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At-Large Board Member Selection


At-Large Board Member Selection Committee

ABSdt /At-Large Board Selection Design Team

A small group to firmly define the appointment process time-line and oversee the process.Part or all of the ALAC Executive Committee could comprise this group, but it should not be limited to these people. Once candidates are formally solicited, no one who has submitted their name may participate in ABSdt deliberations.
The ABSdt will oversee the formulation of the selection process and well as oversee its execution. In future selections, a new person or body will be charged with this responsibility.


At-Large Board Member Selection work group.The ad-hoc work group formed as a result of the Community consultation on this process charged with the creation of this White Paper


At-Large Board Member Selection work team.Interchangeable term with ABSwg


Advisory Committee to ICANN Board ALAC is one of several AC’sSee structure at


African Regional At-Large Organisation - AFRALO is one of the five Regional At-Large Organisations (“RALOs”), each composed of the members of the At-Large community located in that Geographic Region. Organisational members are known as At-Large Structures (“ALSes”); unaffiliated individual Internet users in AFRALO participate in regional activities too. AFRALO meets telephonically every month; these meetings are open to all, full details from past meetings are posted, just as for the annual AFRALO General Assembly. Full details on all things AFRALO can be found from


At-Large Advisory Committee - ICANN’s At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is responsible for considering and providing advice on the activities of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), as they relate to the interests of individual Internet users (the “At-Large” community). ICANN, as a private sector, non-profit corporation with technical management responsibilities for the Internet’s domain name and address system, relies on the ALAC and the broader At-Large community to involve and represent in ICANN a broad set of individual Internet user interests.See

ALAC being comparable to an ICANN Support Organisation Council yet functioning as an Advisory Committee to the ICANN Board.


Asia,Australasiaand the Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organisation – APRALO, one of the five Regional At-Large Organisations (“RALOs”), each composed of the members of the At-Large community located in that Geographic Region. Organisational members are known as At-Large Structures (“ALSes”); unaffiliated individual Internet users in APRALO participate in regional activities too. APRALO meets telephonically every month; these meetings are open to all, full details from past meetings are posted, just as for the annual APRALO General Assembly. Full details on all things APRALO can be found from


Address Supporting Organization (ASO) - <>


"At-Large[ is the name for the community of individual Internet users who participate in the policy development work of ICANN. These Internet end users and domain name registrants, have formalised themselves into a system that communicates via an IndividualóAt-Large StructureóRALOóALACóICANN flow and opinion/statement development process based on consensus or ‘bottom up’ methods; part of the ICANN multi-stakeholder model and has the capability (indeed it is encouraged) that direct opinion and view representation directly into appropriate ICANN processes of Policy development happens and is facilitated.At-Large is comparable to an ICANN Support Organisation yet functions as a direct policy development mechanism for the ALAC as an essential part of its role.


Internet end users and domain name registrants, who have NOT as yet formalised themselves into the At-Large ‘model’ of IndividualóAt-Large StructureóRALOóALACóICANN policy development process. But it incumbent on At-Large and the ALAC to have their best interests represented in ICANN processes and wherever possible and practical interact locally to ensure there is clear understanding of these needs. {and to also be a mechanism for outreach and education on issues by ICANN.

At-Large Board Member

A Member of the ICANN Board of Directors who is appointed by a processes outlined by the At-Large Community and approved by the SIC and ICANN Board, as a result of the August 27thICANN Board Resolution discussed in this document.Interchangeable term with ‘At-Large Director’

At-Large Community

the community of individual Internet users (and individual domain name registrants) inclusive of At-Large and at-large.See

At-Large Director

A Member of the ICANN Board of Directors who is appointed by a processes outlined by the At-Large Community and approved by the SIC and ICANN Board.Interchangeable term with ‘At-Large Member’

At-Large Lists/at-large lists

Email lists maintained by ICANN and used for various At-Large and public at-large communications, discussions and announcements. All are subject to usage rules, and moderation.


At-Large Structure - Globally, thousands of individual Internet users in all regions of the world are a part of At Large, thanks to their organisations being registered as

At-Large Structures]") and more groups have registering all the time. Many more individuals and organizations are needed, however, to help advance the interests of individual Internet users worldwide.


At-Large Review Working Group

As part of ICANN's ongoing commitment to its evolution and improvement, the Board approved a comprehensive plan for organizational reviews of ICANN's structures, as well as of the Board. The review of the ALAC was completed in June 2009 with the issuing of the final report of the ALAC review Working Group, which was approved by the SIC and received by the Board. Under request of the Board, further analysis is presently ongoing to allow the Board to decide on the recommendation to include two voting Board Directors in representation of the At-Large community. All the other recommendations issued in the final WG report are moved to the implementation phase, and initial work is presently ongoing. Further information can be found on the (archived) webpage of the ALAC review.


