Last updated: 21 September 2021 7 June 2024 17 September 2024


Code-named "Project RoSI", this project is intended to produce a dynamic Register of Skills & Interests for APRALO.


ACTIVEThe APRALO Register of Skills & Interests (RoSI) is proceeding as a pilot!

The RoSI intended to be a dynamic register to which APRALO At-Large Structure Members and APRALO Unaffiliated Individual Members may wish to submit data on their skills and interests specifically in areas within ICANN’s remit.  Submission of data on experience or interest in advocating for a multistakeholder model in Internet Governance would also be welcomed.

We will be using a Google form to implement the RoSI pilot while development of the ICANN Community Engagement System (CES) remains pending for the At-Large Community. This RoSI pilot implementation is expected to run over 2 cycles (Cycle1: Jul-Aug 2024, and Cycle 2: Sep-Nov 2024) to enable adjustments to be made in consideration of new input (eg. results of the APRALO Hot Topics Survey 2024). After each cycle, the pilot will be reviewed for continuous improvement and durability (as needed). The 2-cycle approach is also meant to facilitate the participation of new respondents over time, and to enable past respondents to update their previously submitted data (just for the pilot).

This pilot incorporates many of the project's 2021 goals, but instead of assessing candidates for entry into RoSI, the approach for the pilot is to open the RoSI to all interested APRALO Community members by not only focusing on respondents who have expertise and/or knowledge to share but also to capture the interests of respondents who may be interested to learn about selected topic and themes within ICANN's remit.

In reviewing and evaluating available inputs on topics or areas within ICANN's remit (for eg. as identified at the At-Large website), this Register of Skills & Interests aims to:-

  • Firstly, formulate the list of Identified Topics (& Sub-Topics) of concern;
  • Secondly, ascertain the priority of Identified Topics;
  • Thirdly, ascertain Identified Skills needed for Identified Topics;
  • Then identify RALO ALSes, ALS Members and/or Individual Members with the Identified Skills;
  • Thus, building a talent pool to help provide RALO/At-Large input to:-
    • ICANN activities - PDP, resource planning (eg. strategic planning, operational priorities, budget development etc);
    • RALO/ALAC activities - internal governance, data collection, policy positioning, capacity building etc; and
  • As a corollary goal, identify experts who could become mentors for the Identified Topics


TBD – how to assess those who might qualify to be entered into RoSI

Project Team & Work Scope

June 2024

Team Members:

  • Justine Chew (Lead)
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr
  • Satish Babu
  • Shah Zahidur Rahman
  • Jasmine Koh
  • K. Mohan Raidu
  • Mabda Haerunnisa Fajrilla Sidiq
  • Kong Diep
  • Gopal Tadepalli
  • Faheem Soomro
  • Nazmul Hasan Majumder

Work Scope:

  1. Beta testing of Pilot RoSI form for Cycle 1 (mid Jun 2024)
  2. Quick review of Pilot RoSI form for Cycle 1 to consider any needed adjustments (Aug 2024)
    1. Possible input from APRALO Hot Topics Survey 2024
  3. Beta testing of Pilot RoSI form for Cycle 2 (late Aug 2024)
  4. Review of Pilot RoSI form for Cycle 2 to consider improvements (Nov-Dec 2024)
  5. Update RoSI form for a 2025 Cycle 3 roll out (Jan 2025)
  6. Review of RoSI form for Cycle 3 to consider/incorporate needed adjustments (Jun/Jul 2025)
    1. Input from Board-approved ICANN FY26-30 Strategic Plan

Team Members:

  • Justine Chew (Lead)
  • Satish Babu
  • Maureen Hilyard
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr
  • Gopal Tadepalli
  • Shreedeep Rayamajhi 
  • Abdulrahman Abotaleb
  • Abdul Ghayoor Bawary
  • K Mohan Raidu 
  • Ali AlMeshal (inactive)
  • Waqas Hassan (inactive)

Work Scope:

Structured to address above-detailed 2021 Goals.



