At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development
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Siranush Vardanyan:hi, Gisella
Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the APRALO ICANN 57 Prep call on 02 August 2016
at 06:00 UTC
Gisella Gruber:HI Srianush
Gisella Gruber:joining audio in 1 minute
Kaili Kan:Hi, everybody!
Holly Raiche:Did I request a dial out for the meeting? It's 61 2 9436
2149 - tks
Holly Raiche:And hello everyone
Ali AlMeshal:Good Morining
Siranush Vardanyan:good morning all
Gisella Gruber:@ Holly - we are dialling out to you
Gisella Gruber:You can scroll the page
Maureen Hilyard:Is it OK for us as a regional organisation to send a
letter directly to a government for an ICANN activity?
Maureen Hilyard:I think this was the reason we asked Jia Rong as the
regional lead
Silvia Vivanco:@ Siranush APNIC or APTLD could provide some funding
Kaili Kan:Do we want ISC to do anything? For example, do we want them to
introduce how they work to protect consumers' interests. Also, if we wish
them to host another "China Night", I can ask them about it.
Silvia Vivanco:I am noting Kaili Kan idea as AI
Kaili Kan:Anuway, ISC is of ours.
Maureen Hilyard:But we are going to ask APNIC and APTLD to help with our
showcase.. not to support ALSes to attend capacity building. These are
benefits for India which could go into the letter of support from the govt
of India.. but then again they will be supporting ICANN itself for other
events as the host, so why would they give our region MORE support??
Silvia Vivanco:Dor Asia
Holly Raiche:We should have two categories of funds - one category for
travel for Indian ALSs, and one budget for he showcase. DotAsia will
contributee to the Showcase - and maybe see what APNIC will do?
Ali AlMeshal:I think such type of Support should come from ICANN , i mean
for the T&A
Holly Raiche:Agree with Maureen - we need two budgets
Holly Raiche:Is there money from ICANN for the Showcase?
Siranush Vardanyan:200& from ICANN usually
Siranush Vardanyan:1200$
Holly Raiche:@ Satish - will there be some kind of Indian act of some
kind (dancing/music orsoemthing like that?
Silvia Vivanco:We have 1,200$ allocated from Policy's budget
Holly Raiche:Thanks Sivlia
Satish Babu:@Holly, we can arrange a cultural programme...
Holly Raiche:@ Satish - that would be great
Holly Raiche:So the event can include something from the CEO, then
Siranush - as chair of APRALO - and then Satish to announce.
Silvia Vivanco:Are there plans to bring local NGOs?
Silvia Vivanco:We have 1.200 allocated for this
Holly Raiche:@ Satish - there is a showcase budget - not sure if that is
an outreach budget
Silvia Vivanco:No there is no outreach budget
Holly Raiche:Do we have an idea of travel costs?
Maureen Hilyard:@Kaili.. I think it would be a good idea for ISC to hold
another event to highlight the Asian/Chinese subregion - still celebrating
diversity :)
Maureen Hilyard:Its going to be a long week... and we will need to fill
it up with some regional activity
Holly Raiche:@ Kaili - uptil now, the cultural event is from the host
country - we can discuss doing it differently??? - what do others think?
Holly Raiche:@ Maureen - maybe something from the Islands as well - Pua
can dance!
Maureen Hilyard:I don't think that will be a goer.. I am looking forward
to seeing Indian dancing.. BOLLYWOOD!!
Maureen Hilyard:@ Satish That si a good question
Holly Raiche:We can use the 1200$ for the Indian cultural event - we
usually do only one event in the week
Maureen Hilyard:WE need to know what events ICANN is planning
Holly Raiche:I'd be in favour of one event for us. If we can get other
money, maybe used for travel support
Holly Raiche:Yes - only one evening
Maureen Hilyard:so that we know what time is available for us to organise
our event/s
Kaili Kan:I am not sure about donations from ISC due to China's domestic
accounting regulations. But I can ask.
Amir Qayyum:ICANN Staff: I am now connected through Adobe Connect. You
can disconnect me from Dial-up ...
Holly Raiche:Let's concentrae on one evening shocase event and support
for travel/accommodation for Indian ALSs
Maureen Hilyard:BUT the partners will want to know what they are paying
for.. so the budget is important so that they can see where their money is
Maureen Hilyard:Invitation only ...
