The At-Large Advisory Committee notes that:

  • The current budgeting committee is composed of C Langdon-Orr, V Scartezini, A Muehlberg;
  • There is currently a consultation running within ICANN on the Budget of ICANN for the forthcoming Fiscal Year, which is a consultation on the Operating Plan at the same time;
  • A number of the questions raised by the consultation are of central importance to the At-Large community, such as, inter alia:
    • The amount of resources and importance ICANN shall attach to multilingualism in its operations;
    • The possible harmonisation of travel support across ICANN statutory bodies
  • It is essential that the At-Large community should comment on these matters;
  • The process of responding on these issues should use a “bottom-up” process of developing the views to be presented on behalf of the community.

It is therefore resolved as follows:

  • That the Budget Committee of the ALAC shall be restructured as provided under Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure as follows;
  • That it shall be composed of the following membership, as provided under Rule 8 of the Rules of Procedure:
    • One representative from each RALO
  • That it shall meet telephonically within 7 days from the appointment of its full membership with the following agenda:
    • Consideration of a draft response on the questions related to an ICANN Travel Support Policy, currently the object of a Public Consultation, which may be found at:;
    • Consideration of a draft response on the questions related to the Operating Plan as they impact the Budget of ICANN – further information to be found at:;
    • Consideration with a programme for ensuring that RALOs and ALSes contribute at least their preliminary views on the upcoming Budget consultation not later than 31st March 2008.
  • That the deliberations on the first two agenda items shall be draft documents, in sufficiently finalised form to allow them to be sent to the whole At-Large membership not later than 20th March, so that RALOs may comment not later than 31st March, in order to allow the ALAC to make a formal comment to the Board of ICANN by decision;
  • That the Secretariat for the Budget Committee shall be the ICANN At-Large staff, who shall be charged with the necessary preparatory work and other support necessary to facilitate the good working of the Committee in close cooperation with the ALAC Executive Committee.
  • That the following schedule of work of the Budget Committee shall be adhered to in order to allow the community to present comments on these important subjects in good time:
    • Draft documents for agenda items one and two shall be completed not later than 15th March, or before the telephonic meeting of the Budget Committee, whichever shall come first;
    • Revised drafts of the documents above shall be presented, incorporating the comments of the Committee at its meeting, not later than five days subsequent to the date of that meeting;
    • The RALOs shall have not less than 10 days to comment on the revised drafts;
    • RALO’s comments shall be incorporated into a third draft, which shall be considered and adopted by the ALAC at its April meeting, and then transmitted to the Board of ICANN and others as appropriate not later than 15th April 2008.
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