SECTION B. Professional and Educational Background

1. Provide details of your current job, role, title, employer and affiliations

AT&T Services Inc. – Bellaire, TX 2010 – Present

Consultant Systems Integration Manager, Business Marketing

  • Manage cloud and hosting resource allocations on a daily basis including sales, operational readiness and billing operational factories.
  • Utilize business expertise of division directors and department managers with functional areas affecting multiple functions to streamline business requirements.
  • Work in partnership with Customer Experience team to ensure components of Cloud Services and Hosting solutions meet pre-defined feature, function, and reliability requirements of customers, product owners, and integration partners.
  • Lead Customer Experience Tool review with project team prior to product/feature launch.
  • Mentor/coach the process engineers with less experience.

Additionally, I am a member of the Telephone Pioneers and Oxygen employee resource group.

2. Describe your educational and professional history. Provide all information that you believe may be relevant to being an effective member of the ICANN Board

I have worked in the telecommunications industry for the past twenty-two years in positions ranging from Operator Services to Management. I have written methods and procedures for area code splits and managed projects in support of the conversion from IPV4 to IPV6.

My educational background consists of a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science with an emphasis in Information Systems. Additionally, I earned a Masters of Science Management with a concentration in Information Technology Management. Furthermore, I have completed 32 hours of advanced coursework in Organizational Leadership.

3. Describe any current and past volunteer community positions, roles and accomplishments. We are particularly interested in similar Board directorship and committee experience

In 2010, I was one of 150 women from across the country selected to participate in the Whitehouse Project 2010 Women Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC. Our collaboration enabled the individual participants to return to her respective home and influence the voters to urge congress to sign off on the 2010 New Start Treaty with Russia.

4. List any relevant personal or professional web pages

I am member of LinkedIn and the Data Solutions Group.


SECTION C. Internet Involvement and Interest in ICANN

1. Describe how you meet the criteria for the At-Large selected ICANN Board Director position

I have vast experience in telecommunications as well as education and training in technology. My various managerial roles have required me to collaborate with people from across the globe so I understand working with diverse cultures and people.

In addition, my work with the Whitehouse Project, prepared me to be an influential leader within my community and champion change.

2. Describe current and past involvement in, contributions to, and leadership roles in activities and organizations involved in the development and operation of the Internet, its naming and addressing infrastructure and/or its security and stability

I managed resource allocations for telecommunication projects that supported the transition from IPV4 to IPV6.

3. Provide a statement about what you would contribute in the At-Large selected ICANN Board Director position to ICANN and its mission

As a board of director member, I will champion the change that is occurring and provide training to the at-large communities on the change. In addition, I will be the liaison to bridge the gap between the user community and the boarding ensuring the user community voice is heard.

4. Provide a statement about what you would contribute in the At-Large selected ICANN Board Director position to the At-Large Community

I am a great collaborator with extensive experience working with diverse cultures and value the customer experience.

5. Please describe specifically how and why you will be able to advance, at the ICANN Board, the interests of the At-Large Community and the broader global community of Internet end-users

As a telecommunication manager, I am on the forefront of this transition from IPV4 to IPV6 (such as the smartphone access to the internet). My insight and experience working with the data provided by the end user customer makes me a good candidate for the ICANN board.

6. Is there any additional information you would like to submit that would be helpful to the BCEC in making its decision? If so, please summarize it here

I believe that I can provide the voice of the internet user to the board ensuring that all views are heard.

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