Holly Raiche:@ Maureen - agree
Gisella Gruber:We are dialling out to Amir again
Kaili Kan:According to likeliness of what ISC will be willing to do, I
would think the order is: introduce ISC's operation on protecting consumers
(show case?), China Night, donation to APRALO
Gisella Gruber:Apparently we are expecting 4000 participants. I think we
need to plan on 150 and I will ask for a quote
Satish Babu:Gosh....4000! That must be one of the largest ICANN events
Ali AlMeshal:sorry i need a dail out my interent is disconnecting
Maureen Hilyard:@Kaili... at the China Night... ISC could present their
speech to showcase their schievements.. nothing wrong with that. They will
offer their own drinks etc after the formalities
Siranush Vardanyan:agree, Maureen, China night wil be a second event
Maureen Hilyard:As Holly said, it would be separate from our regional
showcase which is about an overall presentation - as we do
Siranush Vardanyan:focused on CHina. Kaili, if u can discuss this
opportunity with ISC - that would be great
Gisella Gruber:Ali is back on the phone bridge
Silvia Vivanco:6. 2 Budgets to be drafted by :1) For the Showcase- staff
will get catering quote2) For the travel for Indian ALS - budget to be
prepared by Satish.
Silvia Vivanco:Noted as Action Items
Holly Raiche:thanksd Silvia
Maureen Hilyard:@Ali +1
Maureen Hilyard:EXactly..
Satish Babu:Agree
Holly Raiche:2?atish - can you help with information on costs for travel
for ALSs
Satish Babu:Sure Holly...I'll prepare a draft budget...
Satish Babu:One issue may be hotel rooms...we may need to block rooms
ASAP with 4000 delegates coming in
Maureen Hilyard:WE can start drafting our budgets and some ideas of what
we want to do and how much they might cost - is there anything we can get
for free??
Holly Raiche:Maybe anothr call in a couple of weeks when we have more
Satish Babu:@Kaili, can we combine the Reception + ISC Presentation +
Dinner in one event?
Maureen Hilyard:@Kaili.. China Night would be anything that ISC wants to
do.. it will be their night. We would like to be involved somehow, but not
to upset what they might want to do. as long as they keep us in the loop and
we can include it into our programme of events
Holly Raiche:Maybe i as part of the outreach, ICS can be included in the
outreach program rather than have a separte event?
Maureen Hilyard:Yes true Holly... A China night could be considered an
outreach event.. especially if they want to make a short presentation of
their achievements.
Satish Babu:I suggest a follow-up call in two weeks if possible...
Maureen Hilyard:Meeting in two weeks would be good
Holly Raiche:Agree - the firststep - and soon - is to seek money for the
Indian ALSs -so the APRALO letter. Maybe also ask APNIC/APTLD
Ali AlMeshal:Agree for the meeting in 2 weeks
Holly Raiche:I think 2 weeks so we can follow up on travel
Maureen Hilyard:I'd like a short presentation from our local ALSes.. it
would introduce them to the APRALO and wider community which could engage
them a little more
Silvia Vivanco:are you planning to invite local NGOs? and what about
capacity building
Maureen Hilyard:Yes Satish.. how about the capacity building programme
you were planning for local NGOs
Maureen Hilyard:as per AFRALO
Holly Raiche:Capacity building would be great
Siranush Vardanyan:Maureen
Holly Raiche:@ Kaili - it would make sense for ICS to be part of the
outreach activities?
Siranush Vardanyan:go ahead, while the staff is dialing me out
Siranush Vardanyan:i am dropped
Gisella Gruber:Siranush - we are dialling out to you
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks
Siranush Vardanyan:back
Siranush Vardanyan:dropped again
Siranush Vardanyan:droppe again
Maureen Hilyard:We have also got our mentees whom we can second as
organiser-assistants as well
Siranush Vardanyan:need a dial out
Maureen Hilyard:VERY comfortable
Ali AlMeshal:agree
Siranush Vardanyan:excellent summary, Holly
Maureen Hilyard:Good on you Holly...
Siranush Vardanyan:just as a note, i will be on vacation from 4-15 of
Satish Babu:Lost my line...
Siranush Vardanyan:but will be seeing my e-mails and chcek from time to
Siranush Vardanyan:so, will be in touch
Siranush Vardanyan:and let's plan another call by the end of August
Siranush Vardanyan:not 2 weeks
Silvia Vivanco:Staff will send a doodle for a call in 2 weeks
Maureen Hilyard:Very productive meeting thanks everyone.. c u in two
weeks time
Siranush Vardanyan:sorry, I am not connected
Silvia Vivanco:in the meantime you can add updates on the wiki page
Siranush Vardanyan:i need a dial out
Siranush Vardanyan:in order to be able to speak
Gisella Gruber:Siranush - sorry about this
Gisella Gruber:dialling again
Siranush Vardanyan:ok
Maureen Hilyard:Again VERY comfortable
Maureen Hilyard:See y'all
Siranush Vardanyan:+ 1 being comfortable
Amir Qayyum:Thank you. Bye bye.
Kaili Kan:Thanks, bye!
Siranush Vardanyan:thank you all, sorry I was not able to talk
Siranush Vardanyan:at the end of the call
Gisella Gruber:Siranush - we will speak after 15th August when you are
Satish Babu:Bye
Siranush Vardanyan:because the line was dropped