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Summary of recommendation: The public comment period should remain 30 days, except under special circumstances, for which ALAC may request an extension to 45 days.

Suggested work team:

Summary of tasks in implementation:

  • ALAC processes will be developed for requesting the extended consultation period.
  • Staff and Board processes will be developed for implementing extension requests.
  • Changes to pre-public comment period activities will be examined (including the use of advance notice and prerelease drafts), and those appropriate will be proposed to the At-Large community.
  • Measures making policy development across ICANN's communities more accessible will be reviewed, and those appropriate will be proposed to the community.

Target completion date: September--December 2010

Task No.


Implementation Task




Develop ALAC process for requesting extended consultation window 




Ratify the process reflected in the flowchart titled “Figure D-1:  How the ALAC Should Request an Extension to a Public Comment Period” (see Appendix 2), by which the ALAC could request that a Public Comment period be extended. 
This proposed process includes the following steps (see Figure D-1 in Appendix 2):

  • The ALAC’s deciding on the number of days needed for the extension;
  • The ALAC’s submitting an extension request; and
  • If the request is denied, the ALAC’s deciding on next steps (i.e., whether to submit a comment or not).     




Request that extensions to Public Comment periods be allowed of any length up to 30 additional days (see “A” on Figure D-1 in Appendix 2).




Develop ICANN staff and Board process for implementing extension requests received 




Request that any extension request to a Public Comment period be granted or denied within 24 hours (see “B” on Figure D-1 in Appendix 2).




Review of public comment processes 




Recommend the establishment of a Policy Scheduling Team (PST), consisting of ICANN staff, to coordinate the opening of Public Comment periods. 
The PST should:

  • Be comprised of an ICANN staff member assigned to each SO and AC and the Language Services Manager; and
  • Maintain a publicly available Policy Comment Schedule (PCS), which tracks upcoming Public Comment periods, in order to (a) avoid many such periods opening around the same time, (b) allow the ACs and SOs to better plan their time and (c) allow better planning for needed translations.  (For each upcoming Public Comment period, the PCS should Include the policy name, a synopsis, the responsible AC or SO, and tentative opening date.)




Establish a standing committee, the ALAC/At-Large Policy Review Committee (PRC), responsible for advising the ALAC of actions needed regarding upcoming PCS policy issues, as well as policy issues not on the PCS but of At-Large interest.

The working of the PCS is depicted in the flowchart titled “ALAC/At-Large Policy Review Committee (PRC)” (see Figure D-2 in Appendix 2).

The specific responsibilities of the PRC should include advising the ALAC as early as possible of:

  • ALAC comments needed in response to upcoming Policy Comment periods;
  • At-Large community briefings, documentation or translations needed for upcoming Policy Comment periods;
  • The degree of interest that the RALOs and ALSes have in the ALAC’s submitting comments during Policy Comment periods; and
  • Policy issues (and other concerns) relevant to end users that are not on the PCS but that the RALOs and ALSes are interested in bringing to ICANN’s attention. 

    In order to perform its function, the PRC should be comprised of:
  • The Chair and Secretariat of each RALO;
  • At least two additional representatives from each RALO;
  • The ALAC Rapporteur; and
  • The ALAC liaisons to the various ACs, SOs and cross-constituency WGs.




Review measures to make policy development activities across ICANN's communities more accessible. Propose measures for community review. 


Comments (accepted in the 6 UN languages):

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