As agreed on the AFRALO Monthly call of 14 November 2012, this AFRALO At-Large Structures' Activities Workspace has been created as a means to collect information on the activities of AFRALO At-Large Structures. AFRALO At-Large Structures are requested to post information directly to this Workspace or send an email to the AFRALO Secretariat, Aziz Hilali.


December 2011

Activities of FMAI

The Mediterranean Federation of Internet Associations organized on 6 December 2011 in Tunis (Tunisia) the « Top Level Domains Day », with the participation of the Tunisian Telecommunication National Authority “INT” (Regulator), the Tunisian Internet Agency “ATI” (ccTLD operator) and ICANN.

This event was organized to overcome the lack of ICANN outreach in the developing countries for the new gTLD program and its Applicant Support Program.

Sebastien Bachollet who represented ICANN addressed in details the new gTLD Program, and Tijani BEN JEMAA explained the opportunities that the Applicant Support Program offers to Applicants from developing economies and poor communities.

Wafa Dahmani from ATI spoke about the status of the ccTLD “.tn” and the its IDN version, and the ATI efforts to promote its use, while the representative of INT Sihem Trabelsi presented the new charter of the Tunisian ccTLD and its advantages for users.  

Tijani BEN JEMAA    

June 2012

Activities of FMAI

On 19 June 2012, the Mediterranean Federation of Internet Associations “FMAI” organized in Tunis (Tunisia) the « IPV6 Day ». The Tunisian Telecommunication National Authority “INT” (Regulator) and the Tunisian Internet Agency “ATI” (ccTLD operator) actively participated in event.

The IPV6 day, that was opened by the Tunisian Minister of Information and Communication Technologies was an opportunity for the guest speaker Olivier Crépin Leblond, Chair of ALAC, to explain how important to migrate from IPV4 to IPV6 on time. Tijani BEN JEMAA, who introduced the subject, detailed the reasons of the necessity for such migration, and how the Internet landscape will change with the IPV6 implementation.

The representative of ATI gave the situation in Tunisia and how ready ATI is for a smooth migration. She explained the need for outreach so that the main users (especially the big companies and the ISPs) decide to start to implement the IPV6 together with the existing IPV4 for a coexistence period before the full switching to the new protocol.  

Tijani BEN JEMAA    


Activities of ISOC-BENIN (By Yaovi Atohoun)

Past: Our ALS took part in a two days event organized by CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertes) on Nov 12 -13, 2012 in Cotonou (Benin). CNIL is a structure which has the mission to protect citizen's data privacy.

upcoming:  From Dec 11 to  Dec 15,  our ALS will be organizing a five days technical training on Linux System administration. This event is funded by ISOC International.


December 2012

Acrivity of ISOC-BENIN (posted by Yaovi Atohoun

A technical workshop on Linux system administration was held in Cotonou (Benin) in December as announced the previous month.  27  participants  from different companies and universities attended the workshop from December 11 to December 15, 2012 at Campus Numerique Francophone of Cotonou. Each participant had access to a computer for better practical sessions. The workshop is funded by ISOC. Pierre Dandjinou  former president of the chapter  and also  VP for for Stakeholder Engagement in Africa officially launched the workshop. ISOC provided also the workshop instructor.

June 2013

Activities of FMAI

In the framework of the ICANN African Strategy, the Mediterranean Federation of Internet Associations “FMAI” organized on 25 June 2013 in Tunis (Tunisia) the « DNS Industry Day ». with the strong support of the Tunisian Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies, the Tunisian Telecommunication National Authority “INT” (Regulator) and the Tunisian Internet Agency “ATI” (ccTLD operator), and the active participation of ICANN.

The event, that was opened by the representative of the Tunisian Minister of Information and Communication Technologies gathered several speakers from Tunisia who addressed the benefits for the Tunisian businessmen to invest in the domain names’ field. Baher Esmat, the ICANN Vice President for Middle East explained the ICANN regional strategies, and the place that the Domain Names Industry occupies in those strategies. The FMAI vice president, Thierry Piette Coudol from France addressed the legal aspects of DNS industry at the global level.

Representatives of the Tunisian private sector, public enterprises, and government participated in the debate around the interest and the profitability of the investment in the DNS industry in Tunisia.

A case study was presented by Mr Hamza Aboulfeth, CEO of Genious Communications, a Moroccan registrar.

Tijani BEN JEMAA    




Comme convenu lors de l'appel mensuel de l'AFRALO du 14 novembre 2012, l'espace de travail pour les   Activités des ALS de l'AFRALO a été créé comme un moyen de recueillir des informations sur leurs activités. Les ALS de l'AFRALO sont invités à mettre leurs informations directement sur cet espace de travail ou d'envoyer un courriel au secrétariat de l' AFRALO, Aziz Hilali.

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  1. Anonymous

    L'A3LBF (ALS BURKINA FASO) organise du 03 AU 08 décembre 2012 à la Maison des savoirs (MDS) à Ouagadougou une formation  sous régionale sur Web2 avec le soutien de l'Organisation Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie (OIF) à l’attention des développeurs web. Il s’agit d’aider à implanter en Afrique une « véritable industrie  du libre ». La dite formation regroupera des ingénieurs du Bénin, de la Coté d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Niger, du Sénégal et du Togo. 

