Open Public Comment Periods (All open public comments)

Euralo members are invited to discuss this via the EURALO list as there was no time at the meeting to study that matter given the time constraints and the number of agenda items.

Developing a EURALO Mechanism for identifying and reaching out to potential ALSes

W Ludwig will within a month add the names of the contacts he made at his last IGF meeting to the EURALO working tools page.

H Ullrich to look for examples of consumer organizations involved in ICANN work and pass the details to A Muelbergh in order to help Anneth doing outreach to some German consumer organizations. She will tell EURALO whether there are plans for the NCUC consumer groups to work together with At-Large on outreach to consumer groups

Drafting of EURALO Brochure EURALO-flyer

Euralo members are invited to add their suggestions directly on the wiki. A Peake will send his suggestion regarding the first paragraph to the list

Feedback from WSIS/IGF

W Ludwig will post two links after the phone call: Heike report on IGF consultation and an ongoing discussion on the internet governance

Follow-up on the Summit Declaration / Reaction from the ICANN Board

W Ludwig will contact A Peake with regard to a note destined to ALAC for them to asked the ICANN Board for an official reaction to the At-Large summit declaration.

Sydney Meeting At-Large Meetings Schedule and Sydney Meeting Schedule

Members should write their suggestions directly on the Wiki pages for the Sydney Meeting Schedule and the At-Large Meetings Schedule (see on the SM for the links)

Recent Activities of ALAC (Adam)

H Ullrich will forward the link of the newly released FY10 draft budget to the EURALO list

Developments in other RALOs: AFRALO - Survey of ALSes and Capacity Building Working Group

H Ullrich suggested consulting the two AFRALO documents. She will send the links to the EURALO list regarding AFRALO capacity building and ALS self-assessment
(the documents can also be consulted via AFRALO Agenda of 6 May Wiki page - see on the right-hand tag.)

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