  • PROJECT GOALS & STEPS (revised from May 2021 goals)
    • Firstly, formulate the list of Identified Topics & Themes of concern to At-Large, drawn from ICANN's Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025 (download), with priority given to the ALAC's top 3 ICANN strategic priorities as at Dec 2023
    • Secondly, ascertain the priorities for APRALO based on past input;
    • Thirdly, ascertain some Identified Skills needed for Identified Topics & Themes;
    • Then invite RALO ALS Members and/or Individual Members to provide data on Identified Skills;
    • Thus, building a talent pool to help provide RALO/At-Large input to:-
      • ICANN activities - PDP, resource planning (eg. strategic planning, operational priorities, budget development etc);
      • RALO/ALAC activities - internal governance, data collection, policy positioning, capacity building etc; and
    • As a corollary goal, identify -
      • Respondents who could become mentors for the Identified Topics & Themes; AND
      • Respondents who might want to build their capacities for the Identified Topics & Themes

       7 June 2024

  1. Preliminary input and beta-testing of RoSI Pilot Form for Cycle 1 prior to making form available to respondents (early-mid Jun)
  2. DISCUSS feedback received from beta-testing team on Pilot Form for Cycle 1


3 May 2021

  • Project name: Register of Skills & Interests (RoSI)
  • Project goals: as set out above
  • Team size: keep to 11 team members

21 Sep 2021


Update on APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Pilot Cycle 1 (17 Sep 2024)

  • The APRALO Register of Skills & Interests (RoSI) is intended to be a dynamic register to which APRALO Community members may wish to submit data on their skills, knowledge and interests specifically in areas within ICANN’s remit. 
  • After a long pause in the project, a pilot implementation was devised (with input from the RoSI Small Team) and Cycle 1 of the pilot was launched and ran from 19 July - 13 September 2024.
  • Pilot Cycle 1 called for all interested APRALO Community members who wish to indicate they have expertise and/or knowledge to share on or are interested to learn about selected topic and themes within ICANN's remit in line with the ALAC's and APRALO's current priorities.
  • 38 community members responded, submitting data on various skills/knowledge and interests.
  • These 38 respondents included:
    • Veterans community members; 
    • Already actively engaged community members; 
    • Less active community members who wish to re-engage; and
    • New community members.
  • Next Steps:
    • Study received data
    • Generate a tabulation to support the stated purpose of RoSI*
    • Identify/implement improvements/amendments to the Cycle 1 form
    • Prepare for Cycle 2 call.


Data offered by respondents through the planned pilot implementation will not be published for public viewing. Instead such data will be processed and accessed exclusively by APRALO Leadership Team Members (and At-Large Staff) for the following purposes.

In terms of Skills, to assess a respondent’s experience, aptitude and suitability for:

  • An invitation to join an APRALO Work Team (or Small Team) or APRALO Policy Forum Small Team to undertake a specific task;
  • Nomination to represent APRALO or participate in ICANN events, cross-community working groups, policy development work, pen-holding for statements, leading initiatives or events, review teams etc
  • Generally being a resource person for APRALO.

In terms of Interests, to gauge a respondent’s interest to build one’s capacity in APRALO’s or At-Large identified priorities.

  • No labels


  1. Results of the Preliminary Survey of 27 Apr - 3 May 2021 on the initial structuring of  Project RoSI

    Number of respondents: 7 of 11 (63%)

    Project Name:

    • "Register of Skills & Interests" and "Directory of Expertise & Interests" polled equal average score
    • "Register of Skills & Interests" is retained by default.

    Project Goals: 

    • The 6 goals as ranked by respondents:-
    Suggested GoalRank Score*Conclusion
    (a) To review the list of topics within ICANN's remit per the At-Large website (see piechart at ("Identified Topics")2.57

    Goal (a) should form part of the work scope, as a key step

    (b) To identify the types of skills needed for the Identified Topics ("Identified Skills")2.57

    Goal (b) should form part of the work scope, as a key step

    (c) To identify ALSes/IMs with Identified Skills2.14Goal (c) should be prioritized
    (d) To build a pool of experts who can be consulted or engaged to provide input for PDPs2.14Goal (d) should be prioritized and expanded to cover operational type activities such as resource planning
    (e) To identify experts who could become mentors in 1 or more Identified Topics2.14Goal (e) should be prioritized
    (f) To identify mentees who wish to build their capacities in 1 or more Identified Topics1.71Goal (f) should not be prioritized

    * where a rank score of 2 and above means attention is warranted

    Noteworthy Feedback:

    • Note that the Identified Topics aren't limited to policy, but extends to operational type activities such as resource planning
    • Consideration for how to continuously update RoSI
    • Consideration for how to assess those who might qualify to be entered into RoSI
    • Consider similar initiative by EURALO; draw relevant pointers from existing sources like

    Team Size:

    • Only 1 respondent thought we should make another call for team members.
    1. Posting the Pretext for the Discussion on Work Scope here in response to comments from team members who prefer posting their input at this wiki.

