
Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Development Process – Part D

Upcoming Important Dates

End of July - target date for publication of Initial Report for public comment. 


The Inter‐Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) is a consensus policy to provide a straightforward procedure for domain name holders to transfer domain names between registrars. An overall review of this policy identified areas that require clarification or improvement, which were labeled A-E, and addressed in a series of PDPs. This PDP, which is known as IRTP Part D reviews the following four issues related to the Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy: 

  • Should there be reporting requirements for registries and dispute providers; should there be additional information on how to handle disputes when multiple transfers have occurred; should there be dispute options for registrants; should there be requirements or best practices to make information on transfer dispute resolution options available to registrants;
  • Whether existing penalties for policy violations are sufficient or if additional provisions/penalties for specific violations should be added into the policy;
  • Whether the universal adoption and implementation of EPP AuthInfo codes have eliminated the need for FOAs; and
  • The GNSO Council initiated the PDP at its meeting on 17 January 2013 and approved the PDP WG Charter. A WG was formed and held its first meeting on 25 February 2013.

ALAC Engagement Opportunity Status

The WG is open to all interested parties. Additional opportunities for input will occur such as a public comment forum on the policy recommendations prior to Board consideration, provided these are adopted by the GNSO Council. 

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ALAC Related Documents

  • n/a - No Statement were previously made on this topic. 
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