Appoint, in this document, is used in this document, to refer to the process of selecting a person to fill the At-Large Board seat. The use of this term is not meant to be at odds with the term “elect” or “select” or whatever, nor is it meant to imply one process over another.


The ICANN Board of DirectorsSee

Board Review Committee / BRWG / Board Review Working Group

Board Committee formed to oversee the independent review of the Board see

Board Governance Committee /BGC

Board Governance Committee


Country Code Domain Name Supporting Organization (CCNSO) - <>


Member of the ICANN Board of DirectorsSee ‘Board’ above.


European Regional At-Large Organisation – EURALO.EURALO is one of the five Regional At-Large Organisations (“RALOs”), each composed of the members of the At-Large community located in that Geographic Region. Organisational members are known as At-Large Structures (“ALSes”); unaffiliated individual Internet users in EURALO participate in regional activities too. EURALO meets telephonically every month; these meetings are open to all, and full details from past meetings are available, just as for the annual EURALO General Assembly. Full details on all things EURALO can be found from


Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) - <>


Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers; ICANN was formed in 1998. It is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with participants from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet’s identifiers, (the Domain Name System (DNS) and other unique identifiers) which every single user of the Internet relies on every time they go online.See

ICANN At-Large.

Interchangeable term with ‘At-Large’


Internet Governance Forum - Its purpose is to support the United Nations Secretary-General in carrying out the mandate from the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) with regard to convening a new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue - the Internet Governance Forum (IGF).See


Internet Society see


Latin America and the Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organisation – LACRALO.LACRALO is one of the five Regional At-Large Organisations (“RALOs”), each composed of the members of the At-Large community located in that Geographic Region. Organisational members are known as At-Large Structures (“ALSes”); unaffiliated individual Internet users in LACRALO participate in regional activities too. LACRALO meets telephonically every month; these meetings are open to all, and full details from past meetings are available, just as for the annual LACRALO General Assembly. Full details on all things LACRALO can be found


North American Regional At-Large Organisation – NARALO.NARALO is one of the five Regional At-Large Organisations (“RALOs”), each composed of the members of the At-Large community located in that Geographic Region. Organisational members are known as At-Large Structures (“ALSes”); unaffiliated individual Internet users in NARALO participate in regional activities too. NARALO meets telephonically every month; these meetings are open to all, and full details from past meetings are available, just as for the annual NARALO General Assembly. Full details on all things NARALO can be found

NomCom / Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee (Nom Com) is an independent committee tasked with selecting a majority of the members of the Board of Directors and other key positions within ICANN's structure. See

Plurality vote

Plurality vote a vote system with the requirement that a winner must receive greater than 50% of the votes. In a Plurality system, each elector casts a ballot indicating their single preference. If no candidate achieves the required percentage, the bottom candidate is dropped and a new set of ballots are cast.


Regional At-Large Organisation - The At-Large community is structured into five Regional At-Large Organizations (RALO), each composed by a number of regional At-Large Structures (ALS) –Internet user organizations - and unaffiliated users. Each RALO has a regional Chair and a Secretariat. In addition to their annual General Assemblies, the regions hold monthly teleconferences to develop a regional view on current policy issues and to provide input for the At-Large policy process.See


Rules of Procedure ALAC RoP’s can be found at each RALO site has its RoP’s also listed (see RALO site links from this page)

run-off rounds

Successive cycles of a vote process.

Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group

Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group is part of the restructured GNSO.See and

SIC / Structural Improvements Committee

Structural Improvements Committee of the Board.See

SOI/ Statement of Interest (or Intent)

Statement of Interest (or Intent) a personal letter or essay outlining the applicants interest, experience and knowledge of the role of being the At-Large Director, and outlining their willingness to serve and how the meet the desired criteria established.

STV / Single Transferable Vote

Single Transferable Vote (STV) system. Where an elector casts their ballot, they rank all candidates in order of preference. The automated voting system computes the votes received considering only the first preference of all electors. If one candidate receives a majority of the votes, that candidate is declared the winner (a threshold other than 50% can also be used). If a winner is not declared, the candidate that received the least number of votes is dropped. All ballots are re-evaluated dropping that candidate and moving the others up to fill the gap. The process is repeated (evaluate the ballots and drop additional bottom candidates if necessary) until a winner is declared.


A website that allows the easy(1]creation and editing of any number ofinterlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor.(2](3]Wikis are typically powered bywiki software and are often used to create collaborative websites, to power community websites, (from
The At-Large Wiki pages are found at
Specific links to wiki pages for this document can be foundatDirector White Paper


WorldSummiton the Information SocietySee


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