      Issued first by email on 17 May 2021:

      Having generally established the following goals for the APRALO Register of Skills & Interests, the next step calls for us to put some thought into the project work scope.


      Against the list of topics or areas within ICANN's remit as identified at the At-Large website ("Identified Topics"), the APRALO Register of Skills & Interests aims to:-

      • In the first instance, prioritize the identification of the types of skills needed for the Identified Topics ("Identified Skills");
      • Then identify RALO ALSes, ALS Members and/or Individual Members with the Identified Skills;
      • While building a pool of experts who can be consulted or engaged to provide RALO/At-Large input to ICANN's policy development processes (PDPs) as well as ICANN operational type activities such as resource planning (budgets, operational priorities, etc); and
      • As a corollary goal, to identify experts who could become mentors in one or more of the Identified Topics. 

      Could I please have your input on the following high level thoughts for the project work scope, noting that we would probably need to break down each item further:-

      1. Review the Identified Topics to suggest Identified Skills
      Expected output: a list of Identified Skills corresponding to each Identified Topics, could be standalone or common across Identified Topics

      2. Suggest ideas on how to assess those who might qualify to be entered into the RoSI
      Expected output: identify RALO ALSes, ALS Members and/or Individual Members with the requisite Identified Skills

      3. Suggest ideas on the mechanics of populating and maintaining the RoSI
      Expected output: design of RoSI, resources needed to set up, populate and maintain RoSI


  2. I am sorry. I do not remember responding to this poll. Making aware of the competencies is one and assuring capabilities is another. ICANN can possibly highlight some skills that are pertinent to its remit. We may have to categorize the skills a short - term, medium - term and long - term. If there is a demand for learning on a skill / set of skills, does ICANN provide the necessary support in terms of course materials, Instructors and evaluation methods ? - Gopal T V

    1. Gopal Tadepalli  you had responded to the Preliminary Survey on 27 April.

  3. Some comments on the assessed and stated goals <CLO> 

    <SNIP from above by JC>Project Goals: 

    • The 6 goals as ranked by respondents:-

    Suggested Goal

    Rank Score*


    (a) To review the list of topics within ICANN's remit per the At-Large website (see piechart at ("Identified Topics")2.57

    Goal (a) should form part of the work scope, as a key step <CLO> essential and my 1st priority this could/should also look at the topics selected by the Outreach and Engagement Webinar  Small Team who will shortly be sending out a RALO wide call for self-identified 'expertise' in an array of topics...   (we can also leverage of that IMO) 

    (b) To identify the types of skills needed for the Identified Topics ("Identified Skills")2.57

    Goal (b) should form part of the work scope, as a key step  <CLO> Yes a co-requisite with the goal of the topic above noting again that some key skills have also been identified by the aforementioned group...  but we can also request people in the RoSI have not only an up to date At-Large SOI that may show some characteristics and experience, but also that they create a record of activities and engagement in relevant topics that can identify and showcase skills, experience, and expertise in a linked personal Wiki page ...

