
1. This Trip Assessment form will be automatically associated with its related Proposal; therefore, no duplicate traveler identification information is required.

2. You must be logged in to the Community Wiki with a valid Username and Password in order to complete forms within CROP.

3. Trip Assessment must be complete within three (3) weeks of all travelers having returned from the event, no later than the assessment due date which is automatically calculated based on the trip return date.

4. Multiple travelers are asked to collaborate as a team in pulling together the appropriate information.

5. To fill out the the form, click  (top of the screen).

6. Answer each of the questions that appears within the form. Use the scroll bar (right) to reveal all contents. Click here to read the full instructions



Assessment Due Date


Link to Trip Proposal
FY23 NARALO Trip Proposal 1

Trip Assessment Form

1) Describe the Trip in sufficient detail
that an interested reader could understand if/how
the original purpose(s) and outcome(s) were
realized (please be as expansive as possible):  

The CCRBC this year was held in North Bay. This event has a Western and an Eastern Canada event focused on Broadband/Fibre in Canada.  A total of 242 delegates were conveyed at Canadore College in North Bay, Ontario .  The delegates ranged from Internet Providers, Telcos and Equipment providers to Native Tribal Councils and Local and Regional Economic Development Officers.  My goal is to raise the awareness of ICANN and NARALO to the delegates, including a special outreach to the various tribal members interested in IDNs from an indigenous language perspective.   The small but responsive crowd was interested in NARALO and follow-up is anticipated. 

One of the tools that the event had was the use of WHOVA, which was very good for pre and current social media interaction.   

2) Describe the details of your attendance
activities at the meeting (including sessions
attended, written or oral contributions made to
specific sessions, etc.):  

I joined the special bus transport from Toronto to North Bay, which was full of delegates. This meant the activities started en route to the event on Monday. 

The formal sessions started on Tues May 9th in the morning with eight sessions during the day followed by a trade show networking session. The evening finished with a dinner. 

All the sessions were confined to a single conference hall.

Day 2 ( Half day)

This day focused on Indigenous connectivity with only four sessions and concluded at 12 15 pm.

The trade show was open again on the second day.

A major contribution was with WHOVA, which had myself as the top contributor. 

All sessions attended.

3) Explain the specific plans for follow-up activities
to enhance and continue the objectives of the trip for
the community structure through which you were
approved for the trip:


-email contacts 

-email to organizers for a free booth next year

-email possible subject for panel 

Aim is to secure interested NARALO membership

4) Please fill out the date when you have completed this form:
Acknowledgements Section

Note: To be completed by a Program Coordinator (PC) designated by this organization/structure.

AcknowledgementsConfirmed?Who Confirmed?Date of ConfirmationNotes
The Trip Assessment information has been gathered and properly entered into this form.
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Assessment.


CROP Trip Assessment Template (June 2018)