• Category:  Administration and Budget
  • Topic:  Initial Response To ATRT Report Recommendations
  • Board meeting date:  25 January 2011
  • Resolution number:  2011.01.25.30 – 2011.01.25.32
  • URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-25jan11-en.htm#6
  • Status:  Completed


Board directs ICANN organizations, committees and staff to provide Board with initial input on ATRT recommendations.


Whereas, the Affirmation of Commitments required ICANN to organize a review – to be completed no later than December 31, 2010 – of its execution of commitments to maintain and improve robust mechanisms for public input, accountability, and transparency so as to ensure that the outcomes of its decision-making will reflect the public interest and be accountable to all stakeholders;

Whereas, as required by the Affirmation, the Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) submitted its final report to the Board on 31 December 2010 and posted it for public comment through 14 February 2011;

Whereas, the Affirmation states that the Board will take action on the resulting recommendations within six months of receipt of the report;

RESOLVED (2011.01.25.30), the Board acknowledges the hard work and dedication of ICANN's ATRT members and thanks these volunteers for engaging in an intensive, public process, under challenging deadlines, to produce a comprehensive set of recommendations to improve ICANN;

RESOLVED (2011.01.25.31), the Board encourages the public to comment on the ATRT recommendations, and requests that all Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees, and the Nominating Committee, provide the Board with initial input on the Report, by 14 February 2011, and that the Governmental Advisory Committee and the Nominating Committee work with the Board to consider actions on recommendations related to their organizations;

RESOLVED (2011.01.25.32), the Board requests that ICANN Staff provide the Board with a proposal for Board action on each recommendation and, where practicable, proposed, initial work plans and budgets for the recommendations, along with a status report on efforts related to all recommendations, by 21 February 2011, taking into account all input received.

Implementation Actions

  •   Provide Board with initial input on ATRT recommendations.
    •  Responsible entities: Supporting Organisations, Advisory Committees, Nominating Committee, Governmental Advisory Committee
    •  Due date: 14 February 2011
    •  Completion date: 14 February 2011
  •   Provide Board with proposal for Board action on each recommendation and proposed, initial work plans and budgets.
    •  Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
    •  Due date: 21 February 2011
    •  Completion date: February 2011


Adherence to the Affirmation of Commitments requires ICANN to undertake the creation of proposals for Board action on each recommendation arising out of Accountability and Transparency Review Team's (ATRT) Final Report. While this work is already underway, ICANN's commitment to accountability transparency is furthered through the transparent tracking of the process.

The community response to the ATRT's final recommendations is still being provided through the open public comment process. The creation of the proposal for Board action will have a budgetary impact on the organization. Significant staff resources will be devoted to the creation of the proposal, and the proposal itself will identify further budgetary considerations in the implementation of the recommendations. There is a potential that the financial resources of the organization may need to be reallocated to allow sufficient staff support to create a meaningful proposal.

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Additional Information

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