    (c) To identify ALSes/IMs with Identified Skills2.14Goal (c) should be prioritized  <CLO> ALS pages should also be updated to show a record of relevant activities/skills sets/experiences but the RoSI should specifically log those declared by survey...
    (d) To build a pool of experts who can be consulted or engaged to provide input for PDPs2.14Goal (d) should be prioritized and expanded to cover operational type activities such as resource planning  <CLO> I still have issues with the "expert" classification here...  some might be  ïnterests as opposed to demonstrable  "expertise" which always leads me to ask "measured  or qualified by who?"
    (e) To identify experts who could become mentors in 1 or more Identified Topics2.14Goal (e) should be prioritized
    (f) To identify mentees who wish to build their capacities in 1 or more Identified Topics1.71Goal (f) should not be prioritized  <CLO>  This is where  'Registering Interests' comes into play along with peer support and possible more  formal support and capacity building mechanisms including ICANN Learn

    * where a rank score of 2 and above means attention is warranted

    Noteworthy Feedback:

    • Note that the Identified Topics aren't limited to policy, but extends to operational type activities such as resource planning
    • Consideration for how to continuously update RoSI
    • Consideration for how to assess those who might qualify to be entered into RoSI
    • Consider similar initiative by EURALO; draw relevant pointers from existing sources like   <End Snip>
    1. Hi Cheryl, I'm much obliged for your input.

      Related to Goal (d), one of the issues identified is how to assess those who might qualify to be entered into the RoSI. This is one of the questions for which I am seeking further input.
      As for goal (f), I included the goal as a suggestion in the preliminary survey but as you can see, it lacked the same level support as the other goals. So, while it's not "prioritized" we can certainly KIV as an natural down-the-line output.  

  4. Justine Chew Cheryl Langdon-Orr Satish Babu

    I liked the Chart with the topics and Policy Working Groups. My basic question is "Why does one go to the Internet ?". There is no definitive answer to this question. But, "Search" remains the most dominant "abstract" purpose across the globe. Something on "Information Retrieval" may be useful. A few hours back, I ran into a very good CX Report titled "The quest for data-driven engagement in APAC and the Middle East". This is a different APAC and Middle East is not abbreviated as "ME". IMHO, "Data" in some form should be included in the "User Engagement" set of topics.  My choice for ICANN: Data Dignity ; Data Justice.

    Likewise, wihtin the set of topics pertainng to DNS and Internet Governace, we need to distinguish Technical and Managerial topics. Technical Topics may be "Programming with DNS - The Rough Seas". Managerial topics may be "Quality of Experience" , Safer Internet.

    This is for a start.

    Mr. Satish Babu is well aware of the challenges faced in Certifying Competencies that we are attemtping in RoSI. Professionals will register but how to brand them from ICANN is the crux. I bat for the Formal Education. Should we identify Instructors from those with RoSI only those from a formal system - theory and practice? Should they have been Certified by a ICANN recognized agency listed on the RoSI pages ?

    Your thoughts...

    Gopal T V

  5. Project RoSI Googledoc: Discussion on Identified Topics, Identified Skills and a Guide on how to assess such Identified Skills

    There isn't an optimal way to facilitate discussion hereon using just email or this wiki space, so I have opted to use a Googledoc in the interim. 

    Note: The Googledoc:

    • Is intended to act as a make-shift whiteboard to capture inputs
    • Is set to 'comment-only' in order to preserve the integrity of text, inputs etc. 
    • Will be updated/cleaned from time to time to support its usability 
  6. Update | Project RoSI Googledoc: Discussion on Identified Topics and Sub-Topics, Identified Skills and a Guide on how to assess such Identified Skills

    To: Project RoSI Team Members,

    The draft Venn Diagram visualization of our current work scope has been updated on 12 June 2021 in an effort to move things along in our discussion on the following tasks:-

    • Identify (Main) Topics ("Identified Topics")
    • Identify Sub-Topics ("Identified Sub-Topics")
    • Identify corresponding skills for the Identified Topics and Identified Sub-Topics ("Identified Skills")
    • Suggest guidance on how to assess Identified Skills

    The corresponding earlier draft Table has now been revised into a series of Tables setting out some descriptions, rationales for the above listings, while suggesting a grouping of Topics and Sub-Topics.

    Both resources remain open for comments, so please continue to pose questions, comment, and/or to provide input on the said draft Venn Diagram and Tables on the Googledoc, or in reply to this post. 

    I am hoping to convene a team call after 30 June to address questions, need for clarification etc in order to increase our progress on Project RoSI. 

  7. Project RoSI update and proposed team call

    To: Project RoSI Team Members,

    I have revisited the material and have reorganized it in the form of the attached presentation.

    I am proposing a team call to discuss the contents and in the hope of drawing more inputs from you all, especially from those who have yet to comment on our work, and will ask staff to run a doodle poll during the week of 12-16 July to establish a suitable time for the team call some time in the week beginning 19 July. 

  8. Project RoSI Team Call of 20 July 2021: Agenda, recording etc

    To Project RoSI Team Members,

    The 20 July call recording is already at the wiki page link posted above.  

    I would encourage everyone to review the recording in which we discussed the project goals, how we are approaching these, and an attempted description of the final project output.  We also highlighted parallel activities within At-Large that may or may not impact the design of Project RoSI outputs.

    Identified action items:

    1. Team Members to comment on Cheryl's proposed poll on the ICANN Operating Initiatives priorities based on work being done by the OFB-WG small team
    2. Team Members to continue commenting on the call discussion material, i.e. the attached presentation, for completeness and correctness, bearing in mind the following:
      (a) that ICANN's remit is per its Bylaws, such that not all IG topics fall squarely within ICANN's remit;
      (b) that suggestions of topics or sub-topics should be accompanied with a rationale to establish relevancy and/or positioning in the Venn Diagram;
      (c) that examples of desired knowledge and skills listed still need to be considered; and
      (d) that the issue of how proposed knowledge and skills can be assessed in order to identify corresponding experts / talents / resource persons still needs to be considered (refer to tables in Googledoc).
    3. Justine to speak to Cheryl on how best to include in Project RoSI, if any, prioritization pursuant to the ICANN Operating Initiatives priorities, after input from Team Members per AI no. 1.
  9. Project RoSI update and proposed link to the APRALO Hot Topics 2021 project, presented at the APRALO August 2021 Monthly Call

  10. Project RoSI update and the intersection with the APRALO Hot Topics 2021 project, presented at the APRALO September 2021 Monthly Call

  11. Results of the Survey #2 Straw Poll of 14-20 Sep 2021 to consolidate Project RoSI Topics

    Number of respondents: 5 of 10 (50%)

    Results and action taken/to be taken

    ReferenceStraw Poll Question & ResultAdditional InputAction Taken/To Be Taken

    Q1. Please refer to slide no. 3: Description & Goals. Do you agree that this slide no. 3 sets out the Project RoSI Description & Goals (Pathway) reasonably accurately?

    Result: 100% of respondents said "Yes"

    NoneProject RoSI Description and Goals updated accordingly

    Q2. Please refer to slide no. 6. Do you agree that this slide no. 6 sets out the Main Topics & Sub-Topics we have gathered and/or discussed for the area of A. Operations?

    Result: 100% of respondents said "Yes"

    NoneIdentified Topics to be presented in Hot Topics Survey for RALO input/ranking

    Q3. Please refer to slide no. 7. Do you agree that this slide no. 7 sets out the Main Topics & Sub-Topics we have gathered and/or discussed for the area of B. Policy?

    Result: 100% of respondents said "Yes"

    NoneIdentified Topics to be presented in Hot Topics Survey for RALO input/ranking

    Q4. Please refer to slide no. 8. Do you agree that this slide no. 8 sets out the Main Topics & Sub-Topics we have gathered and/or discussed for the area of C. Outreach & Engagement?

    Result: 80% of respondents said "Yes" while 20% said "No or not quite"

    Growth of the member community; ensuring APRALO's footprint in all countries of the region; Capacity building;Identified Topics to be supplemented accordingly and to be presented in Hot Topics Survey for RALO input/ranking
  12. What Are the Methods of Data Collection?

    This is a perennial question we are all addressing. Hope some of the answers below may be of use for us.

    The term “primary data” refers to data obtained first hand directly from the source i.e not from any existing record. It is also called "First Party" data. Second Party Data is usually contracted from another source. Third - Party Data is garnered from multiple sources. Wisdom is to limit to one of these approaches.

    Quantitative data is numeric and measurable and it lends itself well to analytics. Qualitative data helps explain the “why” behind the information quantitative data reveals. This distinction is important. Survey is by far the most popular method. The outcome is useful if the Survey corresponds to the "Goal - Question - Metric" method. A maximum 20 Questions is the thumb rule.

    The other useful methods are as follows.

    Online Tracking

    Every visit to a website generates atleast 40 data points. 

