
One of the primary improvements launched as part of Phase I (completed 30 June 2011) of the ATRT Recommendations was a complete redesign of the web pages displaying Public Comments.

To view the major enhancement elements, please see this PDF of a presentation given by Filiz Yilmaz to the Board's Public Participation Committee (PPC) on 18 June 2011 in Singapore.

The new page architecture is briefly outlined below.

It may be helpful for Focus Group members to familiarize themselves with the Public Comments structure because certain questions that will be asked of the group involve alternatives (e.g., Stratification) for making it easier to locate Public Comment topics of interest.

For each Public Comment solicitation, there are two separate pages prepared:

  1. Announcement (see Example):  This page provides the community with information, including background and relevant documents, pertaining to the Public Comment solicitation.  At the top right, there is a table containing Important Information Links -- one of which is the Public Comment Box.
  2. Public Comment Box (see Example):  This page contains a brief synopsis of the major elements of the Public Comment solicitation and also links back to the Announcement.

From either of these two pages, a user can click on the link "To Submit Your Comments (Forum)" or "View Comments Submitted."  Once the topic has been closed, a summary report will be prepared and uploaded at which point the "Report of Public Comments" link will be activated.


On the Home Page, there is a Public Comments block on the left navigation menu.  Clicking on that block takes the user to the Public Comments-Open landing page in which a table of currently open topics is presented along with Close Dates/Times.  Each topic in the table is linked to the Public Comment Box (see above) which provides summary information about the solicitation.  Also from this page, a user can use the left navigation menu to reach any of the other categories of Public Comments including Upcoming, Recently Closed, and Archived.  The individual pages are explained briefly below:

Page Name/Link

Description of Contents

Public Comments-Open (Landing Page)

This page contains a table of the currently open Public Comments and from which a user can navigate to topics of interest.

Public Comments-Upcoming

This page contains a table of Public Comment topics that are projected to occur some time in the future.

Public Comments-Recently Closed

This page contains a table of those Public Comments that have closed within the past two months. There is a column in the table indicating whether a Report of Public Comments has been prepared.

Public Comments-Archived

This page contains the entire repository of Closed Public Comments, except those that are still in the Recently Closed .

Created by:  Ken Bour

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