Date: Thursday, 23 September 2021

Time: 05:00 - 06:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here

Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0825/1

Zoom Room: Password:  AP-ROP-123

ADIGO Conference ID EN: 1638

Action Items: EN

Recording: EN

Transcript: EN

Zoom Chat: EN

Dial Out Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr

EN: Satish Babu, Ali AlMeshal, Maureen Hilyard, Amrita Choudhury, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Hanan Khatib, Lianna Galstyan, Priyatosh Jana, Shreedeep Rayamajhi

Apologies: Amir Qayyum

Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, 

Call Management: Gisella Gruber

DRAFT Agenda 

1. Roll call - Staff (2 min)

2. Introduction, scope of work and objectives of the ROP WG - Satish and WG Members (20 min)

a. Objectives and Terms of Reference

  • Objectives  as provided in the Wiki

  • Specific issues captured during prior discussions (also in Wiki)

  • Harmonizing APRALO RoP Provisions with other rules:

    1. ALAC Bylaws 

    2. ICANN Bylaws

    3. Report of the ALS Mobilization WG

    4. Report of the Unaffiliated Individual Members Working Party (UIM-WP)

    5. Other RALO RoPs

b. Timeline

  • All steps to be completed before the next GA (until Aug 2023?)

d. Deliverables

  • Revised RoPs

  • Code of Conduct/Expected Standards of Behavior for Members

  • Legal Vetting by ICANN Legal

  • Event to formally adopt the  RoPs and sign MoU with ICANN

3. Plan of work - WG Members (30 min)

  • Identify recommendations from the ALS Mob WG and UIM WP report that may have an impact on APRALO RoPs

  • Review the APRALO RoPs clause-by-clause and make modification proposals based on:

    • Issues identified earlier (included in the Wiki)
    • Recommendations from ALS Mob WG and UIM WP
    • Checking for language and consistency issues
    • Get the proposal vetted by ICANN Legal
    • Present the modification proposal to the community for public comments
    • Examine comments and incorporate them where feasible
    • Present the final version of the RoPs sign MoU with ICANN (at the next GA?)
  • Setting up a shared working document

5. AOB (3 min)

Reference documents: 

  • No labels