    Transactional Data Tracking

    Typically the e-commerce websites are contended with the data resulting from a financial transaction.

    Online Marketing Analytics

    This is a specialist and formal method used by seasoned market analysis firms. Many things in life cannot be dictated only by the market dynamics. Yet, it isbusiness wise to consider such factors and take decisions.

    Social Media Monitoring

    Recently ICANN is sharing some data from its Social Media campaigns. I wish that they may be improved to point at inferences for which attempts are mooted to collect data.

    Collecting Subscription and Registration Data

    This is self - explanatory. How much of "Informed Consent" is needed with the stakeholders ?

    Real - Time / Dynamic Data 

    This is based on monitoring the Internet. Reflecting our world in data and infographics is now a trend. The good news is there are many such attempts now.

    Does ICANN have a "Data Management Platform" ? 

    (I am Sorry, I  could not find such a platform on the ICANN Wiki)

    Dr. T V Gopal

  13. This is a sample Domain Registry Process based on the facilitation for Government Domain Names in India by the National Informatics Centre (NIC). NIC serves as the Registrar exclusively for the Government of India Domain Names only. Mr. Satish Babu and I have many good friends in NIC. If we can get such a process definition from other Registrars, we can construct a working model for registration. The idea is to see if there is any other alternative for "Challenge Mode" of working. Again, this is only a suggestion for consideration.   

    /* EDITED on 7 October 2021 */

    Suggestion: Any idea on the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for ICANN on a Registered Domain Name over its Life - Cycle may help in economics driven decision making in a multi-stakeholder context.

    /* END of EDIT on 7 October 2021 */      

    Dr. T V Gopal

  14. I found this webinar very interesting and the topic relatred to Mitigation of DNS abuse and Universal Acceptabillity. We can refine the RoSI topics as we progress.

    Dr. T V Gopal

  15. I have been fortunate to be on the ICANN PDP 3.0 and have a first hand feel for the ICANN Consensus Playbook, ICANN PDP 3.0 Improvement #2 Comparison Table of Working Group Models about different Working Group models & ICANN PDP 3.0 Improvement #3: Working Group Member Skills Guide. This series of documents have a wide range of applicability not only in the ICANN Space. To normalize the terms across many such ICANN Documents is not yet within my reach. Our documentation teams have been fascinating all along and I got some very good comments for my posts on ICANN Community Wiki & Google Docs as well.

    It is good to have a text suggestion tool to hint at ICANN Space terms. 

    Please see the figure below.

    No team or group has ever attained the desired maturity without going through the earlier stages. My past experiences suggest that we need to build through RoSI the practice of DECISION-SUPPORT TOOLS mentioned on Pp 72 of the ICANN Consensus Playbook.

    Please visit:

    The dominance of straw - poll and voting systems may not shed light on a larger canvas for the wonderful topics on the Agenda of many ICANN Meetings. This is for the kind consideration.

    Please note that, the intention is not to arrive at a point where "Consensus" as term really means "Consensus" within and outside any given team or group. This to reflect a trend that can be appropriately adapted for a given team or group. However, there are algorithmic approaches such as election algorithms, consensus algorithms, agreement protocols that do go operational on the machines., We trust human mind to steer towards maximum safety first.

    Dr. Gopal T V

  16. The images that have been very helpful to contextualize the RoSI may please be found below. 

    I will be happyto assist if these images need any updates.

    BTW, APNIC has been using the shorthand notation I* to include the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), ICANN, ISOC, IETF, IAB, W3C and the regional associations of country code domain name registries. The degree of difficulty in assuring compatibilities within I* is understandable. ICANN Community Wiki is my first preference.

    A thumb rule to share that works most of the times: My University domain name registrar is APNIC and I am located within APRALO as an Unaffiliated Individual Member (UIM) and hence both the jurisdiction and jurisprudence are readily viable.

    • Dr. T V Gopal 

    PS: Before I began exploring the ICANN Community Wiki locating the ICANN Source Documents (even if they are quite old) has seldom been easy. Only secondary and tertiary sources that may not readily be cited as references in fully formal documents were used with the responsibility on the one who prepared the document. In this case it is "Yours Sincerely".