DATE: Monday, 12 June 2023

TIME: 10:45-12:15 EDT

ROOM: Archives


  1. Welcome & Statements of Interest
  2. Technology Topics of Interest
    • Upcoming OCTO Publications - Matt Larson 

    • CEO Goal 5 - Adiel Akplogan

  3. Policy effort update - Susan Mohr
  4. GNSO Council Update – Osvaldo Novoa, Thomas Rickert
      • No vote
      • Non-Objection of SubPro Timelines
      • DNS ABUSE
      • Accuracy Scoping Team recommendations
  1. ICANN 78 outreach Update – Lars Steffen
  2. SubPro Closed Generics Update – Philippe Fouquart
  3. Nominating Committee (NomCom) “rebalancing” - Letter from Board Chair
    • Small team forming – deadline end of July
  4. Public Comments:
  5. AOB
    • Next ISPCP call July 10, 15:00 UTC for 75 minutes
  • No labels
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