ALAC Executive Committee Teleconference

Date: Wednesday 07 September 2011

Time: 13:00 - 14:00 UTC . For the time in various timezones click here

Meeting Number: AL.EXCO/CC.0811/1

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Summary Minutes: ALAC ExCom 07.09.11 Summary Minutes

Action Items: ALAC ExCom 07.09.11 Action Items

Chat: ALAC ExCom 07.09.11 Chat

Recording: English 

Interpretation: No interpretation for this meeting

Transcript: ALAC ExCom 07.09.11 Transcript


Standing Agenda Items

1.  Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 min)

2.  Review of AIs from ExCom 25 August meeting – Olivier (20 min)

Items for Discussion/Decision

3.  Open policy issues – Olivier (15 min)

a.  See ICANN Open Public Comments Page

     See At-Large Policy Development Page

     See At-Large PAD schedule

b. Phase II of Public Comments Process Enhancements (closes 30 September 2011)

c. Revisions to Conflicts of Interest Policy and Bylaws to Allow Board to Consider Compensation for Director Services (closes 3 October 2011)

4. JAS Working Group - Status and Forward Planning  – Carlton, Evan and Seth (15 min)

a. Discussion of calendar issues with regards to getting final report to the Board

b. Deadline for GNSO:  14 Sep.  Deadline for ALAC:  15 Sep.

See: JAS WG Draft Final Report (2 Sep 2011 version): Draft_Final_Report_JASWG_20110906 (RHv2SGv3)(clean).doc

See Proposed Draft Final Report review schedule    (to be updated)

5. 2012-2015 Strategic Plan - Forward Planning - Olivier/staff (10 min)

Update from the regions

6. ALS Applications- Update - Staff (5 min)

ALSes 135 and 136: Association for Linux and Free Software (Burkina Faso/AFRALO) and Ageia Densi Colombia/LACRALO)

Urdu Internet Society - Status of application

7. September ALAC Meeting - Agenda Items - Olivier (10 min)

a. JAS WG Final Report (2 Sep 2011 version)

b. Dakar Meetings: Review of At-Large and ICANN Meetings schedule

8. Launch of ALAC Officer elections

ALAC Internal Rules of Procedure: AL-2007-1-1-Rev11 ALAC Internal Rules of Procedure - EN .pdf (see Rules, 2, 3 and 9)

Proposed 2011 ALAC Officer Election Schedule

9. At-Large in Dakar

a. Update on preparations for AFRALO Dakar Events – Tijani (5 min)

See: AFRALO Dakar Events Workspace

b. At-Large Meetings in Dakar - Olivier (15 min)

See: At-Large Dakar Meetings Schedule

c. Travel and informal meetings

10.   Any other business – Olivier and Staff (5 min)

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