The next meeting of the new IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Working Group is scheduled on Wednesday 12 November 2014  at 17:00 UTC

09:00 PST, 12:00 EST, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET            

For other times:

Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled:


  1. Roll Call/Updates to SOI
  2. Continue deliberations on: (a) potentially differentiating between IGOs and INGOs; and (b) potentially differentiating the Red Cross and IOC from other INGOs
  3. Commence deliberations on the next Work Plan/Charter question: "Develop potential considerations (e.g. qualifying requirements, authentication criteria and appeal processes) for IGOs and INGOs that would be relevant to their use of dispute resolution proceedings” (if time permits)
  4. Next steps

MP3 Recording:


Meeting Transcript:



George Kirikos - Individual

Jim Bikoff – IPC

Petter Rindforth – IPC

Val Sherman – IPC

Phil Corwin – BC

Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP

Mason Cole – RySG

Lori Schulman NPOC

Gary Campbell – GAC

Alexander Lerman – no SOI

David Healsley - IPC

Jay Chapman – Individual

David Cake –  NCUC

Nat Cohen - BC

David Maher – RySG



Kristine Dorrain- Individual

Paul Tattersfield - Individual


ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Steve Chan

Berry Cobb

Nathalie Peregrine


Adobe Connect chat transcript for Wednesday, 12 November 2014:

   Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the  IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protection PDP WG Meeting on the 12th November 2014

  Gary Campbell:Hi Jay, Nathalie

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Hello Gary and Jay!

  Osvaldo Novoa:Hello all

  Val Sherman:Hello all

  George Kirikos:Hi everyone.

  Jay Chapman:Hi Everyone!

  Alexander Lerman:Greetings all

  Nathalie  Peregrine:David Cake has joined the call

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Lori Schulman has also joined the call

  Gary Campbell:Greg you have your hand up

  Gary Campbell:George rather

  George Kirikos:Right. I think that's what Paul's point was -- for the 3 major issues, i.e. having a TM, costs, and mutual jurisdiction, IGOs aren't necessarily 'special' either.

  George Kirikos:And so, Paul was trying to say that there should be an overall principle involved, rather than different strokes for different folks....

  George Kirikos:It's nice to have you on today's call, Gary (Gary's with the GAC).

  Gary Campbell:Thanks George

  George Kirikos:Thanks Jim.

  Lori Schulman:I agree that we should focus on IGO's

  Jay Chapman:Agree with you, Phil

  George Kirikos:Yes, I think it makes sense to focus on IGOs, as the obstacles for INGOs don't seem different from other organizations.

  George Kirikos:

  Mary Wong:We are uploading it to the chat room

  George Kirikos:A private action, indeed. So, the 'mutual jurisdiction/immunity' issue exists in the normal course of enforcement.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Nat Cohen has joined the call

  Nat Cohen:Hi everyone.  Sorry for joining late.

  George Kirikos:Welcome, Nat.

  Nat Cohen:Hi George

  Jay Chapman:Agree, Phil

  George Kirikos:I have to always correct myself when I say "real world" -- I meant "offline" world, since the "online" world is definitely real! :)

  Mary Wong:@George, :)

  George Kirikos:Has that IGO coaltion been created yet?

  George Kirikos:(i.e. we talked about sending out an invitation to all the IGO observers to the GAC)

  Petter Rindforth:I fully support that, as a necessary step to move on

  Mary Wong:@George, staf has that as an action item to take back to the Council

  George Kirikos:lol I see Mary had to backspace/delete "real world" too ... :-)

  Mary Wong:LOL - I did!!!!

  George Kirikos:Registrant can even initiate a court filing during the UDRP itself.

  George Kirikos:Does the General Counsel have access to Westlaw or other databases?

  George Kirikos:(i.e. to do a text search on court cases involving 6ter)

  Mary Wong:@George, I don't know (I wish I still did! :)

  George is a free Canadian court ruling database, but I didn't find much.

  Lori Schulman:I think that Google Scholar is free for case law research too.

  George Kirikos:Good point, Lori.

  Lori Schulman::)

  George is still not owned by the IGO.

  Lori Schulman:In my experience IGO's and NGO's do not enforce in the same way as the Fortune 500.

  George Kirikos:Only 1 match in Google Scholar for 6ter.

  Lori Schulman:It's surprising what they don't own.

  George Kirikos:(for the Federal Courts)

  Petter Rindforth:Agree

  Lori Schulman:When I say enforce, I mean in the name space.

  Mary Wong:In my past life as an academic, Google Scholar wasn't very comprehensive or useful :(

  George Kirikos:Yes, the paid databases are the place to check.. $$$$

  Lori Schulman:Lexis requires a monthly subscription.  It is not pay as you go as in the past.  You need a subscription.  My organization does not have one...unfortunately.

  George Kirikos 2:Adobe froze.

  Petter Rindforth:Good reason to skip that date

 George Kirikos:Anyone else having Adobe issues? Keeps freezing up.

  George Kirikos:Good to skip that date. I'd also skip December 24, 2014.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ George, my AC seems fine.

  George Kirikos:(if we're sticking to Wednesdays)

  Jay Chapman:agree with George, might add 12/31 as well

  Lori Schulman:This is my second Adobe call today and it's been wonky all day especially the mobile app.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:{Please use Firefox and keep it updated as much as possible as this does tend to erase bugs

  George Kirikos:It's been stable other days. First time it has ever froze up on me, in many uses.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Update can be found here: •           Open your Firefox Web Browser and navigate to the following URL:••          On Step #4 of the Test – Please select “Install Add-in” Or “Update Add-in”

  Alexander Lerman:Thanks all

  George Kirikos:Bye everyone. Have a great day!

  Jay Chapman:Thanks, Everyone. Goodbye!

  Lori Schulman:ciao

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