Translation from Spanish with Google translat


LACRALO Translation Working Group
Monday 10 September 2012 at 2200 UTC

Spanish Minutes

1. - Juan Manuel explained the purpose of the working group are 3 participants, considering the coordinator.
Revised the definition of the language of the working group.
They wonder what is the working language and that's what's best for Dev Asked if any preference regarding language.
Dev said the working language is English especially if they are going to work with other members.
It is reasonable that the working language is English, and that is the language, without prejudice to make every effort to have the documents in both languages.

Proposal essential points:
5 points:
a. - Aims and objectives
b. - Work Methodology
c. - Fundamentals of the same
d. - Expected impact and critical success factors
e. - Work Schedule
As objectives are to identify and propose solutions.
Specific: It is proposed, subject to discussion.
Propose solutions to differences
Solutions that can be implemented by LACRALO. There are several methodologies and is a collaborative work called virtually.
In relation to the expected results, for example, would be a success to have the documents in both languages.
Timeline: The work was divided into four phases.

Comments or questions?
Sylvia Herlein, the timing is interesting and the topics of the list and inconsistency, are issues not just to start working, I like to know what items are going to be specifically for placement in the WIKI.

Dev: Regarding issues in English translation is that the dept. works in English and they are the ones who have to operate. Most attachments can not be read in the lists, the translation seemed incorrect, unintelligible symbols appeared and emails from Spanish into English the message is lost characters that appear in the body of the mail and these are the points to be discussed.

I suggest that we see that is what the team said information technology.
In Costa Rica were made motions that were addressed by the General Assembly in Costa Rica and that's it.
Sylvia: Ask Dev, who gave an overview about the problems with respect to the problems of the mailing lists. If the dept. IT has already given us an answer with a possible solution.
Dev: There is an answer that basically there are four problems
-Coding was difficult because of the encoding is not standardized, not in a standard language and translation program that does not handle email. One solution is to leave the line intact.
-Regarding missing several indications {] what are solving
-Strange characters occur when not used properly and punctuation can not divide the segments to be interpretable.
It is therefore recommended to use short sentences, not exact, but with respect to the attachments will require a lot of work but can be done.
One suggestion was to consider a specific power to solve the problem of the emails. There are various devices used couriers.
You have to enable the RSC this is better.
This summarizes the problems
I will meet with the technical team to see the problems of translation.
We know that the official language of ICANN is English, and the translation is doing better WIKI.

Sylvia: We must be careful when it comes we have to translate ourselves, because we could play something, official documents that the region should do. He recalled that at one time they had serious problems on occasion.

Humberto: The idea is translation "inward"

Dev: I think in general I would say that if we could do the ste:

ICANN policies are published as PDF files, and can be translated in google translate and after arm again, this would be an unofficial translation
Now there is a plug in, in the Wiki, I mean could ultilizar translating the WIKL, but we must be very careful and at least is a step in the right direction.

Google translate has limits of PDFs.
Last comment: I do not think that is practical in a policy debate teleconferecia.

Summary of steps

-Clear idea regarding translation issues
This group has a significant meaning and can provide solutions to facilitate communication.
Sylvia Herlein
Pass the link that I send Jose, where the group coordinators and participants will see the subsection of the formation of the four working groups.
We will have 7 days to review and modify the document.
We propose the September 24-28 meeting, you can send a new doodle.
AI: Sylvia Herlein send a survey, without prejudice to continue to advance virtual formally.

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