GAC consultation on ICM Registry (.XXX)


Whereas, the Governmental Advisory Committee communicated to the ICANN Board regarding the application for the .XXX sTLD through: (1) the Wellington Communiqué; (2) a 2 February 2007 Letter from the Chair and Chair-Elect of the GAC to the Chair of the ICANN Board; (3) the Lisbon Communiqué; and (4) a 4 August 2010 Letter from the Chair of the GAC to the Chair of the ICANN Board;

Whereas, ICM provided a proposed Registry Agreement to ICANN that was posted for public comment for 30 days;

Whereas staff recommends that, though the proposed Registry Agreement provides sufficient measures to address many GAC concerns, entering into the proposed Registry Agreement may not be consistent with some of the broader-reaching communications from the GAC, and the GAC and the Board could benefit from consultation on those items [PDF, 48 KB].

RESOLVED  (2010.10.28.18) the Board Chair shall engage the GAC Chair on developing a process for consultation with the GAC on its advice about the ICM application.

RESOLVED  (2010.10.28.19) the Board Chair will suggest to the GAC Chair that any consultation process conclude prior to the ICANN Public Meeting in Cartagena, Colombia.

Implementation Actions

  • Engage with GAC Chair on developing process for consultation with GAC and suggest completion date for consultation process
    • Responsible entity: Board Chair
    • Due date: December 2010
    • Completion date: December 2010, with GAC consultation completed in March 2011

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.

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