SSAC Comments on Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – PHASE 2A (R-2C)


The SSAC recommends the following regarding legal versus natural persons:

C. Registrants should be classified as either natural or legal persons. This should be required at the time of registration, for all new domain registrations. For existing registrations, the value can remain “Unspecified” until it is filled at a later time. Registrars should be required to ask at relevant times, such as upon domain renewal and/or the annual accuracy inquiry, whether the registrant is natural or legal, with the goal of eventually obtaining that data for all registrants, and reducing “Unspecified” to the lowest practical level.


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


ClosedPhase ChangeThis Advice Item is now Closed


Phase 2Board UnderstandingThe ICANN org understands that this statement is the SAC118: SSAC Comments on Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – PHASE 2A. As this item will be considered via the Public Comment process, there is no action for the ICANN Board, and the item will be considered closed.


Phase 2Phase ChangeNow in Phase 2: Understand


Phase 1Phase UpdateICANN acknowledged receipt of Advice SAC118.


Phase 1Phase UpdateSSAC published SAC118: SSAC Comments on Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – PHASE 2A Link: