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Timeline: GNSO Review Phase 1 Gantt-Rev 17 October 2017.pdf

Work Plan:  GNSO Review Working Group Work Plan 15 February 01 March 2018.pdf

Implementation Progress Report: GNSO2 Review Implementation Progress Report FINAL 10 November 2017.pdf

Brief Update to GNSO Council, 02 March 2018: GNSO Review Working Group Brief Progress and Implementation Status Report November 2017-February 2018.pdf

Brief Statistics:

PhaseRecommendationsApprovedConsensus CallsUnder Review/PendingStaff to Draft
270%ON HOLD0%0%

Documents On Hold:



IMPLEMENTED-GNSO Review Charter Rec 31 25 Sept 2017.pdf – (moved from Phase I) Recommendation 31: That the GAC-GNSO Consultation Group on GAC Early Engagement in the GNSO Policy Development Process continue its two work streams as priority projects. As a part of its work it should consider how the GAC could appoint a non-binding, non-voting liaison to the Working Group of each relevant GNSO PDP as a means of providing timely input.  Status: Version 2 out for review and discussion per changes suggested at the meeting on 17 August and with further staff suggested changes on 29 August.  Staff sent the document for review for 1 week through 08 September. There were no suggested changes, so it went out for a consensus call for 2 weeks ending Monday, 25 September.  Consensus on 25 September 2017.





GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 26-27-28-29 28 November 2017.pdf– Recommendations 26, 27, 28, 29: 26 – That GNSO Council members, Executive Committee members of Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies and members of Working Groups complete and maintain a current, comprehensive Statement of Interest on the GNSO website. Where individuals represent bodies or clients, this information is to be posted. If not posted because of client confidentiality, the participant’s interest or position must be disclosed. Failing either of these, the individual not be permitted to participate. 27 – That the GNSO establish and maintain a centralized publicly available list of members and individual participants of every Constituency and Stakeholder Group (with a link to the individual’s Statement of Interest where one is required and posted).  28 – That section 6.1.2 Membership of Chapter 6.0 Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies: Operating Principles and Participation Guidelines of the GNSO Operating Procedures be revised to clarify that key clauses are mandatory rather than advisory, and to institute meaningful sanctions for non-compliance where appropriate. 29 – That Statements of Interest of GNSO Council Members and Executive Committee members of all Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies include the total number of years that person has held leadership positions in ICANN.  Status: Draft charter sent out for review on 17 August; discussed on 28 September.  Staff provided a revised charter on 28 November for discussion at the meeting on 30 November. On hold pending GDPR outcomes.

Phase 3: Medium and Low Priority Recommendations

On Hold – On hold pending recommendations of the Work Stream CCWG Subteam on Diversity.

Recommendation 35: That the GNSO Council establish a Working Group, whose membership specifically reflects the demographic, cultural, gender and age diversity of the Internet as a whole, to recommend to Council ways to reduce barriers to participation in the GNSO by non- English speakers and those with limited command of English.


Recommendations Deemed Implemented by Consensus:

Recommendation 4: That the GNSO Council introduce non‐financial rewards and recognition for volunteers. Status: Approved by Consensus on 08 January 2018


Recommendation 22: That the GNSO Council develop a competency-based framework, which its members should use to identify development needs and opportunities. Status: Working Group is reviewing the revised draft charter.  See:   GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 22 08 February 2018.pdf

Recommendations 1, 2, and 3: 1 – That the GNSO develop and monitor metrics to evaluate the ongoing effectiveness of current outreach strategies and pilot programs with regard to GNSO Working Groups. 2 – That the GNSO develop and fund more targeted programs to recruit volunteers and broaden participation in PDP Working Groups, given the vital role volunteers play in Working Groups and policy development. 3 – That the GNSO Council reduce or remove cost barriers to volunteer participation in Working Groups.  See: GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 1-2-3 18 January 28 February 2018.pdf


Recommendations 7 and 12 – 7: That Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies engage more deeply with community members whose first language is other than English, as a means to overcoming language barriers. 12: That ICANN assess the feasibility of providing a real-time transcription service in audio conferences for Working Group meetings. See: GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 7&12 28 February 2018.pdf

Recommendation 20: That the GNSO Council should review annually ICANN’s Strategic Objectives with a view to planning future policy development that strikes a balance between ICANN’s Strategic Objectives and the GNSO resources available for policy development. Recommendation 21: That the GNSO Council should regularly undertake or commission analysis of trends in gTLDs in order to forecast likely requirements for policy and to ensure those affected are well-represented in the policy-making process. See: GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 20 - 21 February 2018.pdf

On Hold – On hold pending recommendations of the Work Stream CCWG Subteam on Diversity.

Recommendation 35: That the GNSO Council establish a Working Group, whose membership specifically reflects the demographic, cultural, gender and age diversity of the Internet as a whole, to recommend to Council ways to reduce barriers to participation in the GNSO by non- English speakers and those with limited command of English.

Recommendation 36: That, when approving the formation of a PDP Working Group, the GNSO Council requires that its membership represent as far as reasonably practicable the geographic, cultural and gender diversity of the Internet as a whole. Additionally, that when approving GNSO Policy, the ICANN Board explicitly satisfy itself that the GNSO Council undertook these actions when approving the formation of a PDP Working Group.

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 33 v1 10 May 2017.pdf – Moved from Phase I; Status: On hold pending recommendations of the Work Stream CCWG Subteam on Diversity.

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 26-27-28-29 28 November 2017.pdf– Recommendations 26, 27, 28, 29: 26 – That GNSO Council members, Executive Committee members of Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies and members of Working Groups complete and maintain a current, comprehensive Statement of Interest on the GNSO website. Where individuals represent bodies or clients, this information is to be posted. If not posted because of client confidentiality, the participant’s interest or position must be disclosed. Failing either of these, the individual not be permitted to participate. 27 – That the GNSO establish and maintain a centralized publicly available list of members and individual participants of every Constituency and Stakeholder Group (with a link to the individual’s Statement of Interest where one is required and posted).  28 – That section 6.1.2 Membership of Chapter 6.0 Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies: Operating Principles and Participation Guidelines of the GNSO Operating Procedures be revised to clarify that key clauses are mandatory rather than advisory, and to institute meaningful sanctions for non-compliance where appropriate. 29 – That Statements of Interest of GNSO Council Members and Executive Committee members of all Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies include the total number of years that person has held leadership positions in ICANN.  Status: Draft charter sent out for review on 17 August; discussed on 28 September.  Staff provided a revised charter on 28 November for discussion at the meeting on 30 November. On hold pending GDPR outcomes.