decision concerning the financial support to the organization of the physical face-to-face GA later this year, and the submission of the CROPP application.

    The five CROPP candidates were selected and the submission of the EURALO application was done on time, by April 15. The review process is under way and the results will be known in May.

    Registration was opened for the EuroDIG 2015 and the feedback on the preparation process was given and discussed by RALOs.

    In April, the RALOs were asked to participate in the survey focused on RALO expertise, which demonstrated a high level of participation. The results are being analysed by ICANN staff. 

    It was also proposed to hold a EURALO briefing call on IANA transition and the progress made, which has been provisionally arranged for May. 


    March 2015

    Monthly activities in March were devoted to a number of important issues, among them the preparation of the GA face-to-face meeting to be held later this year and the submission of the request for financial support to ICANN.

    The CROPP submissions remained an important task, and was mainly focused on the need for selection criteria of the candidate’s profiles. After a physical discussion in Singapore and the exchange of views among RALOs, a list of criteria was proposed for the selection of candidates, which was approved and will be used during the process of preparing the application file for CROPP by EURALO.

    The EuroDIG preparation process was another important issue discussed by RALOs in March. The preliminary program is ready and a number of EURALO members are involved in the design of the workshops and/or plenary sessions.

    The At-Large review process was also debated during March. The whole process launched by ICANN will take a few months and will concern EURALO, as well as other regional structures.


    February 2015

    Monthly activities in February were mainly focused on the ICANN 52 meeting in Singapore and the feedback from the meeting. A number of RALOs were present in Singapore and participated in discussions of the main points of the meeting, namely the IANA stewardship transition work, as well as the work of the ICANN accountability process, the review of which is under way.

    The feedback from Singapore underlines the need for community consensus to find the solution or a work plan for the two abovementioned points by the end of 2015. The need for better cooperation was also stressed.

    Among other key issues in February were the welcome and the certification of the Internet Support Foundation from Russia, the feedback from the NomCom, and the preparation of the face-to-face GA later this year.

    CROPP submissions and the EuroDIG preparation process were also debated. 


    January 2015

    Monthly activities in January were devoted to a number of important issues, first of all the Frankfurt meeting on accountability and the participation of EURALO members, which was discussed by RALO members.

    Another worth mentioning was the success of the call for topic proposals (72 received) for EuroDIG. The EuroDIG planning meeting took place on January 27 in Sofia.

    The new application for EURALO membership from Russia was discussed by RALO members during the month of January. The Internet Support Foundation was successfully qualified as an At-large structure at the end of the month. We are happy to welcome the Internet Support Foundation to the EURALO family.

    CROPP submissions and special budget request for the 2016 fiscal year for the EURALO GA in Dublin remained important items on the agenda.

    The preparation of the ICANN 52 meeting, which will take place in February in Singapore, and the participation of EURALO was another point of discussion.