Title: Impact of new gTLDs on NGOs/Not-for-profits
Schedule: 09:00AM - 10:30AM
Place: TBC
Session overview: NGOs and NFPs depend on the Internet for large parts of their work, communication and fundraising. There is currently much talk about the introduction of new generic top level domain names for the Internet through ICANN, but what does this mean in everyday practice for NGOs around the world? A panel of eminent experts/specialists will answer questions from NGOs about "The impact of new gTLDs on NGOs/NFPs"...no presentations, no power points - just an armchairs or high-chairs discussion setting.
Agenda: TBC
Panelists: TBC
Reference materials: Upcoming
Agenda Overview: After a very short introductory of the experts and a 5-minute overview, giving a quick explanation about the upcoming domain name changes, the participants will have the chance to ask the questions they always wanted to ask but did not know where to ask. Remote participants will connect live to the event. Preference will be given to questions sent ahead by remote participants as well as to written questions by participants in the room.
Promotional Strategy: This event needs to be promoted broadly through the NPOC and Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation sites as well as the members' websites. Participants will be invited to submit questions before the event and participate live. Priority will be given to remote participants and to written questions submitted ahead of time.
Please submit your written questions to Andrei Barburas <abarburas@iicd.org>