Enmienda de Principios Operativos

Amendment of Operative Principles

A partir de la necesidad de ALAC de incorporar a los usuarios individuales en las reglas de LACRALO, El grupo de Trabajo de Gobernanza de LACRALO propone la siguiente enmienda a nuestros principios operativos:


El actual Articulo 2 dice lo siguiente:


"2. La LACRALO promoverá la formación de agrupaciones de usuarios y su acreditación por el ALAC. Sin embargo, mantendrá mecanismos para que los  usuarios  de  la  región  no  integrados  en  ALS  puedan  expresar  su opinión sobre el desarrollo de las políticas de ICANN".


El resultado de la propuesta de enmienda daría la siguiente redacción:


"2.- LACRALO promoverá la formación de agrupaciones de usuarios y su acreditación por el ALAC.

LACRALO facilitará la participación de usuarios individuales no vinculados a estructuras At Large, residentes en la región de América Latina y el Caribe, para involucrarlos en la discusión y generación de políticas, comprometiéndose a fomentar su participación en actividades dentro de ICANN.

Las modalidades de participación de las ALSs y de los usuarios individuales no vinculados a estructuras At-Large serán definidas en un item específico en las Reglas de Procedimiento".

Artículo transitorio:

Mientras las reglas de procedimiento no regule expresamente la participación de los usuarios individuales no vinculados a estructuras At-Large, estos podrán participar en cualquier instancia de LACRALO e ICANN con derecho a voz, pero sin derecho a voto. Tampoco podrán ser candidatos a las posiciones de liderazgo LACRALO, ya que estas serán reguladas exclusivamente por las reglas de procedimiento. 

Based on the need for ALAC to incorporate individual users into the LACRALO rules, the LACRALO Governance Working Group proposes the following amendment to our operating principles:


The current Article 2 reads as follows:


"2. The LACRALO will promote the formation of user groups and their accreditation   by    the ALAC. Nevertheless, mechanisms will be maintained to ensure that the regional users not integrated into ALSs can express their opinion on the development of ICANN policies".




The result of the proposed amendment would read as follows:


"2 LACRALO shall promote the formation of user groups and their accreditation by the ALAC.

LACRALO shall facilitate the participation of individual users who are not related to any At-Large Structures and who are residents of the Latin America and the Caribbean region to get involved in policy - making and discussion, and it shall commit to encouraging their participation in ICANN activities.

Participation modalities for ALS and individual users who are not related to any ALS shall be defined in a specific item of the Rules of Procedure".

 Transitory article

 While the rules of procedure do not expressly regulate the participation of individual users who are not related to any At-large Structure, they may participate in any instance of LACRALO and ICANN with the right to voice, but without the right to vote. Nor can they be candidates for leadership positions LACRALO, as these will be regulated exclusively by the rules of procedure.

Enmienda de Principios Operativos incorporando Usuarios Individuales MAY 31. ESPANOL

English version Amendment to Operating Principles including Individual Users, May 31. ENGLISH

Comment posted on April 25:

It is resolved that LACRALO will have individual members.   I believe we must have a framework to give value to these members.

I propose that individual members have every right to participate in LACRALO work with limited assurance for assuming leadership positions.

I propose that individual members will have the right to seek election and be elected as members of the ALAC from LACRALO.

I propose that individual members  will have to right to seek selection and be proposed for selection as NomCom delegate from LAC by the ALAC  

I propose that individual members be excluded from seeking election for Chair of LACRALO and to be elected as Chair of LACRALO

I propose that individual members be excluded from seeking election for Secretariat and and to be elected as Secretariat of LACRALO

I am still thinking about how voting rights are structured within the country coefficient configuration.

-Carlton Samuels

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  1. Agree with Carlton's text above

  2. I agree with Carlton

  3. I agree with Carlton's text 

  4. I disagree, but I hope everything be solved by RoP. I think that it will good to have a timeline to this transitory paragraphs. If we are going to have individual as participants, and there is no an election process running at this time we should assure that individuals have voice and can vote in a near future.

    I proposed before that we can solve it through weight system... I know that can be solve in RoPs but it is an idea to give also votes to individuals, they never will be (by weight) more important than an ALS. 

    I agree on to have individuals as members, of course. 

    1. Dear Juan Manuel,

      The rights to vote and be elected in any position in LACRALO deserve to be discussed deeply. We have to start discussing new RoPs soon. These rights must be considered in these new RoPs.

      Furthermore, there is a commitment with ALAC and the ICANN board to include individual members as soon as possible in our RALO. That is the reason for this "short reform".
