The At-Large Advisory Committee resolves as follows:

  • That it is essential for detailed planning for the Paris ICANN Meeting begin immediately;
  • That the Chair is requested to convene an ad-hoc planning committee for this purpose, composed of the following:
  • the Chair;
  • the Vice-Chair V Scartezini;
  • S Bachollet in his role as Host of the Paris Meeting;
  • W Ludwig, as Chair of the EURALO;
  • One representative each from APRALO, AFRALO, LACRALO, and NARALO;
  • The ICANN At-Large staff
  • The Planning committee is to produce a draft programme of At-Large related meetings not later than 31st March, for review and comment by the community. This programme should contain the dates, times, and groups that should attend each session;
  • The Planning Committee is further directed to propose draft agendas for all meetings not later than 30th April 2008, for review and comment by the community and in particular the ALAC at its May 2008 meeting.

I sugguest we organize an ALAC IDN Roundtable on Tuesday or Thursday. It would be helpful to invite GNSO, CCNSO, GAC and technicians to give an update and briefing to the User community.

contributed by on 2008-04-08 13:51:41 GMT

I am volunteering for the Planning Committee


contributed by on 2008-04-10 16:06:15 GMT

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