The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II): At-Large Community Engagement in ICANN (R-29)

Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase


The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II) (R-29)




The ALAC should implement an automated system for tracking topics of interest currently being discussed among the various RALOs, and accessible by everyone.


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


ClosedPhase ChangeThis Advice Item is now Closed


Phase 5Board UpdateA letter ( was sent to Chair of the ALAC regarding Advice Item's progress and completion.


Phase 5Board UpdateThe Board in its 9 September 2014 resolution acknowledges the Final ATLAS II Declaration: The ALAC website has been redesigned and was rolled out 24 February 2016, meeting this recommendation. This site is automatically fed with new public comment procedures, and provides a forum for ALAC members to collaborate and if desired draft statements in response to the public comment proceedings. See the new website here: See also the ALAC Workspace:


Phase 1Phase UpdateALAC published AL-ATLAS-02-DCL-01-01-EN: The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II): At-Large Community Engagement in ICANN: