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Brussels (June 2010) to Cartagena (December 2010)

AFRALO Report (Brussels to Cartagena) 2010.pdf

September 2010

AFRALO Monthly Report

AFRALO monthly Report for September 2010
AFRALO activities for September were mainly focussed on the organization of a workshop during the 5th Internet Governance Forum at Vilnius on new gTLDs and IDNs for Development: Importance and Obstacles to address, with very rich panellists:
• The new gTLDs program, history, opportunities and barriers in developing countries;
• The IDNs ccTLD fast track implementation
• The impact of new gTLDs and IDNs on the development of poor countries and communities,
This workshop was in line with the objectives of AFRALO to involve more Africans in ICANN’s activities and internet policy development processes through information, sensitization and capacity building actions.
1. Participation of AFRALO members in the IGF Vilnius:
ICANN was invited to provide travel support for 4 AFRALO members involved in this workshop (organizer, moderator and speakers) but declined as this wasn’t within their budget.
Several obstacles were to be overcome: the 4 AFRALO members succeeded in finding other ways of attending the IGF meeting, organized their workshop, and made brilliant contributions with the leadership of Tijani, the initiator and organizer, Fatimata, the moderator and Olivier, the remote moderator.
While the workshop was an ICANN event, organized to improve the effective participation of ICANN in the IGF and its visibility as a substantive contributor, it wouldn’t have been possible without the support of entities other than ICANN
2. AFRALO workshop @ IGF Vilnius:
Despite the fact that the AFRALO workshop took place the first day of the IGF at the first time slot (9:00-11:00), and exactly at the same time as the ICANN open forum, it was a very big success: The room was full of people from different backgrounds from the beginning to the end, the event ended later than 11:00 and people didn't want to leave the room.
2 members of the ICANN Board attended the whole workshop and participated in the debate. The Chairman of the ICANN board attended the last part and also participated in the debate.
The AFRALO team was asked by the IGF secretary to intervene in the main session on Internet critical resources. With a document presented by the AFRALO chair, the team gave feedback on the workshop and provided additional inputs concerning the new gTLD program and the JAS Working Group progress about the support to be given to needy applicants for new gTLD.

March 2010

AFRALO Report Nairobi

This report from Seoul to Nairobi, including Election of executive committee, participation to IGF and ICANN Nairobi outreach project
1. During its Seoul meeting, AFRALO decided to hold an outreach event in Nairobi (African land) for the African ALSes to enhance their participation in the ICANN process and the Internet governance process as a whole. It unfortunately failed in implementing the whole programme because of lack of funding
2. After defining its Operating Principles, Afralo conducted Election of its executive committee
3. Four African ALSes, funded by other entities than ICANN, actively participated in IGF Sharm El Sheikh. Tijani BEN JEMAA participated as a speaker in the workshop Nbr 324 (Equality in access to knowledge society through linguistic and cultural diversity). He presented a paper entitled "Diversity: for a Multilingual Internet".
4. AFRALO discussed the draft ICANN Strategic Plan 2010-2013 at the regional level and the whole At-Large community level, and submitted its position about it.
5. AFRALO held its monthly teleconferences, last one during ICANN 37
6. AFRALO issued its first BROCHURE in English and French. It was distributed in the Nairobi meeting. An Arabic version is available in PDF format, and will soon put on the web site.
7. Even if the whole outreach programme planned for Nairobi couldn’t be implemented, AFRALO organized a Successful Showcase in Nairobi during ICANN 37th.
8. AfRALO nominated 2 members for the At-Large Board Selection design team (ABSdt), and 2 other members for the At-Large Board Selection Committee (ABSC)
9. ISOC Liberia is the last accredited ALS, there is an application from Nigeria.
10. AfRALO define the minimum criteria for ALS participation and request an annual report from all ALSes.

January 2010



December 2009 (4th Quarter) AfRALO Report

This report will cover the last quarter of 09 activities, including Election of executive committee, participation to IGF and ICANN Nairobi outreach project
1. After defining its Operating Principles (can be found at afralo operating principles fr), Afralo conducted Election of its executive committee

  • Chairperson: Fatimata Seye Sylla from Bokk Jang Bokk Jef, Senegal
  • Vice chair: Tijani BEN JEMAA, Executive director of FédérationMéditerranéenne des Associations d'Internet
  • Secretariat: Didier Kasole from ISOC, Democratic Republic of Congo2. Four African ALSes actively participated to IGF Sharm El Sheikh:
  • Hawa DIAKITE from ISOC Mali
  • Baudouin SCHOMBE from CAFEC Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Michel TCHONANG LINZE from CAPDA CAPDA Cameroun
  • Tijani BEN JEMAA from Fédération Méditerranéenne des Associations d'InternetTijani BEN JEMAA participated as a speaker in the workshop Nbr 324 (Equality in access to knowledge society through linguistic and cultural diversity). He presented a paper entitled "Diversity: for a Multilingual Internet".
    3. The preparation of the Nairobi outreach project, decided in Seoul last October started and will continue coming months

Ce rapport couvrira le dernier trimestre de 09 activités, y compris l'élection du comité de direction, la participation à IGF et les ICANN Nairobi dipassent le projet
1. Après avoir défini ses principes de fonctionnement (qu'on peut trouvé à afralo operating principles fr), Afralo a conduit l'élection de son comité de direction

  • Présidente : Fatimata Seye Sylla de Bokk Jang Bokk Jef, Sénégal
  • Vice Président : Tijani BEN JEMAA, directeur exécutif de la Fédération Méditerranéenne des Associations d' Internet
  • Secrétaire : Didier Kasole d'ISOC, Republic Of The Congo Democratic2. Quatre Structure At-Large africaines ont activement participé à IGF Sharm
    El Sheikh:
  • Hawa DIAKITE d'ISOC Mali
  • Baudouin SCHOMBE de CAFEC Republic Of The Congo Democratic
  • Tijani BEN JEMAA de la Fédération Méditerranéenne des Associations d' InternetTijani BEN JEMAA a participé comme intervenant à l'atelier N° 324 (égalité dans l'accès à la société de la connaissance par la diversité linguistique et culturelle). Il a présenté un papier intitulé : « Diversité: pour un Internet multilingue ».
    3. La préparation du projet « outreach » pour ICANN Nairobi, décidée à Séoul au mois d'octobre passé, a commencé et continuera les mois à venir
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