    Hadja OUATTARA

  2. Isoc Maroc et le Bureau de l’UNESCO de Rabat, organisent une Conférence sur la liberté d’expression sur Internet, les 15 et 16 février prochain, à l’Hôtel Ryad Mogador Agdal, Marrakech au Maroc.

    L’objectif de cette rencontre, organisée en partenariat avec le Ministère de la Communication, est de sensibiliser le public sur les enjeux de la liberté d’expression sur Internet et de stimuler la réflexion sur les politiques et les pratiques en la matière en dressant une vision de la dynamique.

    Vous trouverez sur le site de Misoc ( une présentation ainsi que le programme des conférences qui seront animées par des experts nationaux et internationaux.

    Les inscriptions peuvent se faire en ligne sur le lien suivant :

    Abdelaziz HILALI

    Président de Moroccan Internet Society


    République Démocratique du Congo

    Juin 2103

    *Le CAFEC a organisé un atelier sur l'utilisation stratégique  des médias sociaux sur la mobilisation des fonds pour l’exécution d'un projet a caractère social ou communautaire. 20 femmes , membres du réseau francophone des femmes africaines, ont  suivi pendant trois jours une formation sur le web 2,0; les types des médias sociaux; la production de contenu.

    *Le CAFEC, en synergie avec BSD Congo, ASNTIC, SJS et le secrétariat IGF de l’Afrique centrale, travaille ardemment a l'organisation du forum sous régional sur la gouvernance de l'internet a Kinshasa. Dans cette même foulée, la dynamique nationale sur la gouvernance de l'internet est également en pleine gestation.

    *Le CAFEC vient d'initier un programme sur l'apport des TIC dans le processus de la décentralisation en République Démocratique du Congo. Ce programme a démarré depuis 2011 a la chaîne 2 de la Radio Télévision nationale du Congo (RTNC2). Du 29 au 30 juillet 2013, le CAFEC organise un atelier d'information et de formation sur les enjeux de la décentralisation dans la commune rurale de Maluku de la ville province de Kinshasa. Cet atelier est financé par la Fondation Konrad Adenauer.


    BSD Congo: Berkeley Software Distribution Congo

    ASNTIC: Association des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la communication

    SJS: Si Jeunesse Savait


  4. Le CAFEC collabore avec les acteurs locaux a l'organisation du forum national sur la gouvernance de l'internet qui se tiendra du 9 au 11 octobre a Kinshasa sous la Coordination de l'Autorité de Régulation qui assure le Secréteriat exécutif de l'IGF RDC.

    Dans la meme logique, il est prévu l'organisation d'un séminaire sous régional de formation sur la gouvernance de l'internet a Kinshasa. Ce séminaire de formation concerne les acteurs multipartite des pays de l'Afrique Centrale. C'est une activité qui est placée egalement sous la supervision de l'Autorité de Régulation de la RDC.


  5. Thank you AFRALO ALSes for posting your activities

    1. We have just concluded a two-day 2015 Nigeria DigitalSENSE Forum on Internet Governance for Development (IG4D) and Nigeria IPv6 Roundtable in Lagos. See Communique of Nigeria DigitalSENSE Forum on IG4D and Nigeria IPv6 Roundtable 2015:

    2. Entries open for Etisalat-DigitalSENSE Africa 2015 Student Essay Contest

    The management of DigitalSENSE Africa Media has called for entries for the 2015 Etisalat-DigitalSENSE Africa Essay Competition on Internet Governance for Development (IG4D) until June 16, with the theme: Net Neutrality and Nigerian Internet Users, reports ITRealms:

    The Executive Director, Operations at DigitalSENSE Africa Mrs. Nkemdilim Nweke, disclosed this at the weekend during the two-day Nigeria DigitalSENSE Forum Series on Internet Governance for Development (IG4D) and IPv6 Roundtable held in Lagos.
    She said that the annual student contest has been rebranded with the partnership of Etisalat Nigeria and would now be known as Etisalat-DigitalSENSE Africa Essay Competition.
    Mrs. Nweke also said that the essay competition is open to students between the ages of 18 to 30 years. Interested candidates are to write an essay not more than 600 words on “Net Neutrality and Nigerian Internet Users.”
    According to her, entries are to be submitted on or before June 16th 2015 to and copy
    The winning essay to be adjudged the best by a team of expert panel of judges, she said, would be published in award-winning ITRealms with profile of the winner.
    Also, the winner will be sponsored to the forthcoming Nigeria Internet Governance Forum slated for July 2015 in Abuja.
    “The star prize winner will go home with a Laptop plus 1-year free data access; second prize to have iPad/Smart phone with six months free data access and third prize will smile home with Smart phone plus three months free data access,” Mrs. Nweke revealed.
    She further disclosed that interested students must submit their entries alongside a variable letter of introduction from their institutions from head of department or student identification (ID) cards.